Prayer before Communion
Come, Jesus, Come!
My poor soul calls for Thee and awaits Thee.
Comfort my poor soul distressed
Come and dwell within my breast,
My Saviour, Jesus, come to me.
With all my heart I long for Thee,
Most firmly I believe in Thee,
Most truthfully I hope in Thee,
Most ardently I love Thee.
Then, come, O Jesus
Come to me.
Prayer for Vocations 1
O God, Who wills not the death of a sinner, but rather that he be converted and live, grant, we beseech Thee through the intercessions of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin and all the Saints an increase of laborers for Thy Church, fellow laborers with Christ to spend and consume themselves for souls through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in Unity of the Holy Spirit world without end.
Prayer for Vocations 2
Holy and provident Father, You are the Lord of the vineyard and the harvest and You give each a just reward for their work. In Your design of love, You call men and women to work with You for the salvation of the world. We thank You for Jesus Christ, Your living Word, who has redeemed us from our sins and is among us to assist us in our poverty. Guide the flock to which You have promised possession of the Kingdom. Send new workers into Your harvest and set in the hearts of pastors faithfulness to Your plan of salvation, perseverance in their vocation and holiness of life.
Christ Jesus, Who on the shores of the Sea of Galilee called the apostles, and made them the foundation of the Church and bearers of Your Gospel, in our day, sustain Your people on its journey. Give courage to those whom You call to follow You in the priesthood and the consecrated life, so that they may enrich God’s field with the wisdom of Your Word. Make them docile instruments of Your love in everyday service of their brothers and sisters.
Spirit of Holiness, Who pour out Your gifts on all believers and, especially, on those called to be Christ’s ministers, help young people to discover the beauty of the divine call. Teach them the true way of prayer, which is nourished by the Word of God. Help them to read the signs of the times, so as to be faithful interpreters of Your Gospel and bearers of salvation.
Mary, Virgin who listened and Virgin of the Word made flesh in Your womb, help us to be open to the Word of the Lord, so that, having been welcomed and meditated upon, it may grow in our hearts. Help us to live like You the beatitudes of believers and to dedicate ourselves with unceasing charity to evangelizing all those who seek Your Son. Grant that we may serve every person, becoming servants of the Word we have heard, so that remaining faithful to it we may find our happiness in living it.
Holy and provident Father, You are the Lord of the vineyard and the harvest and You give each a just reward for their work. In Your design of love, You call men and women to work with You for the salvation of the world. We thank You for Jesus Christ, Your living Word, who has redeemed us from our sins and is among us to assist us in our poverty. Guide the flock to which You have promised possession of the Kingdom. Send new workers into Your harvest and set in the hearts of pastors faithfulness to Your plan of salvation, perseverance in their vocation and holiness of life.
Christ Jesus, Who on the shores of the Sea of Galilee called the apostles, and made them the foundation of the Church and bearers of Your Gospel, in our day, sustain Your people on its journey. Give courage to those whom You call to follow You in the priesthood and the consecrated life, so that they may enrich God’s field with the wisdom of Your Word. Make them docile instruments of Your love in everyday service of their brothers and sisters.
Spirit of Holiness, Who pour out Your gifts on all believers and, especially, on those called to be Christ’s ministers, help young people to discover the beauty of the divine call. Teach them the true way of prayer, which is nourished by the Word of God. Help them to read the signs of the times, so as to be faithful interpreters of Your Gospel and bearers of salvation.
Mary, Virgin who listened and Virgin of the Word made flesh in Your womb, help us to be open to the Word of the Lord, so that, having been welcomed and meditated upon, it may grow in our hearts. Help us to live like You the beatitudes of believers and to dedicate ourselves with unceasing charity to evangelizing all those who seek Your Son. Grant that we may serve every person, becoming servants of the Word we have heard, so that remaining faithful to it we may find our happiness in living it.
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
Prayer for one's Family
O Jesus, our Lord and our brother! We recommend our family and all that is ours to Your protection; we confide all to Your love. Fill our house with blessings, even as You filled the holy house of Nazareth with Your presence; before all else, keep sin far from it. Do You alone reign by Your law, by Your most holy love, and by the exercise of every Christian virtue. Let all of us obey You, love You, and study how to copy in our own lives Your example, that of Mary Your Mother, and that of Your blameless guardian, St. Joseph. Keep all evils and misfortunes far from us and our house, but grant that we may be ever in harmony with Your divine will, even in the sorrows which You send to us. Finally, grant us the grace to live in perfect harmony and in the fullness of charity toward our neighbor. Grant that every one of us may deserve by a holy life the comfort of Your holy sacraments at the hour of death.
Prayer for Travelers
O God You have given us a rough road to travel, but You have not left us alone. You guided our father, Abraham, through a sun-blazed and scorching desert to a land that was his only in promise, a land that he could lay claim to only by faith. You led Your chosen people, the forerunner of Your Church, away from a slave country to the land of promise, a land of promise, a land whose enjoyment was not easily won, whose fulfillment demanded the rigorous exercise of justice, the dangerous pursuit of freedom. You sent Your Son, Jesus Christ, accompanied by simply comprehending followers, on the Road to Jerusalem, where He dashed their hopes for an earthly kingdom by dying as a criminal on a cross. In His Resurrection and Glory is our only pledge of life. May Your Spirit move in us as we depart on our journeys to familiar places of work or study, to unknown regions of conflict or danger, to visit the sick, to seek needed relaxation. May He direct us in our quest for meaning, peace, and love. May Your Spirit breathe into us an effective desire to serve all whom we meet on our way to our eternal encounter with You. Strengthen us. Fill our eyes with hope, and our hearts with loving concern for our neighbor. Raise us up if we fall. Urge us on if we are tempted to stop, and welcome us at journey’s end with the fatherly embrace that You have reserved for all who faithfully seek to do Your Holy Will.
Prayer "Teach Us To Love"
Lord, we thank Thee for all the love
that has been given to us, for the love
of family and friends, and above all
for Your love poured out upon us every
moment of our lives in steadfast glory.
Forgive our unworthiness. Forgive the
many times we have disappointed those
who love us, have failed them, wearied
them, saddened them.
Failing them we have failed You,
and hurting them we have wounded our Saviour who for love's sake died for us.
Lord, have mercy on us, and forgive.
You do not fail those who love you.
You do not change nor vary.
Teach us Your own constancy in love.
Your humility, selflessness and generosity.
Look in pity on our small and tarnished loving, protect, foster and strengthen it, that it may be less unworthy to be offered to
You and to Your children.
O Light of the world, teach us how to love.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
Prayer for one's Family
O Jesus, our Lord and our brother! We recommend our family and all that is ours to Your protection; we confide all to Your love. Fill our house with blessings, even as You filled the holy house of Nazareth with Your presence; before all else, keep sin far from it. Do You alone reign by Your law, by Your most holy love, and by the exercise of every Christian virtue. Let all of us obey You, love You, and study how to copy in our own lives Your example, that of Mary Your Mother, and that of Your blameless guardian, St. Joseph. Keep all evils and misfortunes far from us and our house, but grant that we may be ever in harmony with Your divine will, even in the sorrows which You send to us. Finally, grant us the grace to live in perfect harmony and in the fullness of charity toward our neighbor. Grant that every one of us may deserve by a holy life the comfort of Your holy sacraments at the hour of death.
Prayer for Travelers
O God You have given us a rough road to travel, but You have not left us alone. You guided our father, Abraham, through a sun-blazed and scorching desert to a land that was his only in promise, a land that he could lay claim to only by faith. You led Your chosen people, the forerunner of Your Church, away from a slave country to the land of promise, a land of promise, a land whose enjoyment was not easily won, whose fulfillment demanded the rigorous exercise of justice, the dangerous pursuit of freedom. You sent Your Son, Jesus Christ, accompanied by simply comprehending followers, on the Road to Jerusalem, where He dashed their hopes for an earthly kingdom by dying as a criminal on a cross. In His Resurrection and Glory is our only pledge of life. May Your Spirit move in us as we depart on our journeys to familiar places of work or study, to unknown regions of conflict or danger, to visit the sick, to seek needed relaxation. May He direct us in our quest for meaning, peace, and love. May Your Spirit breathe into us an effective desire to serve all whom we meet on our way to our eternal encounter with You. Strengthen us. Fill our eyes with hope, and our hearts with loving concern for our neighbor. Raise us up if we fall. Urge us on if we are tempted to stop, and welcome us at journey’s end with the fatherly embrace that You have reserved for all who faithfully seek to do Your Holy Will.
Prayer "Teach Us To Love"
Lord, we thank Thee for all the love
that has been given to us, for the love
of family and friends, and above all
for Your love poured out upon us every
moment of our lives in steadfast glory.
Forgive our unworthiness. Forgive the
many times we have disappointed those
who love us, have failed them, wearied
them, saddened them.
Failing them we have failed You,
and hurting them we have wounded our Saviour who for love's sake died for us.
Lord, have mercy on us, and forgive.
You do not fail those who love you.
You do not change nor vary.
Teach us Your own constancy in love.
Your humility, selflessness and generosity.
Look in pity on our small and tarnished loving, protect, foster and strengthen it, that it may be less unworthy to be offered to
You and to Your children.
O Light of the world, teach us how to love.
Prayer for Decision-Making
Gracious God, it’s time. It’s time to make the hard decisions. Sometimes I’m scared, sometimes I’m confused and sometimes I just don’t want to believe I have to make a decision. Help me to trust You. Give me strength and wisdom so that whatever happens honors my loved one and You. Thank You for hearing me and answering my prayer.
Prayer "Good Morning Heavenly Father"
Thank You dear Lord, for protecting and preserving me during the night and for giving me this new day. Good Morning Heavenly Father, and thank You for the glory of the sun. And thank You for the health I have to get my duty done. I shall devote the the hours of this golden day to You, by honouring Your Holy Name in everything I do. I shall pursue my daily art without complaint or fear and spend my every effort to be friendly and sincere. I know there have been many days that I have wiled away. But this is one that I will try, to make Your special day. And so once more, Good Morning Heavenly Father. And please depend on me because I want to honour You for alleternity.
Prayer for the Church
We pray Thee, Almighty and Eternal God, Who through Jesus Christ hast revealed Thy glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Thy Mercy, that Thy Church, being spread through the whole world, may continue with unchanging faith in the confession of Thy Name, through the same Christ our Lord.
Prayer "Everyday I need you Lord..."
Every day I need You Lord
But this day especially,
I need some extra strength
To face what ever is to be.
This day more than any day
I need to feel You near,
To fortify my courage
And to overcome my fear.
By myself, I cannot meet
The challenge of the hour,
There are times when humans help,
But we need a higher power
To assist us bear what must be borne,
and so dear Lord, I pray -
Hold on to my trembling hand
And be near me today.
My Daily Prayer
O my God, I place my trust and confidence in You, Who will reward the good and punish the wicked. I believe in You and accept everything You have taught and revealed.
I believe that in one God there are three Divine Persons- God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
I believe that God became Man without ceasing to be God. He is Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, the Redeemer of human race. He died on the cross for my salvation and eternal happiness. O my God, give me a strong faith. Help me to believe with lively faith. O my God, all-good and all merciful, I sincerely hope to be saved. Help me to do all that is necessary to gain eternal salvation. I have committed many sins in my life, but now I turn away from them. I am sorry, truly sorry, for all of them, because I have offended You, my God, Who are all-good, all-perfect, all-holy and all-merciful.
I love You, O my God, with all my heart. Please forgive me for having offended You. I promise that, with Your help, I will never offend You again.
My God, have mercy on me.
"Thanksgiving for Mary, Our Mother "Prayer
O Jesus, Divine Master, I thank and bless Your most merciful Heart for having given us Mary most holy as our Mother, Teacher and Queen. From the cross You placed us all in her hands. You gave her a great heart, much wisdom and immense power. May all mankind know her, pray for her! May all permit themselves to be led by her to You, the Savior of mankind! I placed myself in her hands, as You placed Yourself. With this Mother I want to live now, in the hour of my death, and for all eternity.
Prayers for Priests 1
O Jesus, I pray for Your faithful and fervent priests; for Your unfaithful and tired priests; for Your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields; for Your tempted priests; for Your lonely priests; for Your young priests; for Your dying priests; for the souls of Your priests in purgatory. But above all I recommend to You the priests dearest to me; the priest who baptized me; the priests who absolved me from my sins; the priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me Your Body and Blood in Holy Communion; the priests who taught and instructed me; all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way.
O Jesus, keep them all close to Your heart, and bless them abundantly in time and eternity.
Gracious God, it’s time. It’s time to make the hard decisions. Sometimes I’m scared, sometimes I’m confused and sometimes I just don’t want to believe I have to make a decision. Help me to trust You. Give me strength and wisdom so that whatever happens honors my loved one and You. Thank You for hearing me and answering my prayer.
Prayer "Good Morning Heavenly Father"
Thank You dear Lord, for protecting and preserving me during the night and for giving me this new day. Good Morning Heavenly Father, and thank You for the glory of the sun. And thank You for the health I have to get my duty done. I shall devote the the hours of this golden day to You, by honouring Your Holy Name in everything I do. I shall pursue my daily art without complaint or fear and spend my every effort to be friendly and sincere. I know there have been many days that I have wiled away. But this is one that I will try, to make Your special day. And so once more, Good Morning Heavenly Father. And please depend on me because I want to honour You for alleternity.
Prayer for the Church
We pray Thee, Almighty and Eternal God, Who through Jesus Christ hast revealed Thy glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Thy Mercy, that Thy Church, being spread through the whole world, may continue with unchanging faith in the confession of Thy Name, through the same Christ our Lord.
Prayer "Everyday I need you Lord..."
Every day I need You Lord
But this day especially,
I need some extra strength
To face what ever is to be.
This day more than any day
I need to feel You near,
To fortify my courage
And to overcome my fear.
By myself, I cannot meet
The challenge of the hour,
There are times when humans help,
But we need a higher power
To assist us bear what must be borne,
and so dear Lord, I pray -
Hold on to my trembling hand
And be near me today.
My Daily Prayer
O my God, I place my trust and confidence in You, Who will reward the good and punish the wicked. I believe in You and accept everything You have taught and revealed.
I believe that in one God there are three Divine Persons- God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
I believe that God became Man without ceasing to be God. He is Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, the Redeemer of human race. He died on the cross for my salvation and eternal happiness. O my God, give me a strong faith. Help me to believe with lively faith. O my God, all-good and all merciful, I sincerely hope to be saved. Help me to do all that is necessary to gain eternal salvation. I have committed many sins in my life, but now I turn away from them. I am sorry, truly sorry, for all of them, because I have offended You, my God, Who are all-good, all-perfect, all-holy and all-merciful.
I love You, O my God, with all my heart. Please forgive me for having offended You. I promise that, with Your help, I will never offend You again.
My God, have mercy on me.
"Thanksgiving for Mary, Our Mother "Prayer
O Jesus, Divine Master, I thank and bless Your most merciful Heart for having given us Mary most holy as our Mother, Teacher and Queen. From the cross You placed us all in her hands. You gave her a great heart, much wisdom and immense power. May all mankind know her, pray for her! May all permit themselves to be led by her to You, the Savior of mankind! I placed myself in her hands, as You placed Yourself. With this Mother I want to live now, in the hour of my death, and for all eternity.
Prayers for Priests 1
O Jesus, I pray for Your faithful and fervent priests; for Your unfaithful and tired priests; for Your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields; for Your tempted priests; for Your lonely priests; for Your young priests; for Your dying priests; for the souls of Your priests in purgatory. But above all I recommend to You the priests dearest to me; the priest who baptized me; the priests who absolved me from my sins; the priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me Your Body and Blood in Holy Communion; the priests who taught and instructed me; all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way.
O Jesus, keep them all close to Your heart, and bless them abundantly in time and eternity.
Prayer for Priests 2
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, hear the prayers we offer for our
priests. Let them know clearly the work that You are calling them to do.
Grant them every grace to answer Your call with courage, love, and
lasting dedication to Your will.
We ask Mary's intercession as their loving mother.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, hear the prayers we offer for our
priests. Let them know clearly the work that You are calling them to do.
Grant them every grace to answer Your call with courage, love, and
lasting dedication to Your will.
We ask Mary's intercession as their loving mother.
Prayer for a Deceased Priest
O God, Thou didst raise Thy servant, N., to the sacred priesthood of Jesus Christ, according to the Order of Melchisedech, giving him the sublime power to offer the Eternal Sacrifice, to bring the Body and Blood of Thy Son Jesus Christ down upon the altar, and to absolve the sins of men in Thine own Holy Name. We beseech Thee to reward his faithfulness and to forget his faults, admitting him speedily into Thy Holy Presence, there to enjoy forever the recompense of his labors. This we ask through Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord.
Prayer for Priests in Time of Uncertainty
Lord Jesus Christ,
as you gazed down from the Cross in Your bitter agony upon the beloved and faithful Apostle, St. John, Your anguish was increased by the desertion of the traitor and the other Apostles.
In spite of this desertion, Your Love embraced them and all those consecrated men who would forsake You.
We, therefore confidently beseech You now
to rain abundant grace on shepherds who have gone astray.
Where there is present groping uncertainty,
let there be light;
where there is present overshadowing gloom,
let there be joy;
where there is present mounting struggle,
let there be peace.
Guide, O Lord, the straying shepherds back to the fold, especially Father ........................
and assist them to walk surely and lovingly in Your sight, for only in union with You
will the shepherd find true light, joy and peace.
Give to all priests inspiration in time of doubt,
patience in time of adversity, fortitude in time of weakness, that with Your love ever pressing them on, they may lead others ever closer to You.
Prayer for Priests and for a Holy Church
O my Jesus, I beg You on behalf of the whole Church: Grant it love and the light of Your Spirit and give power to the words of priests so that hardened hearts might be brought to repentance and return to You, O Lord.
Lord, give us holy priests; You, Yourself maintain them in holiness. O Divine and Great High Priest, may the power of Your Mercy accompany them everywhere and protect them from the devil's traps and snares, which are continually being set for the souls of priests. May the power of Your Mercy, O Lord, shatter and bring to naught all that might tarnish the sanctity of priests, for You can do all things. I ask You, Jesus, for a special blessing and for light for the priests before whom I will make my confessions throughout my lifetime.
Prayer for Priests, For Bishops, Deacons,
Brothers, Sisters, Lay Ministers and Seminarians
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer for the spiritual renewal of bishops, priests, deacons, brothers, sisters, lay ministers and seminarians, especially those of our own diocese. We praise you for giving their ministry to the Church. In these days, renew them with the gifts of Your Spirit.
You once opened the Holy Scriptures to Your disciples when You walked on this earth. Now renew Your ordained and chosen ones with the truth and power of Your Word.
In Eucharist you gave Your disciples renewed life and hope. Nourish Your consecrated ones with Your Own Body and Blood. Help them to imitate in their lives the death and resurrection they celebrate around Your altar.
Give them enthusiasm for the Gospel, zeal for the salvation of all people, courage in leadership and humility in service.
Give them Your love for one another and for all their brothers and sisters in You. For You love them, Lord Jesus and we love and pray for them in Your Holy Name.
Prayer to Begin the Day
As morning breaks I think of you, O Lord, and my desire is to serve You joyfully. With gladness, I consecrate this day to Your Sacred Heart, and offer whatever joys and sacrifices may come my way. Thank You for the graces You will send - all the love, all the beauty, and the ways You will answer my prayers. Today, may I love my enemies, and treat others as I would ask to be treated; may I forgive seventy-times-seven and show mercy; may I welcome the prodigal, have compasion for the Samaritan; be a peace-maker and love my neighbor unconditionally. Take all my heart, and mind and strength, O Lord, that this day may be truly lived for Your greater honor and glory and for the salvation of souls.
Prayer to Christ The King
Christ Jesus, I acknowledge You King of the universe. All that has been created has been made for You. Make full use of Your rights over me. I renew the promises I made in Baptism, when I renounced Satan and all his pomp and works, and I promise to live a good life and to do all in my power to procure the triumph of the rights of God and Your Church. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer You my efforts in order to obtain that all hearts may acknowledge Your Sacred Royalty, and that thus the Kigdom of Your peace may be established throughout the universe.
Prayer "Memorable Jesus, Mary and Joseph"
Remember, Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, and you, O glorious St. Joseph, that no one has ever had recourse to your protection, or implored your assistance without obtaining relief.
Animated with the utmost lively confidence, I come laden with the weight of my sins, to prostrate myself before you. O Merciful Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, and you, O glorious St. Joseph, reject not my prayer and petitions but graciously hear and grant them.
Prayer for Success
Almighty God, Whose hands hold all matters of life, give me grace of success in the work that I do.
Help me to give it the careful thought and the strict attention that will lead to success.
Watch over me and govern my actions, that I may not mar its perfection.
Show me how to give my best, and let me not despise the toil that is necessary to complete it.
Make my life a successful one, in that every duty You give to me, I do it well. Give me the blessing of Your help and guidance, and suffer me not to fail.
In Jesus' name.
Prayer For The Sick 1
Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the Sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. 0 dearest Comforter of the Troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with Your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in Your hands. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servant (name) to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge Your Holy Will and know that whatsoever You do, You do for the love of us.
Prayer For The Sick 2
Omnipotent and Eternal God,
the everlasting Salvation of those who believe, hear us on behalf of Thy sick servant (name), for whom we beg the aid of Thy pitying mercy, that, with his/her bodily health restored, he/she may give thanks to Thee in Thy church.
Through Christ our Lord.
Prayer For The Sick 3
Behold me, my beloved Jesus, weighed down under the burden of my trials and sufferings,
I cast myself at Your feet, that You may renew my strength and my courage, while I rest here in Your Presence.
Permit me to lay down my cross in Your Sacred Heart, for only Your infinite goodness can sustain me; only Your love can help me bear my cross; only Your powerful hand can lighten its weight.
O Divine King, Jesus, Whose heart is so compassionate to the afflicted, I wish to live in You; suffer and die in You.
During my life be to me my model and my support; at the hour of my death, be my hope and my refuge.
O God, Thou didst raise Thy servant, N., to the sacred priesthood of Jesus Christ, according to the Order of Melchisedech, giving him the sublime power to offer the Eternal Sacrifice, to bring the Body and Blood of Thy Son Jesus Christ down upon the altar, and to absolve the sins of men in Thine own Holy Name. We beseech Thee to reward his faithfulness and to forget his faults, admitting him speedily into Thy Holy Presence, there to enjoy forever the recompense of his labors. This we ask through Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord.
Prayer for Priests in Time of Uncertainty
Lord Jesus Christ,
as you gazed down from the Cross in Your bitter agony upon the beloved and faithful Apostle, St. John, Your anguish was increased by the desertion of the traitor and the other Apostles.
In spite of this desertion, Your Love embraced them and all those consecrated men who would forsake You.
We, therefore confidently beseech You now
to rain abundant grace on shepherds who have gone astray.
Where there is present groping uncertainty,
let there be light;
where there is present overshadowing gloom,
let there be joy;
where there is present mounting struggle,
let there be peace.
Guide, O Lord, the straying shepherds back to the fold, especially Father ........................
and assist them to walk surely and lovingly in Your sight, for only in union with You
will the shepherd find true light, joy and peace.
Give to all priests inspiration in time of doubt,
patience in time of adversity, fortitude in time of weakness, that with Your love ever pressing them on, they may lead others ever closer to You.
Prayer for Priests and for a Holy Church
O my Jesus, I beg You on behalf of the whole Church: Grant it love and the light of Your Spirit and give power to the words of priests so that hardened hearts might be brought to repentance and return to You, O Lord.
Lord, give us holy priests; You, Yourself maintain them in holiness. O Divine and Great High Priest, may the power of Your Mercy accompany them everywhere and protect them from the devil's traps and snares, which are continually being set for the souls of priests. May the power of Your Mercy, O Lord, shatter and bring to naught all that might tarnish the sanctity of priests, for You can do all things. I ask You, Jesus, for a special blessing and for light for the priests before whom I will make my confessions throughout my lifetime.
Prayer for Priests, For Bishops, Deacons,
Brothers, Sisters, Lay Ministers and Seminarians
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer for the spiritual renewal of bishops, priests, deacons, brothers, sisters, lay ministers and seminarians, especially those of our own diocese. We praise you for giving their ministry to the Church. In these days, renew them with the gifts of Your Spirit.
You once opened the Holy Scriptures to Your disciples when You walked on this earth. Now renew Your ordained and chosen ones with the truth and power of Your Word.
In Eucharist you gave Your disciples renewed life and hope. Nourish Your consecrated ones with Your Own Body and Blood. Help them to imitate in their lives the death and resurrection they celebrate around Your altar.
Give them enthusiasm for the Gospel, zeal for the salvation of all people, courage in leadership and humility in service.
Give them Your love for one another and for all their brothers and sisters in You. For You love them, Lord Jesus and we love and pray for them in Your Holy Name.
Prayer to Begin the Day
As morning breaks I think of you, O Lord, and my desire is to serve You joyfully. With gladness, I consecrate this day to Your Sacred Heart, and offer whatever joys and sacrifices may come my way. Thank You for the graces You will send - all the love, all the beauty, and the ways You will answer my prayers. Today, may I love my enemies, and treat others as I would ask to be treated; may I forgive seventy-times-seven and show mercy; may I welcome the prodigal, have compasion for the Samaritan; be a peace-maker and love my neighbor unconditionally. Take all my heart, and mind and strength, O Lord, that this day may be truly lived for Your greater honor and glory and for the salvation of souls.
Prayer to Christ The King
Christ Jesus, I acknowledge You King of the universe. All that has been created has been made for You. Make full use of Your rights over me. I renew the promises I made in Baptism, when I renounced Satan and all his pomp and works, and I promise to live a good life and to do all in my power to procure the triumph of the rights of God and Your Church. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer You my efforts in order to obtain that all hearts may acknowledge Your Sacred Royalty, and that thus the Kigdom of Your peace may be established throughout the universe.
Prayer "Memorable Jesus, Mary and Joseph"
Remember, Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, and you, O glorious St. Joseph, that no one has ever had recourse to your protection, or implored your assistance without obtaining relief.
Animated with the utmost lively confidence, I come laden with the weight of my sins, to prostrate myself before you. O Merciful Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, and you, O glorious St. Joseph, reject not my prayer and petitions but graciously hear and grant them.
Prayer for Success
Almighty God, Whose hands hold all matters of life, give me grace of success in the work that I do.
Help me to give it the careful thought and the strict attention that will lead to success.
Watch over me and govern my actions, that I may not mar its perfection.
Show me how to give my best, and let me not despise the toil that is necessary to complete it.
Make my life a successful one, in that every duty You give to me, I do it well. Give me the blessing of Your help and guidance, and suffer me not to fail.
In Jesus' name.
Prayer For The Sick 1
Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the Sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. 0 dearest Comforter of the Troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with Your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in Your hands. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servant (name) to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge Your Holy Will and know that whatsoever You do, You do for the love of us.
Prayer For The Sick 2
Omnipotent and Eternal God,
the everlasting Salvation of those who believe, hear us on behalf of Thy sick servant (name), for whom we beg the aid of Thy pitying mercy, that, with his/her bodily health restored, he/she may give thanks to Thee in Thy church.
Through Christ our Lord.
Prayer For The Sick 3
Behold me, my beloved Jesus, weighed down under the burden of my trials and sufferings,
I cast myself at Your feet, that You may renew my strength and my courage, while I rest here in Your Presence.
Permit me to lay down my cross in Your Sacred Heart, for only Your infinite goodness can sustain me; only Your love can help me bear my cross; only Your powerful hand can lighten its weight.
O Divine King, Jesus, Whose heart is so compassionate to the afflicted, I wish to live in You; suffer and die in You.
During my life be to me my model and my support; at the hour of my death, be my hope and my refuge.
Prayer to be Said by a Sick Person
(May be used for a novena)
O Merciful Infant Jesus! I know of Your miraculous deeds for the sick. How many diseases You cured during Your blessed life on earth, and how many venerators of Your Miraculous image ascribe to You their recovery and deliverance from most painful and hopeless maladies. I know, indeed, that a sinner like me has merited his sufferings and has no right to ask for favors. But in view of the innumerable graces and the miraculous cures granted even to the greatest sinners through the veneration of Your holy infancy, particularly in the miraculous statue of Prague or in representations of it, I exclaim with the greatest assurance: O most loving Infant Jesus, full of pity, You can cure me if You will! Do not hesitate, O Heavenly Physician, if it be Your will that I recover from this present illness; extend Your most holy Hands, and by Your power take away all pain and infirmity, so that my recovery may be due, not to natural remedies, but to You alone. If, however, You in Your inscrutable wisdom have determined otherwise, then at least restore my soul to perfect health, and fill me with heavenly consolation and blessing, that I may be like You, O Jesus, in my sufferings, and may glorify Your providence until, at the death of my body, You bestow on me eternal life.
(May be used for a novena)
O Merciful Infant Jesus! I know of Your miraculous deeds for the sick. How many diseases You cured during Your blessed life on earth, and how many venerators of Your Miraculous image ascribe to You their recovery and deliverance from most painful and hopeless maladies. I know, indeed, that a sinner like me has merited his sufferings and has no right to ask for favors. But in view of the innumerable graces and the miraculous cures granted even to the greatest sinners through the veneration of Your holy infancy, particularly in the miraculous statue of Prague or in representations of it, I exclaim with the greatest assurance: O most loving Infant Jesus, full of pity, You can cure me if You will! Do not hesitate, O Heavenly Physician, if it be Your will that I recover from this present illness; extend Your most holy Hands, and by Your power take away all pain and infirmity, so that my recovery may be due, not to natural remedies, but to You alone. If, however, You in Your inscrutable wisdom have determined otherwise, then at least restore my soul to perfect health, and fill me with heavenly consolation and blessing, that I may be like You, O Jesus, in my sufferings, and may glorify Your providence until, at the death of my body, You bestow on me eternal life.
Prayer for People Who Have Committed Suicide
Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father, we understand that Thy sixth commandment, "Thou shalt do no murder," includes self murder. But in Thy divine mercy, we beg Thy forgiveness especially for (name), who have been so confounded by the pressures of this life that they felt there was no way they could continue. Grant, we beseech Thee, that they be forgiven their terrible sin and accepted into Thy divine providence, and that they may come to understand Thy ways and Thy nature. We ask this in Jesus Christ's name.
Prayer for Justice and Peace
Almighty and Eternal God,
may Your grace enkindle in all of us a love for the many unfortunate people,
whom poverty and misery reduce to a condition of life unworthy of human beings.
Arouse in the hearts of those who call You Father, a hunger and thirst for social justice and for fraternal charity in deeds and in truth.
Grant, O Lord, peace in our days: peace to souls, peace in families, peace to our country, and peace among nations.
Prayer for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
All-Powerful Father,
Christ, Your Son, became man for us and was presented in the temple.
May He free our hearts from sin and bring us into your presence.
We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God,
for ever and ever.
Prayer for Women With Breast Cancer
Father, for the strength You have given me I thank You.
For the health You have blessed me with, I thank You.
For the women who are going through breast cancer and their families I ask You to strengthen and to heal as You see fit.
Lord we know You want us to be in good health and to prosper.
Lord use us to do the work You have for us to do.
For we know time is getting short on this earth.
Lord be with every woman who is sick and encourage them as only You can.
I know how faithful You are.
You have shown Yourself to be everything You say You are in Your Holy Word.
I praise You for You made this body and You can heal this body.
In Jesus Name I pray.
Prayer Advice for Forgiveness
Hold in your mind someone you find it hard to forgive (this may be yourself also)
When you are ready pray for that person, asking God to love and bless them.
Be specific and generous in your prayer.
If you find anger still there tell God about that, don't pretend.
You will be able to forgive when the time comes.
If you will see this person again imagine yourself being different with them,
the difference forgiveness will make.
If you won't see them again or if they have died simply open your hands
to let go of the anger and hand them over to God.
If you are not ready to forgive yet simply pray for the grace of forgiveness.
There is no need to feel guilty, forgiveness takes time and healing.
If the anger is still strong you may need to find a way to let it out.
A way that is safe and doesn't harm anyone,
such as punching a pillow or throwing rocks into the sea.
Thank God for this time of prayer.
Prayer to Protect Life
Loving God,
I thank You for the gift You
gave and continue to give
to me and to all of us.
Merciful God,
I ask Your pardon and
forgiveness for my own
failure and the failure
of all people to respect
and foster all forms
of life in our universe.
Gracious God,
I pray that with Your
grace, I and all people
will reverence, protect,
and promote all life and
that we will be especially
sensitive to the life of
the unborn, the abused,
neglected, disabled, and
the elderly. I pray, too,
that all who make decisions
about life in any form
will do so with wisdom,
love, and courage.
Living God,
I praise and glorify You as
Father, Source of all life,
as Son, Savior of our lives,
and as Spirit, Sanctifier
of our lives.
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
O Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Fountain of Eternal Life,
Your Heart is a glowing furnace of love.
You are my refuge and my sanctuary.
O my adorable and loving Savior,
consume my heart with the burning fire with which Yours is aflamed.
Pour down on my soul those graces which flow from Your love.
Let my heart be united with Yours.
Let my will be conformed to Yours in all things.
May Your Will be the rule of all my desires and actions.
Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father, we understand that Thy sixth commandment, "Thou shalt do no murder," includes self murder. But in Thy divine mercy, we beg Thy forgiveness especially for (name), who have been so confounded by the pressures of this life that they felt there was no way they could continue. Grant, we beseech Thee, that they be forgiven their terrible sin and accepted into Thy divine providence, and that they may come to understand Thy ways and Thy nature. We ask this in Jesus Christ's name.
Prayer for Justice and Peace
Almighty and Eternal God,
may Your grace enkindle in all of us a love for the many unfortunate people,
whom poverty and misery reduce to a condition of life unworthy of human beings.
Arouse in the hearts of those who call You Father, a hunger and thirst for social justice and for fraternal charity in deeds and in truth.
Grant, O Lord, peace in our days: peace to souls, peace in families, peace to our country, and peace among nations.
Prayer for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
All-Powerful Father,
Christ, Your Son, became man for us and was presented in the temple.
May He free our hearts from sin and bring us into your presence.
We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God,
for ever and ever.
Prayer for Women With Breast Cancer
Father, for the strength You have given me I thank You.
For the health You have blessed me with, I thank You.
For the women who are going through breast cancer and their families I ask You to strengthen and to heal as You see fit.
Lord we know You want us to be in good health and to prosper.
Lord use us to do the work You have for us to do.
For we know time is getting short on this earth.
Lord be with every woman who is sick and encourage them as only You can.
I know how faithful You are.
You have shown Yourself to be everything You say You are in Your Holy Word.
I praise You for You made this body and You can heal this body.
In Jesus Name I pray.
Prayer Advice for Forgiveness
Hold in your mind someone you find it hard to forgive (this may be yourself also)
When you are ready pray for that person, asking God to love and bless them.
Be specific and generous in your prayer.
If you find anger still there tell God about that, don't pretend.
You will be able to forgive when the time comes.
If you will see this person again imagine yourself being different with them,
the difference forgiveness will make.
If you won't see them again or if they have died simply open your hands
to let go of the anger and hand them over to God.
If you are not ready to forgive yet simply pray for the grace of forgiveness.
There is no need to feel guilty, forgiveness takes time and healing.
If the anger is still strong you may need to find a way to let it out.
A way that is safe and doesn't harm anyone,
such as punching a pillow or throwing rocks into the sea.
Thank God for this time of prayer.
Prayer to Protect Life
Loving God,
I thank You for the gift You
gave and continue to give
to me and to all of us.
Merciful God,
I ask Your pardon and
forgiveness for my own
failure and the failure
of all people to respect
and foster all forms
of life in our universe.
Gracious God,
I pray that with Your
grace, I and all people
will reverence, protect,
and promote all life and
that we will be especially
sensitive to the life of
the unborn, the abused,
neglected, disabled, and
the elderly. I pray, too,
that all who make decisions
about life in any form
will do so with wisdom,
love, and courage.
Living God,
I praise and glorify You as
Father, Source of all life,
as Son, Savior of our lives,
and as Spirit, Sanctifier
of our lives.
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
O Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Fountain of Eternal Life,
Your Heart is a glowing furnace of love.
You are my refuge and my sanctuary.
O my adorable and loving Savior,
consume my heart with the burning fire with which Yours is aflamed.
Pour down on my soul those graces which flow from Your love.
Let my heart be united with Yours.
Let my will be conformed to Yours in all things.
May Your Will be the rule of all my desires and actions.
Lord Jesus,
let my heart never rest until it finds You,
who are its center, its love, and its happiness.
By the wound in Your heart
pardon the sins that I have committed
whether out of malice or out of evil desires.
Place my weak heart in Your own Divine Heart,
continually under Your protection and guidance,
so that I may persevere in doing good and in fleeing evil until my last breath.
let my heart never rest until it finds You,
who are its center, its love, and its happiness.
By the wound in Your heart
pardon the sins that I have committed
whether out of malice or out of evil desires.
Place my weak heart in Your own Divine Heart,
continually under Your protection and guidance,
so that I may persevere in doing good and in fleeing evil until my last breath.
O most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Fountain of Every Blessing,
I adore You,
I love You and with true sorrow for my sins,
I offer You this poor heart of mine. Make me humble,
patient, pure and wholly obedient to Your will.
Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in
You and for You.
Protect me in the midst of danger,
comfort me in my afflictions,
give me health of body,
assistance in my temporal needs,
Your blessing on all that I do,
and the grace of a holy death.
Fountain of Every Blessing,
I adore You,
I love You and with true sorrow for my sins,
I offer You this poor heart of mine. Make me humble,
patient, pure and wholly obedient to Your will.
Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in
You and for You.
Protect me in the midst of danger,
comfort me in my afflictions,
give me health of body,
assistance in my temporal needs,
Your blessing on all that I do,
and the grace of a holy death.
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
today I wish to live in You, in Your grace,
in which I desire at all costs to persevere.
Keep me from sin and strength my will by helping me
to keep watch over my senses, may imagination,
and my heart.
Help me to correct my faults which are the source of sin.
I beg You to do this,
O Jesus, through Mary,
Your Immaculate Mother.
today I wish to live in You, in Your grace,
in which I desire at all costs to persevere.
Keep me from sin and strength my will by helping me
to keep watch over my senses, may imagination,
and my heart.
Help me to correct my faults which are the source of sin.
I beg You to do this,
O Jesus, through Mary,
Your Immaculate Mother.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Fountain of Eternal Life,
Your Heart is a glowing furnace of Love.
You are my refuge and my sanctuary.
O my adorable and loving Savior,
consume my heart with the burning fire with which Yours is aflamed.
Pour down on my soul those graces which flow from Your love.
Let my heart be united with Yours.
Let my will be conformed to Yours in all things.
May Your Will be the rule of all my desires and actions.
Lord Jesus,
let my heart never rest until it finds You,
who are its center, its love, and its happiness.
By the wound in Your Heart
pardon the sins that I have committed
whether out of malice or out of evil desires.
Place my weak heart in Your own Divine Heart,
continually under Your protection and guidance,
so that I may persevere in doing good and in fleeing evil until my last breath.
Prayer for Faithfulness to My Religion
O Lord, I pray for the grace and the strength to remain faithful to Your teachings and to the sacramental life of the Church. Help me to persevere in the commitments and promises I have made to You. Give me the fortitude to live up to the vocation I received in my baptism, to the duties derived from my confirmation in the Spirit, and to the graces received in the other sacraments.
Help me to place love of God and service to Him before all else and help me to bring selfless love to my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Prayer of Self-Giving
I beg You, Lord,
let the fiery, gentle power of Your love
take possession of my soul,
and snatch it away
from everything under heaven,
that I may die for love of Your love
as You saw fit to die for love of mine.
Consoling Thoughts (for times of loneliness)
Dear Lord!
Make me remember, when the world seems cold and dreary and I know not where to turn for comfort, that there is always one spot bright and cheerful----the Sanctuary.
When I am in desolation of spirit, when all who are dear to me have passed away like summer flowers and none are left to love me and care for me, whisper to my troubled soul
that there is one Friend who dies not
----One Whose Love never changes----
Jesus on the altar.
When sorrows thicken and crush me with their burden, when I look in vain for comfort,
let me remember Your words:
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will refresh you."
Prayer to the Holy Spirit 1
Fountain of Eternal Life,
Your Heart is a glowing furnace of Love.
You are my refuge and my sanctuary.
O my adorable and loving Savior,
consume my heart with the burning fire with which Yours is aflamed.
Pour down on my soul those graces which flow from Your love.
Let my heart be united with Yours.
Let my will be conformed to Yours in all things.
May Your Will be the rule of all my desires and actions.
Lord Jesus,
let my heart never rest until it finds You,
who are its center, its love, and its happiness.
By the wound in Your Heart
pardon the sins that I have committed
whether out of malice or out of evil desires.
Place my weak heart in Your own Divine Heart,
continually under Your protection and guidance,
so that I may persevere in doing good and in fleeing evil until my last breath.
Prayer for Faithfulness to My Religion
O Lord, I pray for the grace and the strength to remain faithful to Your teachings and to the sacramental life of the Church. Help me to persevere in the commitments and promises I have made to You. Give me the fortitude to live up to the vocation I received in my baptism, to the duties derived from my confirmation in the Spirit, and to the graces received in the other sacraments.
Help me to place love of God and service to Him before all else and help me to bring selfless love to my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Prayer of Self-Giving
I beg You, Lord,
let the fiery, gentle power of Your love
take possession of my soul,
and snatch it away
from everything under heaven,
that I may die for love of Your love
as You saw fit to die for love of mine.
Consoling Thoughts (for times of loneliness)
Dear Lord!
Make me remember, when the world seems cold and dreary and I know not where to turn for comfort, that there is always one spot bright and cheerful----the Sanctuary.
When I am in desolation of spirit, when all who are dear to me have passed away like summer flowers and none are left to love me and care for me, whisper to my troubled soul
that there is one Friend who dies not
----One Whose Love never changes----
Jesus on the altar.
When sorrows thicken and crush me with their burden, when I look in vain for comfort,
let me remember Your words:
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will refresh you."
Prayer to the Holy Spirit 1
Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, enlighten our minds to perceive the mysteries of the universe in relation to eternity. Spirit of Right Judgment and Courage, guide us and make us firm in our baptismal decision to follow Jesus' way of love. Spirit of Knowledge and Reverence, help us to see the lasting value of justice and mercy in our everyday dealings with one another. May we respect life as we work to solve problems of family and nation, economy and ecology. Spirit of God, spark our faith, hope and love into new action each day. Fill our lives with wonder and awe in Your presence which penetrates all creation.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit 2
Holy Spirit, speak through me,
so all lost souls can plainly see,
not my will, but God's I seek.
Your word's are strong,
where mine are weak.
Holy Spirit, teach me love,
so those that hate can climb above.
I know that love, it is the key,
so this I pray, show love through me.
Holy Spirit, help me give,
so those without, through You may live.
To give to those who are in need,
to share my goods, but not in greed.
Holy Spirit, make me wise,
feed me knowledge, my heart it cries.
To understand what I don't know,
please make me wise, so I may grow.
Holy Spirit, help me trust,
to lean on You, in times I must.
My faith will grow each time I do.
Please build my trust, my trust in You.
Holy Spirit, take my pride,
humble me and be my guide.
First comes pride, and then the fall.
Let me pride in You, or none at all.
Holy Spirit, make me bold,
to spread the news, the scriptures hold.
To speak out loud, to those that hear,
our God is love, they must not fear.
Holy Spirit, this I pray,
fill me up this very day.
To have the power, with You be strong,
to make things right, where they are wrong.
Holy Spirit, let me shine,
with Jesus Christ, this life of mine,
that other souls will soon find out,
what serving God is all about.
(Timothy Jon Barrett)
Little White Guest
Thou hast come to my heart, dearest Jesus,
I am holding Thee close to my breast;
I'm telling Thee over and over,
Thou art welcome, O Little White Guest.
I love Thee, I love Thee, my Jesus,
O please do not think I am bold;
Of course, Thou must knowest that I love Thee, But I'm sure that Thou likest to be told.
I'll whisper, "I love Thee, my Jesus,"
And ask that we never may part;
I love Thee, O kind, Loving Jesus
And press Thee still nearer my heart.
And when I shall meet Thee in Heaven,
My soul then will lean on Thy Breast.
And Thou will recallest our fond meetings,
When Thou wert my little White Guest.
Prayer for the Apprehensive Patient
Christ said to His loved ones: I am with you, fear not, be not anxious. May I, then, be confident that in the trials and crosses of my life that You, O Lord, will be my constant companion. Whenever I cannot stand, You will carry me lovingly in Your arms.
May I have no fear of what may happen tomorrow. For the same Eternal Father Who cares for me today will take care of me tomorrow and everyday of my life. You, O Lord, will either shield me from suffering or give me strength to bear it patiently. May I be at peace, then and put aside all useless thoughts, anxieties, and worries.
Prayer When in a Bad Mood
Heavenly Father, I awoke this morning in a bad mood, and I have been unable to shake it so far. Everything bothers me and everyone rubs me the wrong way.
I just cannot seem to get my true bearings. Help me to think of Your salvation, Your countless gifts and overwhelming love for me.
Let me relax and forget life's cares by placing myself wholly into Your hands. Grant that this mood will soon pass and I will be able to bask in Your love and communicate it to others.
Prayer When Arising from Sleep
Holy Spirit, speak through me,
so all lost souls can plainly see,
not my will, but God's I seek.
Your word's are strong,
where mine are weak.
Holy Spirit, teach me love,
so those that hate can climb above.
I know that love, it is the key,
so this I pray, show love through me.
Holy Spirit, help me give,
so those without, through You may live.
To give to those who are in need,
to share my goods, but not in greed.
Holy Spirit, make me wise,
feed me knowledge, my heart it cries.
To understand what I don't know,
please make me wise, so I may grow.
Holy Spirit, help me trust,
to lean on You, in times I must.
My faith will grow each time I do.
Please build my trust, my trust in You.
Holy Spirit, take my pride,
humble me and be my guide.
First comes pride, and then the fall.
Let me pride in You, or none at all.
Holy Spirit, make me bold,
to spread the news, the scriptures hold.
To speak out loud, to those that hear,
our God is love, they must not fear.
Holy Spirit, this I pray,
fill me up this very day.
To have the power, with You be strong,
to make things right, where they are wrong.
Holy Spirit, let me shine,
with Jesus Christ, this life of mine,
that other souls will soon find out,
what serving God is all about.
(Timothy Jon Barrett)
Little White Guest
Thou hast come to my heart, dearest Jesus,
I am holding Thee close to my breast;
I'm telling Thee over and over,
Thou art welcome, O Little White Guest.
I love Thee, I love Thee, my Jesus,
O please do not think I am bold;
Of course, Thou must knowest that I love Thee, But I'm sure that Thou likest to be told.
I'll whisper, "I love Thee, my Jesus,"
And ask that we never may part;
I love Thee, O kind, Loving Jesus
And press Thee still nearer my heart.
And when I shall meet Thee in Heaven,
My soul then will lean on Thy Breast.
And Thou will recallest our fond meetings,
When Thou wert my little White Guest.
Prayer for the Apprehensive Patient
Christ said to His loved ones: I am with you, fear not, be not anxious. May I, then, be confident that in the trials and crosses of my life that You, O Lord, will be my constant companion. Whenever I cannot stand, You will carry me lovingly in Your arms.
May I have no fear of what may happen tomorrow. For the same Eternal Father Who cares for me today will take care of me tomorrow and everyday of my life. You, O Lord, will either shield me from suffering or give me strength to bear it patiently. May I be at peace, then and put aside all useless thoughts, anxieties, and worries.
Prayer When in a Bad Mood
Heavenly Father, I awoke this morning in a bad mood, and I have been unable to shake it so far. Everything bothers me and everyone rubs me the wrong way.
I just cannot seem to get my true bearings. Help me to think of Your salvation, Your countless gifts and overwhelming love for me.
Let me relax and forget life's cares by placing myself wholly into Your hands. Grant that this mood will soon pass and I will be able to bask in Your love and communicate it to others.
Prayer When Arising from Sleep
O Master and Holy God, Who is beyond our understanding: at Your word, light came forth out of darkness. In Your mercy, You gave us rest through night-long sleep, and raised us up to glorify Your goodness and to offer our supplication to You. Now, in Your own tender love, accept us who adore You and give thanks to You with all our heart. Grant us all our requests, if they lead to salvation; give us the grace of manifesting that we are children of light and day, and heirs to Your eternal reward. In the abundance of Your mercies, O Lord, remember all Your people; all those present who pray with us; all our brethren on land, at sea, or in the air, in every place of Your domain, who call upon Your love for mankind. Upon all, pour down Your great mercy, that we, saved in body and in soul, may persevere unfailingly; and that, in our confidence, we may extol Your exalted and blessed Name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, always, now and forever.
Prayer to Obtain Final Perseverance
Eternal Father, I humbly adore Thee, and thank Thee for having created me, and for having redeemed me through Jesus Christ. I thank Thee most sincerely for having made me a Christian, by giving me the true faith, and by adopting me as Thy son, in the sacrament of baptism. I thank Thee for having, after the numberless sins I had committed, waited for my repentance, and for having pardoned (as I humbly hope) all the offences which I have offered to Thee, and for which I am now sincerely sorry, because they have been displeasing to Thee, who art infinite goodness. I thank Thee for having preserved me from so many relapses, of which I would have been guilty if Thou hadst not protected me. But my enemies still continue, and will continue till death, to combat against me, and to endeavor to make me their slave. If Thou dost not constantly guard and succor me with thy aid, I, a miserable creature, shall return to sin, and shall certainly lose Thy grace. I beseech Thee, then, for the love of Jesus Christ, to grant me holy perseverance unto death. Jesus, Thy Son, has promised that Thou wilt grant whatsoever we ask in his name. Through the merits, then, of Jesus Christ, I beg, for myself and for all the just, the grace never again to be separated from Thy love, but to love Thee forever, in time and eternity. Mary, Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me.
Prayer at the End of the Day
Prayer to Obtain Final Perseverance
Eternal Father, I humbly adore Thee, and thank Thee for having created me, and for having redeemed me through Jesus Christ. I thank Thee most sincerely for having made me a Christian, by giving me the true faith, and by adopting me as Thy son, in the sacrament of baptism. I thank Thee for having, after the numberless sins I had committed, waited for my repentance, and for having pardoned (as I humbly hope) all the offences which I have offered to Thee, and for which I am now sincerely sorry, because they have been displeasing to Thee, who art infinite goodness. I thank Thee for having preserved me from so many relapses, of which I would have been guilty if Thou hadst not protected me. But my enemies still continue, and will continue till death, to combat against me, and to endeavor to make me their slave. If Thou dost not constantly guard and succor me with thy aid, I, a miserable creature, shall return to sin, and shall certainly lose Thy grace. I beseech Thee, then, for the love of Jesus Christ, to grant me holy perseverance unto death. Jesus, Thy Son, has promised that Thou wilt grant whatsoever we ask in his name. Through the merits, then, of Jesus Christ, I beg, for myself and for all the just, the grace never again to be separated from Thy love, but to love Thee forever, in time and eternity. Mary, Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me.
Prayer at the End of the Day
Jesus Christ my God, I adore You and I thank You for all the graces You have given me this day. I offer You my sleep and all the moments of this night, and I implore You to keep me safe from sin. To this end I place myself in Your Sacred Side and under the mantle of our Lady, my Mother. Let Your holy angels surround me and keep me in peace; and let Your blessing be upon me.
Prayer to Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Faithful Shepherd, You are not a hireling who runs away at the sight of danger, but Your fidelity was tested and proved on the wood of the Cross. Accept the gift of our gratitude for Your marvelous care. Help us to hear and follow Your Voice.
Watchful Shepherd, Who protects the flock and searches tirelessly for those who wander from the fold, retrieve the lost and bring them home. Tend and heal their wounds.
Good Shepherd, Who lays down His Life for His sheep, nourish Your people with the Bread of Life, that we may reflect Your likeness and enjoy the spring of Living Water that never ends.
Act of Love
Prayer to Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Faithful Shepherd, You are not a hireling who runs away at the sight of danger, but Your fidelity was tested and proved on the wood of the Cross. Accept the gift of our gratitude for Your marvelous care. Help us to hear and follow Your Voice.
Watchful Shepherd, Who protects the flock and searches tirelessly for those who wander from the fold, retrieve the lost and bring them home. Tend and heal their wounds.
Good Shepherd, Who lays down His Life for His sheep, nourish Your people with the Bread of Life, that we may reflect Your likeness and enjoy the spring of Living Water that never ends.
Act of Love
O my Divine Jesus, how shall I return You thanks for the goodness in giving Yourself to me? The only way I can repay Your love is by loving You in return. Yes, my Lord, I love You, and I desire to love You all my life.
My Jesus, You alone are sufficient for me. Whom shall I love, if I love not You, my Jesus? You love those who love You. I love You. Oh, do You also love me. If I love You but little, give me the love which You require of me.
O Mary, my good Mother, and You glorious Saint Joseph, lend me Your love wherewith to love my Jesus.
My Jesus, You alone are sufficient for me. Whom shall I love, if I love not You, my Jesus? You love those who love You. I love You. Oh, do You also love me. If I love You but little, give me the love which You require of me.
O Mary, my good Mother, and You glorious Saint Joseph, lend me Your love wherewith to love my Jesus.
Act of Love at Communion
O God, all that I am and all that I have is from You. You have given me my gifts of body and soul. You have numbered me among Your favored children. You have showered me with countless graces and blessings. From all eternity You have thought of me and loved me. How shall I ever love You in return?
And now in Your merciful goodness You are coming into my soul to unit Yourself most intimately with me. You came into the world for love of man, but now You are coming from the altar for love of me. You are coming to fill my heart with Your holy love, my Creator, my Redeemer, my Sanctifier, my God.
O Jesus, I want to return this love. I want to love You with all the powers of my soul. I want to belong only to You, to consecrate myself to You alone. Jesus, let me live for You; let me die for You. Living and dying may I be Yours.
Prayers to Jesus and Mary for Mercy
Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal and Merciful God,
Creator and Redeemer of all, listen to my prayer.
For the love Thou doth bear to those who ask forgiveness,
look on me with mercy, as once Thou didst look on Mary Magdalen,
and on Peter who denied Thee.
Look on me, Lord Jesus Christ, as Thou didst looked at the thief on his cross
and on every sinner whom Thou hast ever forgiven.
Look on me, Merciful Lord, as Thou didst look on Thy Mother, Mary,
standing in sorrow beneath Thy Cross.
Let me feel in my heart her compassion for Thee,
and let my eyes weep for Thy sorrows, caused by my sinful life.
Call me back from the darkness to my Father's house, give me a new heart
and a place at Thy side in the banquet Thou hast prepared for me. Amen.
Hail, Mary, my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul!
Thou art all mine through thy mercy, and I am all thine.
But I am not thine completely enough.
Destroy in me all that may be displeasing to God.
Place and cultivate in me everything that is pleasing to thee.
Prayer for the Dying and/or Special Souls
O Most Merciful Jesus, Lover of Souls,
I beseech You, by the agony of Your Most Sacred Heart,
and by the sorrows of Your Immaculate Mother,
wash clean in the Your Blood the sinners of the whole world
who are to die this day.
Remember most especially the soul I spiritually adopt
with the intention of entrusting him or her to Your Shepherd's care:
I beseech You for the grace to move this sinner, who is in
danger of going to Hell, to repent. I ask this because of my
trust in Your Great Mercy.
If it should please Your Majesty to send me a suffering this day
in exchange for the grace I ask for this soul, then, it, too,
shall please me very much, and I thank You, Most Sweet Jesus,
Shepherd and Lover of Souls; I thank You for this
opportunity to give mercy in thanksgiving for all the mercies
You have shown me.
Heart of Jesus, once in agony, have mercy on the dying.
And now in Your merciful goodness You are coming into my soul to unit Yourself most intimately with me. You came into the world for love of man, but now You are coming from the altar for love of me. You are coming to fill my heart with Your holy love, my Creator, my Redeemer, my Sanctifier, my God.
O Jesus, I want to return this love. I want to love You with all the powers of my soul. I want to belong only to You, to consecrate myself to You alone. Jesus, let me live for You; let me die for You. Living and dying may I be Yours.
Prayers to Jesus and Mary for Mercy
Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal and Merciful God,
Creator and Redeemer of all, listen to my prayer.
For the love Thou doth bear to those who ask forgiveness,
look on me with mercy, as once Thou didst look on Mary Magdalen,
and on Peter who denied Thee.
Look on me, Lord Jesus Christ, as Thou didst looked at the thief on his cross
and on every sinner whom Thou hast ever forgiven.
Look on me, Merciful Lord, as Thou didst look on Thy Mother, Mary,
standing in sorrow beneath Thy Cross.
Let me feel in my heart her compassion for Thee,
and let my eyes weep for Thy sorrows, caused by my sinful life.
Call me back from the darkness to my Father's house, give me a new heart
and a place at Thy side in the banquet Thou hast prepared for me. Amen.
Hail, Mary, my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul!
Thou art all mine through thy mercy, and I am all thine.
But I am not thine completely enough.
Destroy in me all that may be displeasing to God.
Place and cultivate in me everything that is pleasing to thee.
Prayer for the Dying and/or Special Souls
O Most Merciful Jesus, Lover of Souls,
I beseech You, by the agony of Your Most Sacred Heart,
and by the sorrows of Your Immaculate Mother,
wash clean in the Your Blood the sinners of the whole world
who are to die this day.
Remember most especially the soul I spiritually adopt
with the intention of entrusting him or her to Your Shepherd's care:
I beseech You for the grace to move this sinner, who is in
danger of going to Hell, to repent. I ask this because of my
trust in Your Great Mercy.
If it should please Your Majesty to send me a suffering this day
in exchange for the grace I ask for this soul, then, it, too,
shall please me very much, and I thank You, Most Sweet Jesus,
Shepherd and Lover of Souls; I thank You for this
opportunity to give mercy in thanksgiving for all the mercies
You have shown me.
Heart of Jesus, once in agony, have mercy on the dying.
An Offering of the Precious Blood for Souls
O My God, I beg of Thee in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, through the merits of the Precious Blood offered Thee in every Mass throughout the world, to grant that this day one mortal sin may be averted, one soul in doubt may be converted to the truth, one soul about to die in sin may receive the grace of repentance and a happy death, and the deliverance of that soul in Purgatory which is nearest Heaven. I wish by this offering to console the Heart of Jesus in agony for the souls lost through the teaching of error against the true Church of Christ, Jesus, Our Lord.
Heart of Jesus, once in agony, have mercy on the dying. Heart of Jesus, ever consumed with burning love for the poor captive souls in Purgatory, be not severe in Thy judgments, but let some drops of Thy Precious Blood fall upon them and send, O Merciful Savior, Thy Angels to conduct them to a place of light, refreshment, and peace.
Mother of Sorrows! Mother of Christ! Thou hadst influence with thy Divine Son when on earth, thou doth have the same influence now in Heaven, pray for me, obtain from thy Divine Son my request, if it be His Holy Will.
O My God, I beg of Thee in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, through the merits of the Precious Blood offered Thee in every Mass throughout the world, to grant that this day one mortal sin may be averted, one soul in doubt may be converted to the truth, one soul about to die in sin may receive the grace of repentance and a happy death, and the deliverance of that soul in Purgatory which is nearest Heaven. I wish by this offering to console the Heart of Jesus in agony for the souls lost through the teaching of error against the true Church of Christ, Jesus, Our Lord.
Heart of Jesus, once in agony, have mercy on the dying. Heart of Jesus, ever consumed with burning love for the poor captive souls in Purgatory, be not severe in Thy judgments, but let some drops of Thy Precious Blood fall upon them and send, O Merciful Savior, Thy Angels to conduct them to a place of light, refreshment, and peace.
Mother of Sorrows! Mother of Christ! Thou hadst influence with thy Divine Son when on earth, thou doth have the same influence now in Heaven, pray for me, obtain from thy Divine Son my request, if it be His Holy Will.
Prayer for the Souls of Religious
Incline Thine Ear, O Lord, unto our prayers, wherein we humbly pray Thee to show Thy Mercy upon the soul of Thy servant N., whom Thou hast commanded to pass out of this world, that Thou wouldst place him in the region of peace and light, and bid him a partaker with Thy Saints. Through Christ our Lord.
We beseech Thee, O Lord, according to Thy loving-kindness, have mercy upon the soul of Thy handmaiden N., and, now that she is set free from the defilements of this mortal flesh, restore her to her heritage of everlasting salvation. Through Christ our Lord.
Incline Thine Ear, O Lord, unto our prayers, wherein we humbly pray Thee to show Thy Mercy upon the soul of Thy servant N., whom Thou hast commanded to pass out of this world, that Thou wouldst place him in the region of peace and light, and bid him a partaker with Thy Saints. Through Christ our Lord.
We beseech Thee, O Lord, according to Thy loving-kindness, have mercy upon the soul of Thy handmaiden N., and, now that she is set free from the defilements of this mortal flesh, restore her to her heritage of everlasting salvation. Through Christ our Lord.
Prayer for the Poor Souls in Purgatory
O Holy Souls in Purgatory, you are the certain heirs of Heaven. You are most dear to Jesus, as the trophies of His Precious Blood, and to Mary, Mother of Mercy. Obtain for me, through your intercession, the grace to lead a holy life, to die a happy death, and to attain to the blessedness of eternity in Heaven.
Dear suffering souls, who long to be delivered in order to praise and glorify God in Heaven, by your unfailing pity, help me in the needs which distress me at this time, particularly (here mention your request), so that I may obtain relief and assistance from God.
In gratitude for your intercession, I offer to God, on your behalf, the satisfactory merits of my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day (week, month, or whatever space of time you wish to designate).
O Holy Souls in Purgatory, you are the certain heirs of Heaven. You are most dear to Jesus, as the trophies of His Precious Blood, and to Mary, Mother of Mercy. Obtain for me, through your intercession, the grace to lead a holy life, to die a happy death, and to attain to the blessedness of eternity in Heaven.
Dear suffering souls, who long to be delivered in order to praise and glorify God in Heaven, by your unfailing pity, help me in the needs which distress me at this time, particularly (here mention your request), so that I may obtain relief and assistance from God.
In gratitude for your intercession, I offer to God, on your behalf, the satisfactory merits of my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day (week, month, or whatever space of time you wish to designate).
Prayer of Supplication for the Poor Souls in Purgatory
O Holy Souls, as one truly devoted to you, I promise never to forget you and continually to pray to the Most High for your release. I beseech you to respond to this offering which I make to you, and to obtain for me, from God, with Whom you are so powerful on behalf of the living, that I may be free from all dangers of souls and body.
I beg both for myself and for my relations and benefactors, friends and enemies, pardon for our sins, and the grace of perseverance in good, whereby we may save our souls. Obtain for us peace of heart; assist us in all our actions; succor us promptly in all our spiritual and temporal needs; console and defend us in our dangers.
Pray for our Holy Father, the Pope; for the exaltation of Holy Church; for peace between nations; for Christian rulers; and for tranquility among peoples; and grant that we may one day all rejoice together in Paradise.
O Holy Souls, as one truly devoted to you, I promise never to forget you and continually to pray to the Most High for your release. I beseech you to respond to this offering which I make to you, and to obtain for me, from God, with Whom you are so powerful on behalf of the living, that I may be free from all dangers of souls and body.
I beg both for myself and for my relations and benefactors, friends and enemies, pardon for our sins, and the grace of perseverance in good, whereby we may save our souls. Obtain for us peace of heart; assist us in all our actions; succor us promptly in all our spiritual and temporal needs; console and defend us in our dangers.
Pray for our Holy Father, the Pope; for the exaltation of Holy Church; for peace between nations; for Christian rulers; and for tranquility among peoples; and grant that we may one day all rejoice together in Paradise.
Prayer for the Suffering Souls
O Adorable Trinity, cast upon us Thy merciful glance. Look at these souls whom Thou hast created, and who suffer far from Thee an unutterable grief. Look at Thy poor contrite servants, humbly supplicating Thee on their behalf. For the sake of the glorious Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, and our Mother also, deign to shorten the sufferings of these desolate souls; and to us all who labor in the miseries of the life, grant the grace of eternal salvation.
I am only a sinner, but in obedience to Thy command, dear Jesus, I dare to intercede with Thee for my captive brethren. Deign by Thy Holy Sacrifice to appease the justice of Thy Father and open Heaven to those poor souls who languish far from Thee. Amen.
V. Grant unto them, O Lord, eternal rest;
R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.
V. May they rest in peace.
R. Amen.
O Adorable Trinity, cast upon us Thy merciful glance. Look at these souls whom Thou hast created, and who suffer far from Thee an unutterable grief. Look at Thy poor contrite servants, humbly supplicating Thee on their behalf. For the sake of the glorious Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, and our Mother also, deign to shorten the sufferings of these desolate souls; and to us all who labor in the miseries of the life, grant the grace of eternal salvation.
I am only a sinner, but in obedience to Thy command, dear Jesus, I dare to intercede with Thee for my captive brethren. Deign by Thy Holy Sacrifice to appease the justice of Thy Father and open Heaven to those poor souls who languish far from Thee. Amen.
V. Grant unto them, O Lord, eternal rest;
R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.
V. May they rest in peace.
R. Amen.
Divine Heart of Jesus
O Divine Heart of Jesus, grant I pray Thee, eternal rest to the Souls in Purgatory, the final grace to those who are about to die this day, true repentance to sinners, the light of faith to pagans, and Thy blessing to me and to all who are dear to me. To Thee, therefore, O Most Merciful Heart of Jesus, I commend all these souls, and in their behalf I offer unto Thee all Thy merits in union with the merits of Thy Most Blessed Mother and of all the Angels and Saints, together with all the Masses, Communions, prayers and good works which are this day being offered throughout Christendom.
O Most Holy Heart of Jesus, shower Thy blessings in abundant measure upon the Thy Holy Church, upon the Supreme Pontiff and upon all the clergy; to the just grant perseverance; convert sinners; enlighten unbelievers; bless our relations, friends and benefactors; assist the dying; deliver the Holy Souls in Purgatory; and extend over all hearts the sweet empire of Thy love.
O Most Holy Heart of Jesus, shower Thy blessings in abundant measure upon the Thy Holy Church, upon the Supreme Pontiff and upon all the clergy; to the just grant perseverance; convert sinners; enlighten unbelievers; bless our relations, friends and benefactors; assist the dying; deliver the Holy Souls in Purgatory; and extend over all hearts the sweet empire of Thy love.
Prayer for the Salvation of the World
Father, hear our prayers for the salvation of the world. Grant Mercy to all souls that turned away from you. Open their hearts and minds with Your light.
Gather your children from the east and the west, from the north and the south. Have mercy O God on those who do not know You. Bring them out of darkness into your light. You are our saving God who
leads us in our salvation. Protect us from evil.
Bless and praise You O Lord, hear our prayers and answer us. You, our Savior, are the hope of all the ends of the Earth and the distant seas. May Your way be known upon Earth; among all nations Your
We put the world in Your hands; fill us with Your love. Grant us peace through Christ, our Lord.
Father, hear our prayers for the salvation of the world. Grant Mercy to all souls that turned away from you. Open their hearts and minds with Your light.
Gather your children from the east and the west, from the north and the south. Have mercy O God on those who do not know You. Bring them out of darkness into your light. You are our saving God who
leads us in our salvation. Protect us from evil.
Bless and praise You O Lord, hear our prayers and answer us. You, our Savior, are the hope of all the ends of the Earth and the distant seas. May Your way be known upon Earth; among all nations Your
We put the world in Your hands; fill us with Your love. Grant us peace through Christ, our Lord.
O Salutaris Hostia
O Holy Victim for our salvation. You are perfect humanity, true divinity, the source and origin of our salvation. Have mercy on the deceased!
You, our Redeemer, O Jesus! You erase our sins and You forgive us. Have mercy on the deceased!
Touched by our prayers, sweet Jesus, and by the supplications of all the faithful, receive our prayers, and have mercy on the deceased!
O Jesus, we beg You to grant eternal rest to those who have died in Your Grace. May the eternal and blessed light shine upon them.
Prayer for the Dead
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant unto the souls of Thy departed servants full remission of all their sins, that through the help of our pious supplications they may obtain that pardon, which they have always desired. Thou Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.
V. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.
V. May they rest in peace.
Blessing Prayer
This day is full of beauty and adventure,
help me Lord to be fully alive to it all.
During this day, may I become a more thoughtful person,
a more prayerful person, a more generous and kindly person.
Help me not to be turned in on myself but
to be sensitive and helpful to others.
Let me do nothing today that will hurt anyone,
but let me help at least a little,
to make life more pleasant for those I meet.
When night comes, may I look back on this day without regrets;
and may nobody be unhappy because of anything
I have said or done or failed to do.
Lord God, bless this day for me and all of us.
Make it a day in which we grow a little more
like your Son, and gentle as Mary His Mother.
Prayer for Someone Special
May the grace and blessing of the Sacred Heart be with you,
The peace of the Sacred Heart encompass You;
The merits of the Sacred Heart plead for you;
The love of the Sacred Heart inflame you;
The sorrows of the Sacred Heart console you;
The zeal of the Sacred Heart animate you;
The virtues of the Sacred Heart shine forth in your word and work;
And may the joys of the beatific vision be your eternal reward.
O Holy Victim for our salvation. You are perfect humanity, true divinity, the source and origin of our salvation. Have mercy on the deceased!
You, our Redeemer, O Jesus! You erase our sins and You forgive us. Have mercy on the deceased!
Touched by our prayers, sweet Jesus, and by the supplications of all the faithful, receive our prayers, and have mercy on the deceased!
O Jesus, we beg You to grant eternal rest to those who have died in Your Grace. May the eternal and blessed light shine upon them.
Prayer for the Dead
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant unto the souls of Thy departed servants full remission of all their sins, that through the help of our pious supplications they may obtain that pardon, which they have always desired. Thou Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.
V. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.
V. May they rest in peace.
Blessing Prayer
This day is full of beauty and adventure,
help me Lord to be fully alive to it all.
During this day, may I become a more thoughtful person,
a more prayerful person, a more generous and kindly person.
Help me not to be turned in on myself but
to be sensitive and helpful to others.
Let me do nothing today that will hurt anyone,
but let me help at least a little,
to make life more pleasant for those I meet.
When night comes, may I look back on this day without regrets;
and may nobody be unhappy because of anything
I have said or done or failed to do.
Lord God, bless this day for me and all of us.
Make it a day in which we grow a little more
like your Son, and gentle as Mary His Mother.
Prayer for Someone Special
May the grace and blessing of the Sacred Heart be with you,
The peace of the Sacred Heart encompass You;
The merits of the Sacred Heart plead for you;
The love of the Sacred Heart inflame you;
The sorrows of the Sacred Heart console you;
The zeal of the Sacred Heart animate you;
The virtues of the Sacred Heart shine forth in your word and work;
And may the joys of the beatific vision be your eternal reward.
Prayer for Enlightenment
O Holy Ghost, Divine Spirit of Light and Love, I consecrate to Thee my understanding, my heart and my will, my whole being for time and for eternity. May my understanding be always obedient to Thy heavenly inspirations and the teachings of the holy Catholic Church, of which Thou art the infallible Guide; may my heart be ever inflamed with love of God and of my neighbor; may my will be ever conformed to the Divine Will, and may my whole life be a faithful following of the life and virtues of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to Whom with the Father and Thee be honor and glory for ever. Amen.
O Holy Ghost, Divine Spirit of Light and Love, I consecrate to Thee my understanding, my heart and my will, my whole being for time and for eternity. May my understanding be always obedient to Thy heavenly inspirations and the teachings of the holy Catholic Church, of which Thou art the infallible Guide; may my heart be ever inflamed with love of God and of my neighbor; may my will be ever conformed to the Divine Will, and may my whole life be a faithful following of the life and virtues of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to Whom with the Father and Thee be honor and glory for ever. Amen.
Prayer of Healing
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for You are my praise.
I praise You, mighty Father.
You forgive all my iniquities, and You heal all my diseases.
Thank You, Lord. When I am sick, You send Your Word, and it heals me and delivers me from all destructions.
Your Word is life to me, and it brings healing to my flesh.
Thank You for the healing power of Your Word, Father.
I will never let it depart from my eyes.
I will keep Your Word deeply implanted within my heart.
Praise Your name, Holy Father.
I love You, and I thank You for healing me and keeping me in good health.
I praise You, mighty Father.
You forgive all my iniquities, and You heal all my diseases.
Thank You, Lord. When I am sick, You send Your Word, and it heals me and delivers me from all destructions.
Your Word is life to me, and it brings healing to my flesh.
Thank You for the healing power of Your Word, Father.
I will never let it depart from my eyes.
I will keep Your Word deeply implanted within my heart.
Praise Your name, Holy Father.
I love You, and I thank You for healing me and keeping me in good health.
Prayer for Healing
Merciful God,
we remember before You all who are sick this day.
Give them courage to live with their disease.
Help them to face and overcome their fears.
Be with them when they are alone or rejected.
Comfort them when they are discouraged.
And touch them with Your healing Spirit that
they may find and possess eternal life, now and forever.
we remember before You all who are sick this day.
Give them courage to live with their disease.
Help them to face and overcome their fears.
Be with them when they are alone or rejected.
Comfort them when they are discouraged.
And touch them with Your healing Spirit that
they may find and possess eternal life, now and forever.
Prayer Before The Rosary
Queen of the Holy Rosary, you have designed to come to Fatima and Medjugorje, to reveal to the three shepherd children and six visionaries, the treasures of grace hidden in the Rosary. Inspire my heart with a sincere love of this devotion, in order that by meditating on the Mysteries of our Redemption which are recalled in it, I may obtain peace for the world, the conversion of sinners, and the favor which I ask of you in this Rosary (Mention your request). I ask it for the greater glory of God, for your own honor, and for the good of souls, especially for my own.
Prayer After The Rosary
O God, whose only-begotten Son, by His life, death and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life; grant, we beseech Thee, that, meditating upon these mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord.
Queen of the Holy Rosary, you have designed to come to Fatima and Medjugorje, to reveal to the three shepherd children and six visionaries, the treasures of grace hidden in the Rosary. Inspire my heart with a sincere love of this devotion, in order that by meditating on the Mysteries of our Redemption which are recalled in it, I may obtain peace for the world, the conversion of sinners, and the favor which I ask of you in this Rosary (Mention your request). I ask it for the greater glory of God, for your own honor, and for the good of souls, especially for my own.
Prayer After The Rosary
O God, whose only-begotten Son, by His life, death and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life; grant, we beseech Thee, that, meditating upon these mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord.
Act of Reparation
Sacred Heart of Jesus, animated with a desire to repair the outrages unceasingly offered to Thee, we prostrate before Thy throne of mercy, and in the name of all mankind, pledge our love and fidelity to Thee!
The more Thy mysteries are blasphemed, the more firmly we shall believe them, O Sacred Heart of Jesus!
The more impiety endeavors to extinguish our hopes of immortality, the more we shall trust in Thy Heart, sole hope of mankind!
The more hearts resist Thy Divine Attractions, the more we shall love Thee, O Infinitely Amiable Heart of Jesus!
The more unbelief attacks Thy Divinity, the more humbly and profoundly we shall adore It, O Divine Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy holy laws are transgressed and ignored, the more we shall delight to observe them, O Most Holy Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy Sacraments are despised and abandoned, the more frequently we shall receive them with love and reverence, O Most Liberal Heart of Jesus!
The more the imitation of Thy virtues is neglected and forgotten, the more we shall endeavor to practice them, O Heart, Model of Every Virtue!
The more the devil labors to destroy souls, the more we shall be inflamed with desire to save them, O Heart of Jesus, Zealous Lover of Souls!
The more sin and impurity destroy the image of God in man, the more we shall try by purity of life to be a living temple of the Holy Spirit, O Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy Holy Church is despised, the more we shall endeavor to be her faithful children, O Sweet Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy vicar on earth is persecuted, the more we will honor him as the infallible head of Thy Holy Church, show our fidelity and pray for him, O Kingly Heart of Jesus!
O Sacred Heart, through Thy powerful grace, may we become Thy apostles in the midst of a corrupted world, and be Thy crown in the kingdom of heaven.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, animated with a desire to repair the outrages unceasingly offered to Thee, we prostrate before Thy throne of mercy, and in the name of all mankind, pledge our love and fidelity to Thee!
The more Thy mysteries are blasphemed, the more firmly we shall believe them, O Sacred Heart of Jesus!
The more impiety endeavors to extinguish our hopes of immortality, the more we shall trust in Thy Heart, sole hope of mankind!
The more hearts resist Thy Divine Attractions, the more we shall love Thee, O Infinitely Amiable Heart of Jesus!
The more unbelief attacks Thy Divinity, the more humbly and profoundly we shall adore It, O Divine Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy holy laws are transgressed and ignored, the more we shall delight to observe them, O Most Holy Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy Sacraments are despised and abandoned, the more frequently we shall receive them with love and reverence, O Most Liberal Heart of Jesus!
The more the imitation of Thy virtues is neglected and forgotten, the more we shall endeavor to practice them, O Heart, Model of Every Virtue!
The more the devil labors to destroy souls, the more we shall be inflamed with desire to save them, O Heart of Jesus, Zealous Lover of Souls!
The more sin and impurity destroy the image of God in man, the more we shall try by purity of life to be a living temple of the Holy Spirit, O Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy Holy Church is despised, the more we shall endeavor to be her faithful children, O Sweet Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy vicar on earth is persecuted, the more we will honor him as the infallible head of Thy Holy Church, show our fidelity and pray for him, O Kingly Heart of Jesus!
O Sacred Heart, through Thy powerful grace, may we become Thy apostles in the midst of a corrupted world, and be Thy crown in the kingdom of heaven.
Dedication to Jesus
Lord Jesus Christ, take all my freedom, my memory, my understanding, and my
will. All that I have and cherish You have given me. I surrender it all to be
guided by Your will. Your love and Your grace are wealth enough for me. Give me
these, Lord Jesus, and I'll ask for nothing more.
will. All that I have and cherish You have given me. I surrender it all to be
guided by Your will. Your love and Your grace are wealth enough for me. Give me
these, Lord Jesus, and I'll ask for nothing more.
Bless me, O Lord
Heavenly Father, Almighty God.
I humble myself before Your Presence. What a joy it is to come to You.
I thank You and I praise for Your infinite Majesty, Omnipotence and Perfections.
Please forgive me all my sins.
Lord I come to You in my nothingness.
I want to worship You and adore You, to love You with all my heart, with all my mind, with all my soul and with all my strength.
I want to burn with desire for You like an angel.
I need You my Lord, I am nothing without You.
I ask You to raise me before Your Glory.
Shine Your light upon me, allow me to walk with You and always do Your Holy Will , protect me and bless me, O Merciful Lord.
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, grant me peace, love and joy. Heal me, bless me and sanctify me O Lord; make me a blessing for all those around me.
I humble myself before Your Presence. What a joy it is to come to You.
I thank You and I praise for Your infinite Majesty, Omnipotence and Perfections.
Please forgive me all my sins.
Lord I come to You in my nothingness.
I want to worship You and adore You, to love You with all my heart, with all my mind, with all my soul and with all my strength.
I want to burn with desire for You like an angel.
I need You my Lord, I am nothing without You.
I ask You to raise me before Your Glory.
Shine Your light upon me, allow me to walk with You and always do Your Holy Will , protect me and bless me, O Merciful Lord.
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, grant me peace, love and joy. Heal me, bless me and sanctify me O Lord; make me a blessing for all those around me.
Prayer to Redeem Lost Time
O My God! Source of All Mercy! I acknowledge Your sovereign power. While recalling the wasted years that are past, I believe that You, Lord, can in an instant turn this loss to gain. Miserable as I am, yet I firmly believe that You can do all things. Please restore to me the time lost, giving me Your grace, both now and in the future, that I may appear before You in "wedding garments."
O My God! Source of All Mercy! I acknowledge Your sovereign power. While recalling the wasted years that are past, I believe that You, Lord, can in an instant turn this loss to gain. Miserable as I am, yet I firmly believe that You can do all things. Please restore to me the time lost, giving me Your grace, both now and in the future, that I may appear before You in "wedding garments."
Prayer for Relieving Stress and Anxiety
Lord, there has been too much change in my life recently, and I feel overwhelmed. Because I try to be a responsible person, I sometimes forget that it is unwise for me to allow my sense of duty to override my common sense.
Lord, help me to allow myself more time to rest, relax, and pray. Guide me toward something spiritual to read every day and a quiet time afterwards to reflect on what I have read and how it pertains to my life. I truly want to simplify my life and live more as Christ did. Help me remember that there is no loss or problem I must face alone. You are always near, with Your love and compassion to comfort me.
Lord, there has been too much change in my life recently, and I feel overwhelmed. Because I try to be a responsible person, I sometimes forget that it is unwise for me to allow my sense of duty to override my common sense.
Lord, help me to allow myself more time to rest, relax, and pray. Guide me toward something spiritual to read every day and a quiet time afterwards to reflect on what I have read and how it pertains to my life. I truly want to simplify my life and live more as Christ did. Help me remember that there is no loss or problem I must face alone. You are always near, with Your love and compassion to comfort me.
Healing of the Spirit and a Special Intention
Gentle Jesus, with faith in Your healing powers and confidence in Your constant compassion, I ask you to heal my suffering spirit. May my soul find rest in Your comforting love and relief from sorrow and anguish. Relying on Your love, I especially ask Your help in (name your concern.) I place my trust in Your power to heal my spirit from feelings of hopelessness, unrest, and despair.
Gentle Jesus, with faith in Your healing powers and confidence in Your constant compassion, I ask you to heal my suffering spirit. May my soul find rest in Your comforting love and relief from sorrow and anguish. Relying on Your love, I especially ask Your help in (name your concern.) I place my trust in Your power to heal my spirit from feelings of hopelessness, unrest, and despair.
Lord May Your Kingdom Come
Take away all fear from my life and give me a strong faith like Abraham, our father in faith. As I celebrate this Eucharist, I wait in joyful hope for the return of the Master.
Give me all I need each day: do not put me to the test.
Help me to recognise that nothing in life is more important than preparation for the final encounter.
Deliver me from all evil, past, present and to come. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours, now and for ever.
Take away all fear from my life and give me a strong faith like Abraham, our father in faith. As I celebrate this Eucharist, I wait in joyful hope for the return of the Master.
Give me all I need each day: do not put me to the test.
Help me to recognise that nothing in life is more important than preparation for the final encounter.
Deliver me from all evil, past, present and to come. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours, now and for ever.
Prayer in Celebration of God's Perfections
We pray to You, O Lord, Who are the Surpeme Truth, and all truth is from You. We beseech You, O Lord, Who are the highest Wisdom, and all the wise depend on You for their wisdom. You are the Supreme Joy, and all who are happy owe it to You. You are the Light of minds, and all receive their understanding from You. We love You above all. We seek You, we follow You, and we are ready to serve You. We desire to dwell under Your power for You are the King of All.
My Lord and God
You gave each one of us a mission to fulfil in our lives.
Help us to find it, to use it and share it with others.
Help us to understand the true meaning of life - to know You, and to live with You.
Lord, many a time I stray from Your light
and feel that I am not worthy to be called Your child,
but I know Lord, that You are a forgiving Father
and that You accept me as I am.
I know that You love me like no other can love me,
that Your love for me is so great and unconditional that it hurts me to hurt You.
Help me my Lord, to become more like You.
Help me to see You in others and help others see You in me.
Help us to find it, to use it and share it with others.
Help us to understand the true meaning of life - to know You, and to live with You.
Lord, many a time I stray from Your light
and feel that I am not worthy to be called Your child,
but I know Lord, that You are a forgiving Father
and that You accept me as I am.
I know that You love me like no other can love me,
that Your love for me is so great and unconditional that it hurts me to hurt You.
Help me my Lord, to become more like You.
Help me to see You in others and help others see You in me.
Every Day Prayer 1
Every Day I need Thee Lord,
This day especially
I need some extra strength to face
Whatever is to be.
This day more than any day
I need to feel Thee near
To fortify my courage
And overcome my fears.
By myself I cannot meet the challenges of the hour
There are times when human creatures need a higher power
To bear what must be borne
And so, dear Lord I pray
Hold on to my trembling hand
And be with me today
Every Day I need Thee Lord,
This day especially
I need some extra strength to face
Whatever is to be.
This day more than any day
I need to feel Thee near
To fortify my courage
And overcome my fears.
By myself I cannot meet the challenges of the hour
There are times when human creatures need a higher power
To bear what must be borne
And so, dear Lord I pray
Hold on to my trembling hand
And be with me today
Every Day prayer 2
Let us pray to Jesus Christ along with the intercession of Holy Mother Mary, in union with the saints.
"Jesus, I entrust all my problems to you. Come to me. Speak to me. Reveal the Will of God to me. Deliver me from dangers and diseases (names). Jesus! Pour Your Precious Blood on me. Remove all the stain of sin from me. Grant me freely, redemption from sin and salvation by the merit of the crucifixion and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ. Deliver me from satanic bondages, evil desire, wicked men and temptations of the devil. Save me by the merit of Your Suffering. Jesus,send upon me, in power, the Holy Spirit, promised by the Father. Renew me, and my dear ones by the Holy Spirit. Thank You God. Praise You Jesus. Praise You Holy Spirit."
Let us pray to Jesus Christ along with the intercession of Holy Mother Mary, in union with the saints.
"Jesus, I entrust all my problems to you. Come to me. Speak to me. Reveal the Will of God to me. Deliver me from dangers and diseases (names). Jesus! Pour Your Precious Blood on me. Remove all the stain of sin from me. Grant me freely, redemption from sin and salvation by the merit of the crucifixion and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ. Deliver me from satanic bondages, evil desire, wicked men and temptations of the devil. Save me by the merit of Your Suffering. Jesus,send upon me, in power, the Holy Spirit, promised by the Father. Renew me, and my dear ones by the Holy Spirit. Thank You God. Praise You Jesus. Praise You Holy Spirit."
Pious Invocations
We adore You, O Christ,
and we bless You;
because by Your Cross
You have redeemed the world.
Heart of Jesus,
I place all my trust in You.
My Jesus Mercy!
Sweet Heart of Mary,
be my salvation!
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
I give You my heart and my soul.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
assist me in my last agony.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
may I breathe out my soul with You in peace.
and we bless You;
because by Your Cross
You have redeemed the world.
Heart of Jesus,
I place all my trust in You.
My Jesus Mercy!
Sweet Heart of Mary,
be my salvation!
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
I give You my heart and my soul.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
assist me in my last agony.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
may I breathe out my soul with You in peace.
Prayer for Patience
God, teach me to be patient, teach me to go slow,
Teach me how to wait on You when my way I do not know.
Teach me sweet forbearance when things do not go right
So I remain unruffled when others grow uptight.
Teach me how to quiet my racing, rising heart
So I might hear the answer You are trying to impart.
Teach me to let go, dear God, and pray undisturbed until
My heart is filled with inner peace and I learn to know Your Will.
Prayer Before Mass
Almighty and Ever-living God,
I approach the Sacrament
of Your Only Begotten Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
I come sick to the Doctor of Life,
unclean to the Fountain of Mercy,
blind to the radiance of Eternal light,
and poor and needy to the Lord
of Heaven and Earth.
Lord, in Your great generosity,
heal my sickness,
wash away my defilement,
enlighten my blindness, enrich my poverty,
and clothe my nakedness.
May I receive the Bread of Angels,
the King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
with humble reverence,
with the purity and faith,
the repentance and love,
and the determined purpose
that will help to bring me to salvation.
May I receive the Sacrament
of the Lord's Body and Blood,
and Its reality and power.
Kind God,
may I receive the Body
of Your Only Begotten Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
born from the womb of the Virgin Mary,
and so be received into His Mystical Body
and numbered among His members.
Loving Father,
as on my earthly pilgrimage
I now receive Your Beloved Son
under the veil of a sacrament,
may I one day see Him face to face in glory,
Who lives and reigns with You forever.
God, teach me to be patient, teach me to go slow,
Teach me how to wait on You when my way I do not know.
Teach me sweet forbearance when things do not go right
So I remain unruffled when others grow uptight.
Teach me how to quiet my racing, rising heart
So I might hear the answer You are trying to impart.
Teach me to let go, dear God, and pray undisturbed until
My heart is filled with inner peace and I learn to know Your Will.
Prayer Before Mass
Almighty and Ever-living God,
I approach the Sacrament
of Your Only Begotten Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
I come sick to the Doctor of Life,
unclean to the Fountain of Mercy,
blind to the radiance of Eternal light,
and poor and needy to the Lord
of Heaven and Earth.
Lord, in Your great generosity,
heal my sickness,
wash away my defilement,
enlighten my blindness, enrich my poverty,
and clothe my nakedness.
May I receive the Bread of Angels,
the King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
with humble reverence,
with the purity and faith,
the repentance and love,
and the determined purpose
that will help to bring me to salvation.
May I receive the Sacrament
of the Lord's Body and Blood,
and Its reality and power.
Kind God,
may I receive the Body
of Your Only Begotten Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
born from the womb of the Virgin Mary,
and so be received into His Mystical Body
and numbered among His members.
Loving Father,
as on my earthly pilgrimage
I now receive Your Beloved Son
under the veil of a sacrament,
may I one day see Him face to face in glory,
Who lives and reigns with You forever.
Dear Father
Shine Your light upon me so that I may see my true vocation. Give me the grace to hear Your word and be an example to others of Your love for us.
I pray for all in Priesthood, Consecrated life, Marriage and Single life, and for all who are listening to Your call, that they may answer You in their vocation.
Thank You for sending Your son Jesus - Lord of the Harvest - help me to follow His example. May I freely, courageously and lovingly respond.
Act of Desire
Eternal Father, turn Thy merciful gaze upon all mankind and especially upon poor sinners, all enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. For the sake of His sorrowful passion show us Thy Mercy, that we may praise the omnipotence of Thy Mercy for ever and ever. Amen.
Eternal Father, turn Thy merciful gaze also upon the company of Thy chosen ones in Thy vineyard--upon the souls of priests and religious; and endow them with the strength of Thy blessing. For the love of the Heart of Thy Son in which they are enfolded, impart to them, Thy power and light, that they may guide others in the way of salvation and with one voice sing praise to Thy boundless Mercy for ages without end.
I pray for all in Priesthood, Consecrated life, Marriage and Single life, and for all who are listening to Your call, that they may answer You in their vocation.
Thank You for sending Your son Jesus - Lord of the Harvest - help me to follow His example. May I freely, courageously and lovingly respond.
Act of Desire
Eternal Father, turn Thy merciful gaze upon all mankind and especially upon poor sinners, all enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. For the sake of His sorrowful passion show us Thy Mercy, that we may praise the omnipotence of Thy Mercy for ever and ever. Amen.
Eternal Father, turn Thy merciful gaze also upon the company of Thy chosen ones in Thy vineyard--upon the souls of priests and religious; and endow them with the strength of Thy blessing. For the love of the Heart of Thy Son in which they are enfolded, impart to them, Thy power and light, that they may guide others in the way of salvation and with one voice sing praise to Thy boundless Mercy for ages without end.
Nine Elevations to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Heart of Jesus, perfect Adorer of God, teach me to adore the Father with Thee and by Thee. -
Heart of Jesus, burning with love of me, inflame me with Thy Divine Love. -
Heart of Jesus, only Victim worthy of God, unite me to Thy Divine Sacrifice. -
Heart of Jesus, overwhelmed with bitterness for the sins of men, break my heart with sorrow for my sins. -
Heart of Jesus, sovereignly humble, annihilate my pride. -
Heart of Jesus, perfect model of meekness, inspire my heart with this salutary virtue. -
Heart of Jesus, infinitely pure and without stain, give me an inviolable purity of body, mind, and heart. -
Heart of Jesus, consumed with zeal for the glory of the Father, enkindle in my heart an ardent zeal for Thy glory and my own sanctification. -
Heart of Jesus, reign for ever in my heart, and grant me the grace to reign one day with Thee in Heaven.
Act of Adoration
My Lord, Jesus Christ, True God and True Man, I adore Thee with every fibre of my being! I adore Thee at every instant of time. I adore Thee in union with the Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother, Mary, in union with the pure heart of St. Joseph, in union with all Thy Angels and Saints in the glory of heaven, in union with Thy just on earth, in union with the souls in purgatory. With this tribute of adoration I wish to adore Thee for all who do not adore Thee, to love Thee for all who love Thee not, to acknowledge Thee to be my God, for all who refuse to acknowledge Thee.
I adore Thee, Lord and Creator, hidden in the Blessed Sacrament. I adore Thee for all the works of Thy hands, that reveal to me so much wisdom, goodness and mercy, O Lord. Thou hast spread so much beauty over the earth, and it tells me about Thy Beauty, even though these beautiful things are but a faint reflection of Thine Incomprehensible Beauty. And although Thou hast hidden Thyself and concealed Thy Beauty, my eye, enlightened by faith, reaches Thee, and my soul recognizes its Creator, its Highest Good; and my heart is completely immersed in prayer of adoration.
My Lord, Jesus Christ, True God and True Man, I adore Thee with every fibre of my being! I adore Thee at every instant of time. I adore Thee in union with the Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother, Mary, in union with the pure heart of St. Joseph, in union with all Thy Angels and Saints in the glory of heaven, in union with Thy just on earth, in union with the souls in purgatory. With this tribute of adoration I wish to adore Thee for all who do not adore Thee, to love Thee for all who love Thee not, to acknowledge Thee to be my God, for all who refuse to acknowledge Thee.
I adore Thee, Lord and Creator, hidden in the Blessed Sacrament. I adore Thee for all the works of Thy hands, that reveal to me so much wisdom, goodness and mercy, O Lord. Thou hast spread so much beauty over the earth, and it tells me about Thy Beauty, even though these beautiful things are but a faint reflection of Thine Incomprehensible Beauty. And although Thou hast hidden Thyself and concealed Thy Beauty, my eye, enlightened by faith, reaches Thee, and my soul recognizes its Creator, its Highest Good; and my heart is completely immersed in prayer of adoration.
Prayer of the Missionaries of Charity
Dear Lord, the Great Healer, I kneel before You. since every perfect gift must come from You. I pray, give skill to my hands, clear vision to my mind, kindness and meekness to my heart.
Give me singleness of purpose, strength to lift up a part of the burden of my suffering fellow men, and a true realization of the privilege that is mine.
Take from my heart all guile and worldiness, that with the simple faith of a child, I may rely on You.
Dear Lord, the Great Healer, I kneel before You. since every perfect gift must come from You. I pray, give skill to my hands, clear vision to my mind, kindness and meekness to my heart.
Give me singleness of purpose, strength to lift up a part of the burden of my suffering fellow men, and a true realization of the privilege that is mine.
Take from my heart all guile and worldiness, that with the simple faith of a child, I may rely on You.
Prayer to do God's Will
Dear Lord God Almighty
We know that You are Jesus, and that You died for us.
Give us Your Holy Spirit, to live in us forever, and thus bless us with
Eternal Life. Let Your Holy Spirit testify through us and speak the Truth through us.
Let Your Holy Spirit love through us- a perfect unselfish Holy Love; so that we
lay down all worldly ambitions, give up our wills, and do Your Holy Will.
Take our thoughts away from making money, or finding business opportunities.
Take our desire away from seeking worldly wealth or fame. Take our eyes away from
looking on vain worldly appearances, which deceive and mislead us. Keep our thoughts
on doing Your Holy will, not on seeking worldly material things, or vain worldly status.
Let Your Holy Spirit give us our ONE desire and ONE purpose. To do Your Holy Will. If You desire us to walk paths of poverty, then so be it. If You desire us to lose everything, that we think is important or valuable, then so be it. If You desire us to sacrifice everything we have and our lives, then so be it. If You desire us to endure pain and seasons of harsh conditions, then so be it. If You desire us to live or die, then so be it. Let Your Holy Will be done in our lives. For, even our lives are not our own. We owe everything to You.
Keep us from looking in the mirror and admiring our own beauty, which is not beauty at all. Let the true beauty be in us Your Holy Spirit of Truth and Grace. Keep us from pride and love of self, which is our enemy. Bless us with absolute, total, unselfish love. Which is only possible through Your Holy Spirit.
We give You our lives. Do with us as You will. Make our lives useful to Your Service. The only ambition we have is to humbly, and honestly do Your Will. We want to lift up Your Name Jesus, not our names. We want to make known the power of Your Holy Spirit, Jesus. We want You to claim us for Yourself, and use us according to Your Divine purpose. And no matter the job or task that You assign to us, we will be contented, and full of Joy, to do Your Holy Will, Jesus.
Let Your Holy Spirit, Jesus, live in us forever, and give us purpose, hope, peace and joy, and Eternal Life. For without You, we perish.
In Your Holy Spirit, Jesus, we pray!
Dear Lord God Almighty
We know that You are Jesus, and that You died for us.
Give us Your Holy Spirit, to live in us forever, and thus bless us with
Eternal Life. Let Your Holy Spirit testify through us and speak the Truth through us.
Let Your Holy Spirit love through us- a perfect unselfish Holy Love; so that we
lay down all worldly ambitions, give up our wills, and do Your Holy Will.
Take our thoughts away from making money, or finding business opportunities.
Take our desire away from seeking worldly wealth or fame. Take our eyes away from
looking on vain worldly appearances, which deceive and mislead us. Keep our thoughts
on doing Your Holy will, not on seeking worldly material things, or vain worldly status.
Let Your Holy Spirit give us our ONE desire and ONE purpose. To do Your Holy Will. If You desire us to walk paths of poverty, then so be it. If You desire us to lose everything, that we think is important or valuable, then so be it. If You desire us to sacrifice everything we have and our lives, then so be it. If You desire us to endure pain and seasons of harsh conditions, then so be it. If You desire us to live or die, then so be it. Let Your Holy Will be done in our lives. For, even our lives are not our own. We owe everything to You.
Keep us from looking in the mirror and admiring our own beauty, which is not beauty at all. Let the true beauty be in us Your Holy Spirit of Truth and Grace. Keep us from pride and love of self, which is our enemy. Bless us with absolute, total, unselfish love. Which is only possible through Your Holy Spirit.
We give You our lives. Do with us as You will. Make our lives useful to Your Service. The only ambition we have is to humbly, and honestly do Your Will. We want to lift up Your Name Jesus, not our names. We want to make known the power of Your Holy Spirit, Jesus. We want You to claim us for Yourself, and use us according to Your Divine purpose. And no matter the job or task that You assign to us, we will be contented, and full of Joy, to do Your Holy Will, Jesus.
Let Your Holy Spirit, Jesus, live in us forever, and give us purpose, hope, peace and joy, and Eternal Life. For without You, we perish.
In Your Holy Spirit, Jesus, we pray!
Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament for Vocations 1
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Eternal Father,
Son of the Virgin Mary,
we thank You for offering Your life in sacrifice on
the Cross, and for renewing this sacrifice
in every Mass celebrated throughout the world.
In the Power of the Holy Spirit
we adore You and proclaim
Your living presence in the Eucharist.
We desire to imitate the love You show us
in Your death and resurrection,
by loving and serving one another.
We ask You to call many Young people to religious
life, and to provide the holy and generous priests
that are so needed in Your Church today.
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
Son of the Virgin Mary,
we thank You for offering Your life in sacrifice on
the Cross, and for renewing this sacrifice
in every Mass celebrated throughout the world.
In the Power of the Holy Spirit
we adore You and proclaim
Your living presence in the Eucharist.
We desire to imitate the love You show us
in Your death and resurrection,
by loving and serving one another.
We ask You to call many Young people to religious
life, and to provide the holy and generous priests
that are so needed in Your Church today.
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament for Vocations 2
O God, Our Father, You have called us in Baptism, to follow Your Son through lives of living service to You and to one another.
Grant us Your assistance as we seek to live out our vocation in life. We pray especially for those who have answered Your call as priests, brothers, sisters, and deacons.
Keep them faithful in following Your Son, and dedicated in serving You, in their brothers and sisters.
Grant that many more men and women will be open to the challenge of dedicating their lives in the ministry of building Your Kingdom.
Jesus, High Priest and Redeemer, we ask You to call men and women to Your service as priests and religious. May they be inspired by the lives of dedicated priests, brothers and sisters.
Holy Spirit, give to parents the grace of generosity and trust toward You and their Child, so that their sons and daughters may be helped to choose their vocation in life with wisdom and freedom.
We ask all of this through Christ, Our Lord.
O God, Our Father, You have called us in Baptism, to follow Your Son through lives of living service to You and to one another.
Grant us Your assistance as we seek to live out our vocation in life. We pray especially for those who have answered Your call as priests, brothers, sisters, and deacons.
Keep them faithful in following Your Son, and dedicated in serving You, in their brothers and sisters.
Grant that many more men and women will be open to the challenge of dedicating their lives in the ministry of building Your Kingdom.
Jesus, High Priest and Redeemer, we ask You to call men and women to Your service as priests and religious. May they be inspired by the lives of dedicated priests, brothers and sisters.
Holy Spirit, give to parents the grace of generosity and trust toward You and their Child, so that their sons and daughters may be helped to choose their vocation in life with wisdom and freedom.
We ask all of this through Christ, Our Lord.
Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament
Jesus, each time I look at the Sacred Host, sancify my eyes, that they may close more and more to all that is merely earthly.
Jesus, each time I look at the sacred Host, send a ray of Divine Light into my soul, that I may better know You and myself.
Jesus, each time I look at the sacred Host, send a flame of Divine Love into my heart to consume everything in it that is displeasing to You and to set it all on fire with Your love.
Now and in eternity may my only desire be to contemplate the infinite beauty of Your Divine Countenance which delights the angels.
Jesus, each time I look at the Sacred Host, sancify my eyes, that they may close more and more to all that is merely earthly.
Jesus, each time I look at the sacred Host, send a ray of Divine Light into my soul, that I may better know You and myself.
Jesus, each time I look at the sacred Host, send a flame of Divine Love into my heart to consume everything in it that is displeasing to You and to set it all on fire with Your love.
Now and in eternity may my only desire be to contemplate the infinite beauty of Your Divine Countenance which delights the angels.
Prayer for a New School Year
Spirit of God, fill our hearts with a desire to seek truth and rejoice in beauty.
Help us to know what is pleasing to You and to understand what is right and good in Your sight.
Give us the Spirit of Learning that we may please You by our thoughts and love You in Your creation.
Give all teachers Your constant encouragement and guide them in their good work.
Spirit of God, make us effective witnesses of Your truth to all whose lives we touch. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.
The Jesus Prayer
O my Divine Savior, transform me into Yourself.
May my hands be the hands of Jesus.
May my tongue be the tongue of Jesus,
Grant that every faculty of my body may serve only to glorify You.
Above all, transform my soul and all its powers,
that my memory, my will and my affections
may be the memory, the will and the affections of Jesus.
I pray You to destroy in me all that is not You.
Grant that I may live but in You and for You,
and that I may truly say with St. Paul:
"I live, now not I, but Christ lives in me".
Spirit of God, fill our hearts with a desire to seek truth and rejoice in beauty.
Help us to know what is pleasing to You and to understand what is right and good in Your sight.
Give us the Spirit of Learning that we may please You by our thoughts and love You in Your creation.
Give all teachers Your constant encouragement and guide them in their good work.
Spirit of God, make us effective witnesses of Your truth to all whose lives we touch. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.
The Jesus Prayer
O my Divine Savior, transform me into Yourself.
May my hands be the hands of Jesus.
May my tongue be the tongue of Jesus,
Grant that every faculty of my body may serve only to glorify You.
Above all, transform my soul and all its powers,
that my memory, my will and my affections
may be the memory, the will and the affections of Jesus.
I pray You to destroy in me all that is not You.
Grant that I may live but in You and for You,
and that I may truly say with St. Paul:
"I live, now not I, but Christ lives in me".
Prayer for Peace of Heart
Almighty and Eternal God
Give me, I beseech You
the great gift of inward peace
Command the winds and storms
of my unruly passions.
Subdue, by Your grace, my proneness
to love created things too much,
Give me a love of suffering for Your sake.
Make me forbearing and kind to others,
that I may avoid quarrels and contentions.
And teach me constantly to seek after
and to acquire that perfect resignation
to Your Holy Will
which alone brings interior peace.
Almighty and Eternal God
Give me, I beseech You
the great gift of inward peace
Command the winds and storms
of my unruly passions.
Subdue, by Your grace, my proneness
to love created things too much,
Give me a love of suffering for Your sake.
Make me forbearing and kind to others,
that I may avoid quarrels and contentions.
And teach me constantly to seek after
and to acquire that perfect resignation
to Your Holy Will
which alone brings interior peace.
Prayer When Feeling Hurt or Injured
Lord God, touch this place with Your gentle hand.
Let Your peace pour into the soreness,
wash away the pain, heal the damage and give new strength by Your Holy Spirit.
Help us to forgive, to renounce any bitterness or resentment and receive the healing touch of Jesus.
Lord God, touch this place with Your gentle hand.
Let Your peace pour into the soreness,
wash away the pain, heal the damage and give new strength by Your Holy Spirit.
Help us to forgive, to renounce any bitterness or resentment and receive the healing touch of Jesus.
Prayer When Feeling Low
Loving Lord Jesus,
Whose hands are underneath our lowest feelings to support us as we rest in You.
Hold me in this dark place and sustain my life with Your hope.
Let the light of Your love warm my heart, and Your Holy Spirit, the Comforter, be with me to lift me up.
Loving Lord Jesus,
Whose hands are underneath our lowest feelings to support us as we rest in You.
Hold me in this dark place and sustain my life with Your hope.
Let the light of Your love warm my heart, and Your Holy Spirit, the Comforter, be with me to lift me up.
Lord, Please Help Me
Help me, I pray
To get through this day.
I don't even ask
To have things my way,
Your Will is okay.
Things done in Your way
Are best suited to stay
In the Master Plan,
Help me to help
In any way that I can
Don't let me be
Part of the problems I see,
But let me rather be
A light unto Thee.
Help me, I pray
To get through this day.
I don't even ask
To have things my way,
Your Will is okay.
Things done in Your way
Are best suited to stay
In the Master Plan,
Help me to help
In any way that I can
Don't let me be
Part of the problems I see,
But let me rather be
A light unto Thee.
Prayer For Inner Peace
Lord, please put Your peace in my heart. I'm worried and anxious. My mind races and obsesses. I can't help thinking about my problems. And the more I think about them, the more depressed I become. I feel like I'm sinking down in quicksand and can't get out. Calm me, Lord. Slow me down, put Your peace in my heart.
No matter what problem I have, Lord, You are bigger, You are more powerful than it is. So I bring my problem to You. I know what I want. I know my will. I do not know Yours. I do not know how You will use this problem for my salvation. I do not know what good You will workout at this evil. But I trust You. I trust Your Goodness and Your Wisdom. So I place myself in Your hands. Please fill my heart with peace.
No matter what problem I have, Lord, You are bigger, You are more powerful than it is. So I bring my problem to You. I know what I want. I know my will. I do not know Yours. I do not know how You will use this problem for my salvation. I do not know what good You will workout at this evil. But I trust You. I trust Your Goodness and Your Wisdom. So I place myself in Your hands. Please fill my heart with peace.
Lord, Teach Me the Art of Patience
Lord, teach me the art of patience whilst I am well, and give me the use of it when I am sick.
In that day, either lighten my burden or strengthen my back.
Make me, who so often in my health have discovered my weakness
presuming on my own strength,
to be strong in my sickness when I solely rely on Thy assistance.
Lord, teach me the art of patience whilst I am well, and give me the use of it when I am sick.
In that day, either lighten my burden or strengthen my back.
Make me, who so often in my health have discovered my weakness
presuming on my own strength,
to be strong in my sickness when I solely rely on Thy assistance.
Prayer for Physical Healing
Jesus, You are the wounded healer, heal me through Your wounds. You are the God, the Ultimate, Who alone can heal me. You are my Divine Medicine. O Lord! Just say one word, and I shall be healed. Jesus, forgive all my sins and iniquities through Your bloodshed. Have mercy on all my ancestors. O Jesus! Send Your Holy Spirit upon me and liberate me from all bondage. Jesus, my only Savior, deliver me from all my sins and sickness. Mother Mary, Mother of Good Health, I cry out to You for Your prayers for the mercy of Your Son to heal me right now! Thank You Mother Mary, Thank You Jesus, Thank You Abba, Father, and Thank You Holy Spirit.
Prayer When in Suffering
Jesus, speak to me in these days of suffering to reveal to me, the Will of God. "You have kept count of my tossing; put my tears in Your bottle." (Psalm 56:8). "This I know, that God is for me" (Psalm 56:9). Come to my help soon. Cut short the days of suffering. Deliver me from the present adversities. Grant me long life and health to praise You in peace. Lift me up to become a witness for You. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Jesus.
(Praise God for 5 minutes to know the Will of God in Your sufferings. Thus You will receive the strength and grace to suffer. God willing, You will get immediate deliverance)
(Praise God for 5 minutes to know the Will of God in Your sufferings. Thus You will receive the strength and grace to suffer. God willing, You will get immediate deliverance)
Prayer for the Gift of Understanding
Lord Jesus Christ, grant me the gift of understanding. Help me to understand the feelings of others, the desires of others, the goals of others. At the same time, help me to understand myself in my actions and reactions. Widen my vision beyond my own small world to embrace with knowledge and love the worlds of others.
Help me, Lord, to always see You at work in my own life and in the lives of others. Bless me with insight, acceptance and love that is tempered by You who are all things to all men. Help me to understand, Lord.
Lord Jesus Christ, grant me the gift of understanding. Help me to understand the feelings of others, the desires of others, the goals of others. At the same time, help me to understand myself in my actions and reactions. Widen my vision beyond my own small world to embrace with knowledge and love the worlds of others.
Help me, Lord, to always see You at work in my own life and in the lives of others. Bless me with insight, acceptance and love that is tempered by You who are all things to all men. Help me to understand, Lord.
Prayer of Renewal
Lord Jesus,
give us the humility wherever pride reigns,
pardon wherever offense abides,
grace wherever sin abounds;
we pray to You;
Jesus Christ, Risen Lord, have mercy on us!
Lord Jesus,
give us the humility wherever pride reigns,
pardon wherever offense abides,
grace wherever sin abounds;
we pray to You;
Jesus Christ, Risen Lord, have mercy on us!
The Light of the World
Almighty God Who art the Light of the World,
grant us Thy heavenly blessing.
May the radiance of Your Light
illumine our hearts and
brighten our home with the
spirit of faith and love.
Let the Light of Your Presence guide us,
for in Your Light do we see light.
Bless us also with Your Spirit,
that happiness and peace may ever abide
in all men.
Almighty God Who art the Light of the World,
grant us Thy heavenly blessing.
May the radiance of Your Light
illumine our hearts and
brighten our home with the
spirit of faith and love.
Let the Light of Your Presence guide us,
for in Your Light do we see light.
Bless us also with Your Spirit,
that happiness and peace may ever abide
in all men.
Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels
Heavenly King, You have given us archangels to assist us during our pilgrimage on earth. Saint Michael is our protector; I ask him to come to my aid, fight for all my loved ones, and protect us from danger. Saint Gabriel is a messenger of the Good News; I ask him to help me clearly hear Your voice and to teach me the truth. Saint Raphael is the healing angel; I ask him to take my need for healing and that of everyone I know, lift it up to Your throne of grace and deliver back to us the gift of recovery. Help us, O Lord, to realize more fully the reality of the archangels and their desire to serve us. Holy angels, pray for us.
Heavenly King, You have given us archangels to assist us during our pilgrimage on earth. Saint Michael is our protector; I ask him to come to my aid, fight for all my loved ones, and protect us from danger. Saint Gabriel is a messenger of the Good News; I ask him to help me clearly hear Your voice and to teach me the truth. Saint Raphael is the healing angel; I ask him to take my need for healing and that of everyone I know, lift it up to Your throne of grace and deliver back to us the gift of recovery. Help us, O Lord, to realize more fully the reality of the archangels and their desire to serve us. Holy angels, pray for us.
Intercession Prayer
Lord, make this (person, patient, community, country, etc.) a true evangelist of Yours, by having repented and given up all sin and sinful ways, by having accepted Jesus as the only Savior, Lord and Mediator, by being led by the power of the Holy Spirit and by bearing witness to the deliverance, blessing and healing in Jesus.
Lord, make this (person, patient, community, country, etc.) a true evangelist of Yours, by having repented and given up all sin and sinful ways, by having accepted Jesus as the only Savior, Lord and Mediator, by being led by the power of the Holy Spirit and by bearing witness to the deliverance, blessing and healing in Jesus.
Prayer for Peace of Mind and Heart
Eternal, Holy God, I come to You burdened with
worries, fears, doubts and troubles. Calm and
quiet me with peace of mind. Empty me of the
anxiety that disturbs me, of the concerns that
weary my spirit, and weigh heavy on my heart.
Loosen my grip on the disappointments and
grievances I hold on to so tightly. Release me
from the pain of past hurts, of present anger
and tension, of future fears.
Sometimes it's too much for me Lord -
too many demands and problems -
too much sadness, suffering, and stress.
Renew me spiritually and emotionally.
Give me new strength, hope, and confidence.
Prepare me to meet the constant struggles of
daily life with a deeper faith and trust in You.
Let Your love set me free.... for peace,
for joy, for grace, for life, for others....
Eternal, Holy God, I come to You burdened with
worries, fears, doubts and troubles. Calm and
quiet me with peace of mind. Empty me of the
anxiety that disturbs me, of the concerns that
weary my spirit, and weigh heavy on my heart.
Loosen my grip on the disappointments and
grievances I hold on to so tightly. Release me
from the pain of past hurts, of present anger
and tension, of future fears.
Sometimes it's too much for me Lord -
too many demands and problems -
too much sadness, suffering, and stress.
Renew me spiritually and emotionally.
Give me new strength, hope, and confidence.
Prepare me to meet the constant struggles of
daily life with a deeper faith and trust in You.
Let Your love set me free.... for peace,
for joy, for grace, for life, for others....
Prayer for the Strength to Forgive
Faultless Lord, enduring death for me,
You have consummated the debt of my sins:
Your sacrifice of forgiveness was absolute!
Grant me the strength to also forgive others,
To excuse their transgressions against me.
So I may truly reflect this spiritual fruit,
Obliterate any persistent feelings of malice.
Let each trespass end as a closing chapter,
My continuing on the road of righteousness.
Forgive my sins as I aspire to forgive others.
You are truly archetypical of forgiveness.
You are a most forgiving Lord!
Faultless Lord, enduring death for me,
You have consummated the debt of my sins:
Your sacrifice of forgiveness was absolute!
Grant me the strength to also forgive others,
To excuse their transgressions against me.
So I may truly reflect this spiritual fruit,
Obliterate any persistent feelings of malice.
Let each trespass end as a closing chapter,
My continuing on the road of righteousness.
Forgive my sins as I aspire to forgive others.
You are truly archetypical of forgiveness.
You are a most forgiving Lord!
Prayer for the Future
Lord, open our hearts to receive Your Holy Spirit.
Teach us to await His coming, just as You did for Mary on the day of the Annunciation, and again on Pentecost - the birthday of the Church - when she was transformed into our Mother.
Show the new generation that Your Son, Jesus remains always and forever the one and only Savior of the World.
Help us proclaim in a loud and bold voice that He is "the Way, the Truth and the Life."
The Way that leads us to our final destiny.
The Truth that illuminates our passage through the darkness of life and the world.
The Life that enriches us with profound peace.
Allow Your disciples, at the dawn of the third millennium, to speed up their steps towards obeying Your command to be "one" in unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. May we approach the Lord, united, radiant with His light, without somber faces, so that the whole world may know and recognize Jesus Christ living in His disciples.
Lord, open our hearts to receive Your Holy Spirit.
Teach us to await His coming, just as You did for Mary on the day of the Annunciation, and again on Pentecost - the birthday of the Church - when she was transformed into our Mother.
Show the new generation that Your Son, Jesus remains always and forever the one and only Savior of the World.
Help us proclaim in a loud and bold voice that He is "the Way, the Truth and the Life."
The Way that leads us to our final destiny.
The Truth that illuminates our passage through the darkness of life and the world.
The Life that enriches us with profound peace.
Allow Your disciples, at the dawn of the third millennium, to speed up their steps towards obeying Your command to be "one" in unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. May we approach the Lord, united, radiant with His light, without somber faces, so that the whole world may know and recognize Jesus Christ living in His disciples.
Father's Prayer for Loved Ones
Kind Father, I thank You for my home where loved ones dwell and to which my fondest memories now turn. I praise You for the family love and peace and cheer which follow me and comfort me in strange and distant places.
I am grateful for all things we share in common, the worthy lessons we learn, the hardships and griefs we sometimes bear, the tasks and pleasures which bind us closer to each other, and the abiding affection and heartfelt prayers which still keep our spirits one in You.
Shelter my home. O God, and all my dear ones there. Make me strong, unselfish, and brave to defend and protect them.
Send down Your peace to every family on earth and grant an abundance of grace to them so that in doing Your will they may merit the joys of eternal salvation.
Kind Father, I thank You for my home where loved ones dwell and to which my fondest memories now turn. I praise You for the family love and peace and cheer which follow me and comfort me in strange and distant places.
I am grateful for all things we share in common, the worthy lessons we learn, the hardships and griefs we sometimes bear, the tasks and pleasures which bind us closer to each other, and the abiding affection and heartfelt prayers which still keep our spirits one in You.
Shelter my home. O God, and all my dear ones there. Make me strong, unselfish, and brave to defend and protect them.
Send down Your peace to every family on earth and grant an abundance of grace to them so that in doing Your will they may merit the joys of eternal salvation.
Prayer to Follow the Call of Christ
Lord, I thank You for the gifts You have given me, especially for life, love, family and friends.
Help me to know myself better and to know my talents, as I pray, study and decide on my life's work.
Help me to see and understand the path You open for me. Help me choose a life's work, which will be in response to my potential and Your love for me.
If I am being invited to follow You as a priest, brother, sister, give me a generous heart to respond to Your challenging call and the strength to follow You wherever You lead me.
Help me to know myself better and to know my talents, as I pray, study and decide on my life's work.
Help me to see and understand the path You open for me. Help me choose a life's work, which will be in response to my potential and Your love for me.
If I am being invited to follow You as a priest, brother, sister, give me a generous heart to respond to Your challenging call and the strength to follow You wherever You lead me.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Living and Life-giving Fountain of Eternal Life, Infinite Treasure of the Divinity, and Glowing Furnace of Love, You are my sanctuary. O adorable and glorious Savior, consume my heart with that burning fire that ever inflames Your Heart.
Pour down on my soul those graces, which flow from Your Love. Let my heart be one with, and in all things conformed to Yours.
May Your Will be the rule of both my desires and my actions.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Living and Life-giving Fountain of Eternal Life, Infinite Treasure of the Divinity, and Glowing Furnace of Love, You are my sanctuary. O adorable and glorious Savior, consume my heart with that burning fire that ever inflames Your Heart.
Pour down on my soul those graces, which flow from Your Love. Let my heart be one with, and in all things conformed to Yours.
May Your Will be the rule of both my desires and my actions.
Twelve Days of Prayer for the Holy Souls
Immortal God, Holy Lord, Father and Protector of all You have created, we raise our hearts to You today for those who have passed out of this mortal life.
In Your loving mercy, Father, be pleased to receive them in Your heavenly company, and forgive the failings and faults they may have done from human frailty.
Your only Son, Christ, our Savior, suffered so cruelly that He might deliver them from the second death. By His merits may they share in the glory of His victory over sin and death.
For all the faithful who have died we pray, but in particular for those dear to us, parents, relatives, and friends. Nor do we forget all who did good to us while on earth, who helped us by their prayers, sacrifices, and example. We pray also for any who may have done us harm, and stand in special need of Your forgiveness.
May the merits and prayers of our Virgin Mother, Mary, and those of all Your angels and saints, speak for us and assist them now. We ask this in Christ's name. Amen.
Immortal God, Holy Lord, Father and Protector of all You have created, we raise our hearts to You today for those who have passed out of this mortal life.
In Your loving mercy, Father, be pleased to receive them in Your heavenly company, and forgive the failings and faults they may have done from human frailty.
Your only Son, Christ, our Savior, suffered so cruelly that He might deliver them from the second death. By His merits may they share in the glory of His victory over sin and death.
For all the faithful who have died we pray, but in particular for those dear to us, parents, relatives, and friends. Nor do we forget all who did good to us while on earth, who helped us by their prayers, sacrifices, and example. We pray also for any who may have done us harm, and stand in special need of Your forgiveness.
May the merits and prayers of our Virgin Mother, Mary, and those of all Your angels and saints, speak for us and assist them now. We ask this in Christ's name. Amen.
Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted. - Matthew 5:5
REFLECTION: The pain of loss and separation at death is hard to bear. Let us turn to God, the Author of Life, for comfort and consolation in sorrow. God sends us every trial for a greater good. For love of us, remember, He did not spare His only Son.
PRAYER: O Lord, God, have pity on us and the departed souls so dear to us, and relieve our pain and grief. By the suffering of Christ, our Savior, in His Agony and Passion have mercy on all our beloved dead. Assist us, too, to greater faith in Your goodness. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
REFLECTION: The pain of loss and separation at death is hard to bear. Let us turn to God, the Author of Life, for comfort and consolation in sorrow. God sends us every trial for a greater good. For love of us, remember, He did not spare His only Son.
PRAYER: O Lord, God, have pity on us and the departed souls so dear to us, and relieve our pain and grief. By the suffering of Christ, our Savior, in His Agony and Passion have mercy on all our beloved dead. Assist us, too, to greater faith in Your goodness. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
Day 2
Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord! Lord, hear my voice! Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication. - Psalm 130:1-2
REFLECTION: Let us think often of those souls suffering as they are purified of their earthly faults and failings. They endure the pain of separation from God, and yet are consoled by the certainty of their salvation. God's beauty attracts them even as the weight of their unworthiness holds them. They need and cry to us for help.
PRAYER: Have pity, O Lord, our God, on all who patiently await the joy of Your presence. Forgive their sins and failings, and in Your goodness summon them soon to You. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
REFLECTION: Let us think often of those souls suffering as they are purified of their earthly faults and failings. They endure the pain of separation from God, and yet are consoled by the certainty of their salvation. God's beauty attracts them even as the weight of their unworthiness holds them. They need and cry to us for help.
PRAYER: Have pity, O Lord, our God, on all who patiently await the joy of Your presence. Forgive their sins and failings, and in Your goodness summon them soon to You. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
Day 3
Have pity on me, have pity on me, O you, my friends, for the hand of God has touched me. - Job 19:21
REFLECTION: By our offering of Mass, and our faithfulness in prayer and good works, we help those dear to us who may still remain in purgatory. Those we aid on the last stage of their journey home to God will never forget us for our help in their hour of need.
PRAYER: Lord, our God, may the merits of Jesus Christ, of His virgin Mother, and of all the saints intercede for us and assist those who still patiently await the vision of Your glory. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
REFLECTION: By our offering of Mass, and our faithfulness in prayer and good works, we help those dear to us who may still remain in purgatory. Those we aid on the last stage of their journey home to God will never forget us for our help in their hour of need.
PRAYER: Lord, our God, may the merits of Jesus Christ, of His virgin Mother, and of all the saints intercede for us and assist those who still patiently await the vision of Your glory. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
Day 4
We want you to be quite certain about those who have died, to make sure that you do not grieve about them, like the other people who have no hope. - 1 Thessalonians 4:12
REFLECTION: We can always be close to those we love who have died when we, ourselves, draw closer to Christ. We help them best by a useful and devout life, by the offering of Mass for them, and by constant prayer and good deeds done in their memory.
PRAYER: Help us, Lord, our God, to honor and help our beloved dead by doing Your Will faithfully each day. May the merits of our Lady and the saints aid us to do so. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
REFLECTION: We can always be close to those we love who have died when we, ourselves, draw closer to Christ. We help them best by a useful and devout life, by the offering of Mass for them, and by constant prayer and good deeds done in their memory.
PRAYER: Help us, Lord, our God, to honor and help our beloved dead by doing Your Will faithfully each day. May the merits of our Lady and the saints aid us to do so. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
Day 5
It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they may be freed from their sins. - 2 Machabees 12:45
REFLECTION: How easy and human it is to forget with the passing of time those we loved so dearly while they lived! We should pray for them often in gratitude for their kindness to us, and the good example they gave us in times past.
PRAYER: Come to our aid, O God, and help us to pray faithfully for our dear dead. By Your grace enable us to honor their memory by a good Christian life so that we may one day happily join them in Your Holy presence. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
REFLECTION: How easy and human it is to forget with the passing of time those we loved so dearly while they lived! We should pray for them often in gratitude for their kindness to us, and the good example they gave us in times past.
PRAYER: Come to our aid, O God, and help us to pray faithfully for our dear dead. By Your grace enable us to honor their memory by a good Christian life so that we may one day happily join them in Your Holy presence. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
Day 6
In the eyes of the unwise they seemed to die, but they are at peace. - Wisdom 3:3
REFLECTION: God loves our dear departed much more than we ever can. He called them home to Himself at the time He did because it was then best for them and for us. Be consoled, then, that they are now safe in His hands where no malice or torment can touch them.
PRAYER: O Lord, our God, teach us to see Your good and gracious purpose working in all our trials and bereavement. Have mercy on our dear departed whom we commend to You, forgive them their sins and failings, and give them rest everlasting. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
REFLECTION: God loves our dear departed much more than we ever can. He called them home to Himself at the time He did because it was then best for them and for us. Be consoled, then, that they are now safe in His hands where no malice or torment can touch them.
PRAYER: O Lord, our God, teach us to see Your good and gracious purpose working in all our trials and bereavement. Have mercy on our dear departed whom we commend to You, forgive them their sins and failings, and give them rest everlasting. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
Day 7
Open to me the gates of righteousness that I may enter through them, and give thanks to the Lord. - Psalm 118:19
REFLECTION: Those whom we loved in life are closer to us now with God than they ever were on earth. Only a thin veil separates us from the unseen world in which they now live. Faith pierces that veil though our bodily eyes cannot. We should pray as constantly for our dear dead as they never fail to pray for us.
PRAYER: O Lord, our God, show us the reality of Your divine life, and help us to pray often in faith for and to those we love who are now with You. Please help us by the merit our Blessed Lady gained beneath Christ's cross to be patient, faithful, and loving. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
REFLECTION: Those whom we loved in life are closer to us now with God than they ever were on earth. Only a thin veil separates us from the unseen world in which they now live. Faith pierces that veil though our bodily eyes cannot. We should pray as constantly for our dear dead as they never fail to pray for us.
PRAYER: O Lord, our God, show us the reality of Your divine life, and help us to pray often in faith for and to those we love who are now with You. Please help us by the merit our Blessed Lady gained beneath Christ's cross to be patient, faithful, and loving. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
Day 8
Our feet are now standing inside your gates, O Jerusalem. Since the Lord, our God, dwells here, I pray for your happiness. - Psalm 122:2, 9
REFLECTION: Those we love, who have gone before us into life, are as concerned for our welfare as we should be for theirs. Now, they see the world for what it is, a preparation for the unending bliss they enjoy. They intercede for us always.
PRAYER: O Lord, our God, by the prayers of our beloved dead may we be spared sin and trouble on our earthly journey, and may we ever be ready by obeying Your commandments to follow them home. Amen.
REFLECTION: Those we love, who have gone before us into life, are as concerned for our welfare as we should be for theirs. Now, they see the world for what it is, a preparation for the unending bliss they enjoy. They intercede for us always.
PRAYER: O Lord, our God, by the prayers of our beloved dead may we be spared sin and trouble on our earthly journey, and may we ever be ready by obeying Your commandments to follow them home. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
Day 9
When the Lord brought Zion's captives home, at first it seemed like a dream; then our mouths filled with laughter and our lips with song. - Psalm 126:1-2
REFLECTION: We should be comforted often by recalling the joy of our departed as they entered God's presence. They have gained their heart's desire and with Him everlasting happiness. They wait for us to join them there.
PRAYER: O Lord, our God, increase our faith. Inspire us to pray often for the faithful departed still being purified, and to pray to those already in the glory of Your presence. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
REFLECTION: We should be comforted often by recalling the joy of our departed as they entered God's presence. They have gained their heart's desire and with Him everlasting happiness. They wait for us to join them there.
PRAYER: O Lord, our God, increase our faith. Inspire us to pray often for the faithful departed still being purified, and to pray to those already in the glory of Your presence. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
Day 10
For we know that when the tent that we live in on earth is folded up, there is a house built by God for us in heaven, an everlasting home not made by human hands. - 2 Corinthians 5:1
REFLECTION: As we think and pray for those now dead who were close to us here below, we should remember how certain it is that we will one day join them. Now is our time to make ready.
Be with us, Lord, our God, on our earthly journey. Please guide us safely to the eternal home You have prepared for us. When our way is hard, give us a vision in faith of the splendor of that heavenly home. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
Day 11 REFLECTION: As we think and pray for those now dead who were close to us here below, we should remember how certain it is that we will one day join them. Now is our time to make ready.
Be with us, Lord, our God, on our earthly journey. Please guide us safely to the eternal home You have prepared for us. When our way is hard, give us a vision in faith of the splendor of that heavenly home. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. - Philippians 1:21
REFLECTION: When we are ever intent on God's Will, and eager for His Kingdom to come, we are living worthy of the promises of Christ. When God calls us home, our work will be finished here, and He will give us Himself as our eternal reward.
PRAYER: Help us each day, O Lord, our God, to meet our daily tasks in the spirit of Christ whether our work seems important in the eyes of the world or not. Preserve us from every evil, and confirm us in doing good so that death, when it comes, will be for us the door to perpetual life with You. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
REFLECTION: When we are ever intent on God's Will, and eager for His Kingdom to come, we are living worthy of the promises of Christ. When God calls us home, our work will be finished here, and He will give us Himself as our eternal reward.
PRAYER: Help us each day, O Lord, our God, to meet our daily tasks in the spirit of Christ whether our work seems important in the eyes of the world or not. Preserve us from every evil, and confirm us in doing good so that death, when it comes, will be for us the door to perpetual life with You. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
Day 12
When this perishable nature has put on imperishability, and when this mortal nature has put on immortality, then the scripture will come true: Death is swallowed up in victory. Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting? - 1 Corinthians 15:55
REFLECTION: Christ's Easter victory over sin and death is our assurance of our own future life of unfading glory when "death shall be no more."
PRAYER: May Your Holy Spirit ever remain with us, O Lord, our God, to keep us faithful to Your Word, and always ready by enduring with Christ to share His victory over sin and death. Amen.
REFLECTION: Christ's Easter victory over sin and death is our assurance of our own future life of unfading glory when "death shall be no more."
PRAYER: May Your Holy Spirit ever remain with us, O Lord, our God, to keep us faithful to Your Word, and always ready by enduring with Christ to share His victory over sin and death. Amen.
Patience in Prayer
When the idea is not right, God says, "NO".
No - when the idea is not the best.
No - when the idea is absolutely wrong.
No - when though it may help you,
it would create problems for someone else
When the time is not right, God says, "SLOW".
What a catastrophe it would be if God answered every prayer at the snap of your fingers.
Do you know what would happen?
God would become your servant, not your master.
Suddenly God would be working for you instead of you working for God.
When you are not right, God says, "GROW."
The selfish person has to grow in unselfishness.
The cautious person must grow in courage.
The timid person must grow in confidence,
The dominating person must grow in sensitivity.
The critical person must grow in tolerance.
The negative person must grow in positive attitudes.
The pleasure-seeking person must grow in compassion for suffering people.
When everything is all right, God says, "GO."
Then miracles happen:
A hopeless alcoholic is set free.
A drug addict finds release.
A doubter becomes a child in his belief.
Diseased tissue responds to treatment, and healing begins.
The door to your dream suddenly swings open and there stands God saying, "GO!".
Remember: God's delays are not God's denials.
God's timing is perfect.
Patience is what we need in prayer.
No - when the idea is not the best.
No - when the idea is absolutely wrong.
No - when though it may help you,
it would create problems for someone else
When the time is not right, God says, "SLOW".
What a catastrophe it would be if God answered every prayer at the snap of your fingers.
Do you know what would happen?
God would become your servant, not your master.
Suddenly God would be working for you instead of you working for God.
When you are not right, God says, "GROW."
The selfish person has to grow in unselfishness.
The cautious person must grow in courage.
The timid person must grow in confidence,
The dominating person must grow in sensitivity.
The critical person must grow in tolerance.
The negative person must grow in positive attitudes.
The pleasure-seeking person must grow in compassion for suffering people.
When everything is all right, God says, "GO."
Then miracles happen:
A hopeless alcoholic is set free.
A drug addict finds release.
A doubter becomes a child in his belief.
Diseased tissue responds to treatment, and healing begins.
The door to your dream suddenly swings open and there stands God saying, "GO!".
Remember: God's delays are not God's denials.
God's timing is perfect.
Patience is what we need in prayer.
Prayer When You Need Patience
Forgive me, Dear God,
If today I have been impatient, especially with people.
If today I have made anyone feel a nuisance.
If today I did not show understanding for others' mistakes.
If today there were times when I was too head strong,
too sure I was right.
If today I have ridden rough shod over the feelings
of someone else.
If today I have been
unapproachable to talk to,
difficult to work with,
critical of others,
harsh and quick in my judgement.
I cannot undo what I have done, but help me tomorrow
to be more loving and kind, as You are to me.
Forgive me, Dear God,
If today I have been impatient, especially with people.
If today I have made anyone feel a nuisance.
If today I did not show understanding for others' mistakes.
If today there were times when I was too head strong,
too sure I was right.
If today I have ridden rough shod over the feelings
of someone else.
If today I have been
unapproachable to talk to,
difficult to work with,
critical of others,
harsh and quick in my judgement.
I cannot undo what I have done, but help me tomorrow
to be more loving and kind, as You are to me.
Fervent Prayer for the Sick and Suffering
O Almighty Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God and Savior. The same Lord that so loves His children as to lay His life down for them. The same Lord that rose from the dead on the third day, and ascended into Heaven. The same Lord that spoke the word and the Centurion’s servant was immediately healed. The same Lord that restored sight to the blind; cleansed lepers, cured the halt and lame. The same Lord that with a word rebuked the seas and they were calm. The same Lord that raised Lazarus from the dead. The same Lord that has been given all power both in Heaven and on earth, do Thou, the same Lord visit and heal Thy servant, (__name__), from the afflictions that he/she is now suffering. Strengthen our faith like that of the Roman Centurion, so that we may ask for this healing with the same faith, trust, and hope that Thy servant, (__name__) will be healed in the same manner that the Centurion’s servant was restored to health. O Holy Physician of our souls and bodies, hear this fervent prayer for Thy servant (__name__), and grant this request as we hold this, Thy servant up before Thy glorious Throne. We ask this in the Victorious and Holy Name of our Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus Christ.
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
Prayer for the Most Forgotten Soul
O Lord God Almighty, I beseech Thee by the Precious Body and Blood of Thy Divine Son Jesus, which He Himself on the night before His Passion gave as meat and drink to His beloved Apostles and bequeathed to His Holy Church to be the perpetual Sacrifice and life-giving nourishment of His faithful people, deliver the souls in purgatory, but most of all, that soul, which was most devoted to this Mystery of Infinite Love, in order that it may praise Thee therefore, together with Thy Divine Son and the Holy Spirit in Thy glory forever.
O Lord God Almighty, I beseech Thee by the Precious Body and Blood of Thy Divine Son Jesus, which He Himself on the night before His Passion gave as meat and drink to His beloved Apostles and bequeathed to His Holy Church to be the perpetual Sacrifice and life-giving nourishment of His faithful people, deliver the souls in purgatory, but most of all, that soul, which was most devoted to this Mystery of Infinite Love, in order that it may praise Thee therefore, together with Thy Divine Son and the Holy Spirit in Thy glory forever.
Prayer of Love and Praise
Lord my God, when Your love spilled over into creation,
You thought of me.
I am...from Love...of Love...for Love.
Let my heart, O God, always recognize,
Cherish, and enjoy Your goodness in all
of creation.
Direct all that is me toward Your praise.
Teach me reverence for every person, all
things. Energize me in Your service.
Lord God may nothing distract me from
Your love...
Neither health or sickness,
wealth nor poverty,
honor nor dishonor,
long life nor short life.
May I never seek nor choose to be other than You intend or wish.
Lord my God, when Your love spilled over into creation,
You thought of me.
I am...from Love...of Love...for Love.
Let my heart, O God, always recognize,
Cherish, and enjoy Your goodness in all
of creation.
Direct all that is me toward Your praise.
Teach me reverence for every person, all
things. Energize me in Your service.
Lord God may nothing distract me from
Your love...
Neither health or sickness,
wealth nor poverty,
honor nor dishonor,
long life nor short life.
May I never seek nor choose to be other than You intend or wish.
Prayer for the Solemnity of All Saints
God our Father, Source of All Holiness, the work of Your hands is manifest in Your saints, the beauty of Your truth is reflected in their faith. May we who aspire to have part in their joy be filled with the Spirit that blessed their lives, so that having shared their faith on earth we may also know their peace in Your kingdom. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Unceasing Prayer
Dear Father, Who answers our prayers,
Help me to be steadfast in my praying to You, even to stay awake that I may pray!
Fill my life with thanksgiving to You.
O God, I pray for all Your servants everywhere that You may open a door for us to proclaim Your Word, to declare the now-public secret - Christ crucified, glorified, and coming - and to make the message clear, as we ought to speak.
In the Name of Jesus, I ask You to fill our lives with Your holy life and to claim all our motives and deeds as Your Own.
Help me to be steadfast in my praying to You, even to stay awake that I may pray!
Fill my life with thanksgiving to You.
O God, I pray for all Your servants everywhere that You may open a door for us to proclaim Your Word, to declare the now-public secret - Christ crucified, glorified, and coming - and to make the message clear, as we ought to speak.
In the Name of Jesus, I ask You to fill our lives with Your holy life and to claim all our motives and deeds as Your Own.
Prayer for Courage
Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous; teach me to serve You as You deserve;
to give and not count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds;
to toil and not to seek reward, except that of knowing that I do Your will.
Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous; teach me to serve You as You deserve;
to give and not count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds;
to toil and not to seek reward, except that of knowing that I do Your will.
Prayer for Healing
Dear God,
Help my unbelief.
When I'm in pain, I forget that You care about me.
I forget that You have helped me through my trials.
I forget that You hold me in Your arms to keep me safe.
I forget that You are feeling my pain with me.
I forget that You love me,
I forget that I am important to You.
Show me Your presence - let me feel Your enveloping love.
Heal my hurting soul.
Thank You for staying with me even in my unbelief.
Help my unbelief.
When I'm in pain, I forget that You care about me.
I forget that You have helped me through my trials.
I forget that You hold me in Your arms to keep me safe.
I forget that You are feeling my pain with me.
I forget that You love me,
I forget that I am important to You.
Show me Your presence - let me feel Your enveloping love.
Heal my hurting soul.
Thank You for staying with me even in my unbelief.
An Indian Prayer
O Great Spirit,
Whose Voice I hear in the winds, and Whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me!
I am small and weak, I need Your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things You have made and my ears sharp to hear Your Voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things You have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons You have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy, myself.
Make me always ready to come to You with clean hands and straight eyes.
So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to You without shame.
Whose Voice I hear in the winds, and Whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me!
I am small and weak, I need Your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things You have made and my ears sharp to hear Your Voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things You have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons You have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy, myself.
Make me always ready to come to You with clean hands and straight eyes.
So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to You without shame.
Prayer for Mercy for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
Have Mercy, O gentle Jesus! on the Souls detained in Purgatory. Thou Who for their ransom
didst take upon Thyself our human nature and suffer the most cruel death, pity their sighs
and the tears shed when they raise their longing eyes toward Thee; and by virtue of
Thy Passion, cancel the penalty due to their sins.
May Thy Blood, O tender Jesus, Thy Precious Blood, descend into Purgatory
to solace and refresh those who there languish in captivity. Reach forth Thy
Hand to them, and lead them into the realms of refreshment, light and peace. Amen.
Divine Heart of Jesus, convert sinners, save the dying, set free the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
Have Mercy, O gentle Jesus! on the Souls detained in Purgatory. Thou Who for their ransom
didst take upon Thyself our human nature and suffer the most cruel death, pity their sighs
and the tears shed when they raise their longing eyes toward Thee; and by virtue of
Thy Passion, cancel the penalty due to their sins.
May Thy Blood, O tender Jesus, Thy Precious Blood, descend into Purgatory
to solace and refresh those who there languish in captivity. Reach forth Thy
Hand to them, and lead them into the realms of refreshment, light and peace. Amen.
Divine Heart of Jesus, convert sinners, save the dying, set free the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
Prayer for an Increase in Daily Holy Communions
O Sweetest Jesus, Who camest into this world to give to all the life of Thy grace,
and Who, to preserve and sustain it, didst will to be the remedy of our daily infirmities,
and our daily food; humbly we pray Thee, by Thy Heart, all on fire for love of us,
to pour out Thy Holy Spirit upon all, so that those who are unhappily in mortal sin
may be converted to Thee, and recover the life of grace which they have lost;
and those who by Thy gift still live this divine life, may every day, when they are able,
approach devoutly to Thy holy table, where, in daily Holy Communion, receiving every day the
antidote to their daily venial sins, and nourishing the life of grace in their hearts, and purifying more and more their souls, they may come at last to the enjoyment with Thee of eternal beatitude. Amen.
Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, inflame our hearts with love of Thee!
O Sweetest Jesus, Who camest into this world to give to all the life of Thy grace,
and Who, to preserve and sustain it, didst will to be the remedy of our daily infirmities,
and our daily food; humbly we pray Thee, by Thy Heart, all on fire for love of us,
to pour out Thy Holy Spirit upon all, so that those who are unhappily in mortal sin
may be converted to Thee, and recover the life of grace which they have lost;
and those who by Thy gift still live this divine life, may every day, when they are able,
approach devoutly to Thy holy table, where, in daily Holy Communion, receiving every day the
antidote to their daily venial sins, and nourishing the life of grace in their hearts, and purifying more and more their souls, they may come at last to the enjoyment with Thee of eternal beatitude. Amen.
Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, inflame our hearts with love of Thee!
Praying of Self Offering
Lord Jesus, You told your friends not to worry about the future.
You showed them how to have the attitude of simple trust that young children have,
so that they could place themselves into the caring hands of Your Father.
And so, I ask for the power of Your Spirit, that I may remain positive throughout all
that is ordinary in my daily life.
I know that Your touch can change people and situations, and so I ask You to join me
in offering to Our Father, not only the good things of this day but also the suffering and sacrifices
that I want to offer cheerfully and lovingly and in a quiet and hidden way.
And so, may any difficulties, frustrations and pains of this day, be transformed in Your Presence
for the benefit of other people.
Lord Jesus, You told your friends not to worry about the future.
You showed them how to have the attitude of simple trust that young children have,
so that they could place themselves into the caring hands of Your Father.
And so, I ask for the power of Your Spirit, that I may remain positive throughout all
that is ordinary in my daily life.
I know that Your touch can change people and situations, and so I ask You to join me
in offering to Our Father, not only the good things of this day but also the suffering and sacrifices
that I want to offer cheerfully and lovingly and in a quiet and hidden way.
And so, may any difficulties, frustrations and pains of this day, be transformed in Your Presence
for the benefit of other people.
Prayer for Those Who Live Alone
I live alone, dear Lord.
Stay by my side,
In all my daily needs be Thou my guide.
Grant me good health,
For that indeed, I pray,
To carry on my work from day to day.
Keep pure my heart, my thought, my every deed,
Let me be kind and unselfish in my neighbor's need.
Spare me from fire, from flood, malicious tongues,
from thieves, from fear, and evil ones.
If sickness or an accident befall,
Then humbly, Lord I pray,
Hear Thou my call.
And when I'm feeling low, or in despair,
Lift up my heart!
And help me in my prayer.
I live alone, dear Lord,
Yet have no fear,
Because I feel Your Presence ever near.
I live alone, dear Lord.
Stay by my side,
In all my daily needs be Thou my guide.
Grant me good health,
For that indeed, I pray,
To carry on my work from day to day.
Keep pure my heart, my thought, my every deed,
Let me be kind and unselfish in my neighbor's need.
Spare me from fire, from flood, malicious tongues,
from thieves, from fear, and evil ones.
If sickness or an accident befall,
Then humbly, Lord I pray,
Hear Thou my call.
And when I'm feeling low, or in despair,
Lift up my heart!
And help me in my prayer.
I live alone, dear Lord,
Yet have no fear,
Because I feel Your Presence ever near.
Prayer for All Church Leaders
Lord Jesus Christ, watch over those who are leaders in Your Church.
Keep them faithful to their vocation and to the proclamation of Your message. Teach them to recognize and interpret the signs of the times.
Strengthen them with the gifts of the Spirit, and help them to serve their subjects, especially the poor and lowly.
Give them a vivid sense of Your presence in the world
and a knowledge of how to show it to others.
Lord Jesus Christ, watch over those who are leaders in Your Church.
Keep them faithful to their vocation and to the proclamation of Your message. Teach them to recognize and interpret the signs of the times.
Strengthen them with the gifts of the Spirit, and help them to serve their subjects, especially the poor and lowly.
Give them a vivid sense of Your presence in the world
and a knowledge of how to show it to others.
Prayer for a Family
O dear Jesus, I humbly implore You to grant Your special graces to our family. May our home be the shrine of peace, purity, love, labor and faith. I beg You, dear Jesus, to protect and bless all of us, absent and present, living and dead.
O Mary, loving Mother of Jesus, and our Mother, pray to Jesus for our family, for all the families of the world, to guard the cradle of the newborn, the schools of the young, and their vocations.
Blessed Saint Joseph, holy guardian of Jesus and Mary, assist us by your prayers in all the necessities of life. Ask of Jesus that special grace which He granted to you, to watch over our home at the pillow of the sick and dying, so that with Mary and you, heaven may find our family unbroken in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
O dear Jesus, I humbly implore You to grant Your special graces to our family. May our home be the shrine of peace, purity, love, labor and faith. I beg You, dear Jesus, to protect and bless all of us, absent and present, living and dead.
O Mary, loving Mother of Jesus, and our Mother, pray to Jesus for our family, for all the families of the world, to guard the cradle of the newborn, the schools of the young, and their vocations.
Blessed Saint Joseph, holy guardian of Jesus and Mary, assist us by your prayers in all the necessities of life. Ask of Jesus that special grace which He granted to you, to watch over our home at the pillow of the sick and dying, so that with Mary and you, heaven may find our family unbroken in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Prayer and Thanksgiving
God, All Powerful, Most Holy,
Most High and Supreme;
Father: Holy and Righteous;
Lord: King of Heaven and Earth;
we thank You for Yourself,
because by Your Holy Will
and through Your Only Son
and the Holy Spirit
You created all things,
spiritual and material.
You made us in Your
image and likeness
and placed us in paradise,
and we, through our transgression
fell away.
We give You thanks because,
as You created us through Your Son,
so by the holy love,
with which You loved us,
You willed Your Son to be born,
True God and True Man
of the glorious and holy Virgin Mary,
and through His Cross and Blood and Death
it was Your Will to set us free
from our captivity.
Also we thank You
because that same Son of Yours
will come again in the glory of His Majesty
to condemn those who refused to repent
and acknowledge You;
and to say
to all who did acknowledge,
worship and serve You in repentance:
Come, You whom my Father has blessed,
receive the kingdom
prepared for You
since the world began.
And because we are all wretched sinners,
unworthy to speak Your name,
therefore let Jesus Christ Himself,
Our Lord and Your Beloved Son
in Whom, You are well pleased,
give thanks to You for everything,
together with the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete,
as it pleases You and pleases Him.
He always satisfies You in everything,
and through him
You have done so much for us.
Most High and Supreme;
Father: Holy and Righteous;
Lord: King of Heaven and Earth;
we thank You for Yourself,
because by Your Holy Will
and through Your Only Son
and the Holy Spirit
You created all things,
spiritual and material.
You made us in Your
image and likeness
and placed us in paradise,
and we, through our transgression
fell away.
We give You thanks because,
as You created us through Your Son,
so by the holy love,
with which You loved us,
You willed Your Son to be born,
True God and True Man
of the glorious and holy Virgin Mary,
and through His Cross and Blood and Death
it was Your Will to set us free
from our captivity.
Also we thank You
because that same Son of Yours
will come again in the glory of His Majesty
to condemn those who refused to repent
and acknowledge You;
and to say
to all who did acknowledge,
worship and serve You in repentance:
Come, You whom my Father has blessed,
receive the kingdom
prepared for You
since the world began.
And because we are all wretched sinners,
unworthy to speak Your name,
therefore let Jesus Christ Himself,
Our Lord and Your Beloved Son
in Whom, You are well pleased,
give thanks to You for everything,
together with the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete,
as it pleases You and pleases Him.
He always satisfies You in everything,
and through him
You have done so much for us.
Thank You Prayer
"Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
Dear Lord,
For all that You have given to me, THANK YOU, JESUS.
For all that You have withdrawn, THANK YOU, JESUS
For all that You have permitted, THANK YOU, JESUS.
For all that You have forgiven me, THANK YOU, JESUS.
For all that You have prepared me for, THANK YOU, JESUS.
For the death that You have chosen for me, THANK YOU, JESUS.
For all my strengths, THANK YOU, JESUS.
For all my weaknesses, THANK YOU, JESUS.
For the place You have prepared in heaven for me, THANK YOU, JESUS
For having created me to serve You for all eternity, THANK YOU, JESUS.
"Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
Dear Lord,
For all that You have given to me, THANK YOU, JESUS.
For all that You have withdrawn, THANK YOU, JESUS
For all that You have permitted, THANK YOU, JESUS.
For all that You have forgiven me, THANK YOU, JESUS.
For all that You have prepared me for, THANK YOU, JESUS.
For the death that You have chosen for me, THANK YOU, JESUS.
For all my strengths, THANK YOU, JESUS.
For all my weaknesses, THANK YOU, JESUS.
For the place You have prepared in heaven for me, THANK YOU, JESUS
For having created me to serve You for all eternity, THANK YOU, JESUS.
Prayer for Loving Others
Make me an instrument of Your Love. May I see each circumstance in my life as an opportunity to grow in Your Love. May I see my environment as a place to grow in Your Love.
Make me an instrument of Your Love. May I see each circumstance in my life as an opportunity to grow in Your Love. May I see my environment as a place to grow in Your Love.
May I then take this love to other people.....
When I am tempted to become impatient, help me to be patient. -
When I am tempted to become unkind, help me to be kind. -
When I am tempted to become jealous, help me to be tolerant. -
When I am tempted to become boastful or proud, help me give You the glory. -
When I am tempted to be rude or selfish, give me the gift of gentleness. -
When I am tempted to take offense, help me to let go . -
When I am tempted to become angry with someone, give me the gift of forgiveness . -
When I am tempted to become resentful , give me Your power to love.
Lord, grant that I may take no pleasure in criticizing others, but that I may see good in them, as You do.
When I begin to concentrate on the faults and failures of others, give me courage to praise their accomplishments. -
Help me be loyal to those You give me to love. -
Help me to believe in them, even when they do not believe in themselves. To expect the best from them, but accept the best they can give. May I always defend them, as You always defend me.
All gifts and powers come from You. All will come to an end. With one important exception, the gift of love!!! Lord, when I was a child, I thought like a child, I acted like a child, and I reasoned like a child. Now that I have become an adult, I release my childish ways.
Prayer for a Mature Faith
Lord, I wish to believe in You.
Let my faith be full and unreserved, and let it penetrate my thought, my way of judging divine things and human things.
Let my faith be free. Let my faith be strong; let it not fear the difficulties or the problems of which the experience of our life, eager for light, is full; let it not fear the hostility of those who question it, attack it, reject it, deny it, but let it be strengthened in the intimate proof of Your truth; let it resist the attack of criticism.
Let my faith be joyful and give peace and gladness to my spirit, and dispose it for prayer with God and conversation with all.
Lord, I wish to believe in You.
Let my faith be full and unreserved, and let it penetrate my thought, my way of judging divine things and human things.
Let my faith be free. Let my faith be strong; let it not fear the difficulties or the problems of which the experience of our life, eager for light, is full; let it not fear the hostility of those who question it, attack it, reject it, deny it, but let it be strengthened in the intimate proof of Your truth; let it resist the attack of criticism.
Let my faith be joyful and give peace and gladness to my spirit, and dispose it for prayer with God and conversation with all.
Prayer for a Loving Attitude
Lord Jesus Christ, You gave Your life out of love for all people, and You encouraged Your followers to do good to others. Over the years, many Christians have found this difficult and I am no exception. I try, but it is so hard to have a loving attitude toward all---and then I feel hypocritical in claiming to follow You.
Help me, dear Lord, to really believe that Christian love is the greatest energy in the world. Let me see that this is not an emotion, but a central attitude of one's being---an attitude of service for others in Your Name. It is the result of Your grace, and prompts us to will only good things for others as images of God. Grant that I may always strive to attain this attitude and so live up to the noble vocation to which I am called.
Help me, dear Lord, to really believe that Christian love is the greatest energy in the world. Let me see that this is not an emotion, but a central attitude of one's being---an attitude of service for others in Your Name. It is the result of Your grace, and prompts us to will only good things for others as images of God. Grant that I may always strive to attain this attitude and so live up to the noble vocation to which I am called.
Prayer For Strength and Wisdom
Give me strength and wisdom
to live this day as I ought.
Give me strength...
to overcome every temptation which may come to me,
to do well every task which is assigned to me,
to shoulder every responsibility which is laid upon my shoulders.
Give me wisdom...
to know when to speak and when to keep silent,
to know when to act and when to refrain from action,
to know when to speak my mind and when to hold my peace.
So bring me to the end of this day
in goodness,
in happiness
and in peace.
Give me strength and wisdom
to live this day as I ought.
Give me strength...
to overcome every temptation which may come to me,
to do well every task which is assigned to me,
to shoulder every responsibility which is laid upon my shoulders.
Give me wisdom...
to know when to speak and when to keep silent,
to know when to act and when to refrain from action,
to know when to speak my mind and when to hold my peace.
So bring me to the end of this day
in goodness,
in happiness
and in peace.
Prayer for Trust in Jesus
O Christ Jesus,
when all is darkness
and we feel our weakness and helplessness,
give us the sense of Your presence,
Your love, and Your strength.
Help us to have perfect trust
in Your protecting love
and strengthening power,
so that nothing may frighten or worry us,
for, living close to You,
we shall see Your hand,
Your purpose, Your will through all things.
Prayer to the Coming Savior
Jesus, our Lord, save me from my sins. Come, protect me from all dangers and lead me to salvation.
Come! Wisdom of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and love: teach me to walk in the paths of knowledge!
Come! Leader of ancient Israel, Giver of the Law of Moses on Sinai: rescue me with Your Might and Power!
Come! Flower of Jesse's Stem, Sign of God's Love for all His people: save me without delay!
Come! Key of David, opening the gates of God's Eternal Kingdom: free the prisoners of darkness!
Come, Emmanuel, God's presence among us, our King, our Judge: save us, Lord our God!
Come, King of all Nations, Source of Your Church's unity and faith: save all mankind, Your own creation!
Come, Radiant Dawn, Splendor of Eternal Light, Sun of Justice: shine on those lost in the darkness of death!
Come, Lord Jesus, do not delay; give new courage to Your people who trust in Your Love. By Your coming, raise us to the joy of Your Kingdom, where You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever.
O Christ Jesus,
when all is darkness
and we feel our weakness and helplessness,
give us the sense of Your presence,
Your love, and Your strength.
Help us to have perfect trust
in Your protecting love
and strengthening power,
so that nothing may frighten or worry us,
for, living close to You,
we shall see Your hand,
Your purpose, Your will through all things.
Prayer to the Coming Savior
Jesus, our Lord, save me from my sins. Come, protect me from all dangers and lead me to salvation.
Come! Wisdom of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and love: teach me to walk in the paths of knowledge!
Come! Leader of ancient Israel, Giver of the Law of Moses on Sinai: rescue me with Your Might and Power!
Come! Flower of Jesse's Stem, Sign of God's Love for all His people: save me without delay!
Come! Key of David, opening the gates of God's Eternal Kingdom: free the prisoners of darkness!
Come, Emmanuel, God's presence among us, our King, our Judge: save us, Lord our God!
Come, King of all Nations, Source of Your Church's unity and faith: save all mankind, Your own creation!
Come, Radiant Dawn, Splendor of Eternal Light, Sun of Justice: shine on those lost in the darkness of death!
Come, Lord Jesus, do not delay; give new courage to Your people who trust in Your Love. By Your coming, raise us to the joy of Your Kingdom, where You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever.
Offering One's Illness for Vocations
Dear Lord, here is a new day You have given me in which to love You and to help others to love You. Above all things, help me to love and accept Your Holy Will. Lord Jesus, in giving me this cross of my illness, it was Your desire to bring me nearer to Your Divine Heart. I want to bring others also to know You better, to love You more, and for this I know that good and holy priests are necessary; so I will offer my cross, united with Yours, for vocations to the holy priesthood. Amen.
Teach me, O Lord, to do Your Will, for You are my God. Keep me, Lord, as the apple of Your Eye; hide me in the shadow of Your Wings. O Lord, remember not against us the iniquities of the past; may Your Compassion quickly come to us.
Teach me, O Lord, to do Your Will, for You are my God. Keep me, Lord, as the apple of Your Eye; hide me in the shadow of Your Wings. O Lord, remember not against us the iniquities of the past; may Your Compassion quickly come to us.
Prayer While Wrapping Gifts
Dear Lord, I am tired. I sit here surrounded by ribbons and paper, gifts and tags and I struggle to feel the spirit of giving. I can barely remember which gift is for whom and at moments it all seems so far from Your birth. Help me to take this moment to think of the many gifts You have given to me, the many ways Your Grace has blessed my life. Help me to remember that each gift is a tiny mirror of the generosity I see so clearly in Your Life and of the many ways You shower me with such lavish and undeserved love. Let me sit here for just a moment and feel that joy in my heart. Thank You. Thank You.
New Year Prayer 1
Almighty God,
As we are on the brink of a brand New Year, we thank you for all the blessings you have given us this year.
Father, please forgive us for all that we have done, that we should not have done, for the things we should have done and did not. Please wipe our hearts clean and make us pure again and free in You.
We ask that in the New Year You will guide us in our choices and decision making so that we will choose wisely with the help of Your Holy Spirit. Help us to acknowledge you in everything we do and then we will succeed in our plans.
Help us to delight ourselves in you and you will give us the desires of our heart!
Help us to love, show compassion and help others as your Son did.
We thank you for the Gift of Jesus and for His life given for our eternal salvation and freedom.
We ask all in the Saviour's Name!
As we are on the brink of a brand New Year, we thank you for all the blessings you have given us this year.
Father, please forgive us for all that we have done, that we should not have done, for the things we should have done and did not. Please wipe our hearts clean and make us pure again and free in You.
We ask that in the New Year You will guide us in our choices and decision making so that we will choose wisely with the help of Your Holy Spirit. Help us to acknowledge you in everything we do and then we will succeed in our plans.
Help us to delight ourselves in you and you will give us the desires of our heart!
Help us to love, show compassion and help others as your Son did.
We thank you for the Gift of Jesus and for His life given for our eternal salvation and freedom.
We ask all in the Saviour's Name!
New Year Prayer 2
God grant us this year a wider view,
So we see others' faults through the eyes of You.
Teach us to judge not with hasty tongue,
Neither the adult ... nor the young.
Give us patience and grace to endure
And a stronger faith so we feel secure.
Instead of remembering, help us forget
The irritations that caused us to fret.
Freely forgiving for some offense
And finding each day a rich recompense.
In offering a friendly, helping hand
And trying in all ways to understand;
That all of us whoever we are ...
Are trying to reach an unreachable star.
For the great and small ... the good and bad,
The young and old ... the sad and glad
Are asking today; Is life worth living?
The answer is only in, loving and giving.
For only Love can make man kind
And Kindness of Heart brings Peace of Mind.
By giving love, we can start this year
To lift the clouds of hate and fear.
author- Helen Steiner Rice
God grant us this year a wider view,
So we see others' faults through the eyes of You.
Teach us to judge not with hasty tongue,
Neither the adult ... nor the young.
Give us patience and grace to endure
And a stronger faith so we feel secure.
Instead of remembering, help us forget
The irritations that caused us to fret.
Freely forgiving for some offense
And finding each day a rich recompense.
In offering a friendly, helping hand
And trying in all ways to understand;
That all of us whoever we are ...
Are trying to reach an unreachable star.
For the great and small ... the good and bad,
The young and old ... the sad and glad
Are asking today; Is life worth living?
The answer is only in, loving and giving.
For only Love can make man kind
And Kindness of Heart brings Peace of Mind.
By giving love, we can start this year
To lift the clouds of hate and fear.
author- Helen Steiner Rice
New Year Prayer 3
Dear Lord,
We pray that this new year will bring us closer to You.
May we take the time to get to know You.
Help us to truly celebrate the gifts You have graciously given us
and use them to serve You and spread Your word,
May we also see and love You in all the people we meet,
so that in turn, they can see You in us.
We know that all human relations take time if they are to grow and deepen. This is also true of our relations with You, the Father and the Holy Spirit, which must grow over the course of our lives. In this new year, let us realise that every action of ours no matter how great or small enables us to be in touch with You.
Let us accept You in our lives, in the way it pleases You,
as Truth, to be spoken,
as Life, to be lived,
as Light, to be lighted,
as Love, to be followed,
as Joy, to be given,
as Peace, to be spread about,
as Sacrifice, to be offered among our relatives, friends, neighbours and all people.
May someone see Jesus in you today.
Dear Lord,
We pray that this new year will bring us closer to You.
May we take the time to get to know You.
Help us to truly celebrate the gifts You have graciously given us
and use them to serve You and spread Your word,
May we also see and love You in all the people we meet,
so that in turn, they can see You in us.
We know that all human relations take time if they are to grow and deepen. This is also true of our relations with You, the Father and the Holy Spirit, which must grow over the course of our lives. In this new year, let us realise that every action of ours no matter how great or small enables us to be in touch with You.
Let us accept You in our lives, in the way it pleases You,
as Truth, to be spoken,
as Life, to be lived,
as Light, to be lighted,
as Love, to be followed,
as Joy, to be given,
as Peace, to be spread about,
as Sacrifice, to be offered among our relatives, friends, neighbours and all people.
May someone see Jesus in you today.
Family Prayer to the Holy Family
O Heavenly Father, our loving God, You have given us the Holy Family as our patron to bless and guide our families that the fruit of the Holy Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control - shall reign in our homes.
As husbands and wives, teach us to love our spouses more than ever. As parents, give us wisdom and knowledge in rearing our offsprings to be responsible and successful Christians forever. As brothers and sisters, may we learn to care for and support one another and be of inspiration to each other. As children, teach us to be obedient, just as Jesus showed obedience and respect to Mary and Joseph.
As Christians, melt us, mold us, fill us, and use us, in spreading the good news in our community that they may see Christ in us. When trials come, help us to face them with trusting faith and confidently hope that all things work for good for those who love God. May we have a happy, holy family forever through Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, our miraculous patron, the adorable Holy Family.
As husbands and wives, teach us to love our spouses more than ever. As parents, give us wisdom and knowledge in rearing our offsprings to be responsible and successful Christians forever. As brothers and sisters, may we learn to care for and support one another and be of inspiration to each other. As children, teach us to be obedient, just as Jesus showed obedience and respect to Mary and Joseph.
As Christians, melt us, mold us, fill us, and use us, in spreading the good news in our community that they may see Christ in us. When trials come, help us to face them with trusting faith and confidently hope that all things work for good for those who love God. May we have a happy, holy family forever through Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, our miraculous patron, the adorable Holy Family.
Prayer to Jesus Sweet Master
Jesus, my Sweet Master, I love You so much,
help me to be like You want me to be.
I am so small and poor,
but You, Jesus, who are my Master,
can help me, You must help me to convert.
I always want to live united with You,
like the shoot with the vine,
and I want my brothers to know and love You by means of me.
Jesus, Sweet Master, Your kindness is immense.
Let joy be read on my face
and the security of being a son of God.
When You come into my heart, give me Your peace,
let me feel that You are with me,
to face together the day
that I desire to live like a gift of Yours.
Jesus, my Sweet Master, I need Your grace
to become more and more similar to You,
I need Your love
to defeat my selfishness.
I want to come with You into Paradise
and for the moment fill my heart with this need.
Jesus, my Sweet Master,
love me as poor as I am.
help me to be like You want me to be.
I am so small and poor,
but You, Jesus, who are my Master,
can help me, You must help me to convert.
I always want to live united with You,
like the shoot with the vine,
and I want my brothers to know and love You by means of me.
Jesus, Sweet Master, Your kindness is immense.
Let joy be read on my face
and the security of being a son of God.
When You come into my heart, give me Your peace,
let me feel that You are with me,
to face together the day
that I desire to live like a gift of Yours.
Jesus, my Sweet Master, I need Your grace
to become more and more similar to You,
I need Your love
to defeat my selfishness.
I want to come with You into Paradise
and for the moment fill my heart with this need.
Jesus, my Sweet Master,
love me as poor as I am.
Prayer to Jesus
Jesus, I believe in You,
Jesus, I hope in You,
Jesus, I love You.
I believe in You for those who do not believe.
I hope in You for those who have never hoped
and for those who have lost hope.
I love You for those who have never known You
and have never loved You.
Sweet Heart of Jesus, I trust in You.
I trust in You for all, with all, in spite of all,
and forever.
O Mary, Mother of my Jesus,
keep me close to Jesus,
keep Jesus close to me.
Jesus, I hope in You,
Jesus, I love You.
I believe in You for those who do not believe.
I hope in You for those who have never hoped
and for those who have lost hope.
I love You for those who have never known You
and have never loved You.
Sweet Heart of Jesus, I trust in You.
I trust in You for all, with all, in spite of all,
and forever.
O Mary, Mother of my Jesus,
keep me close to Jesus,
keep Jesus close to me.
Expectant Mother's Prayer
O God, Our Father, through the Blessed Virgin Mary, You have glorified motherhood in the virgin birth of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and You have raised up as an example to wives and mothers, Your servant, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Grant me, I pray You, the grace to imitate her by accepting as Your charge and as an heir to heaven the child that is to be born of me. Bless, dear Lord, this coming event with safety both to my child and to myself.
I also pray that the noble life of Mother Seton may always be a model to mothers.
The prayer so often on her lips will be always mine. With all my heart I repeat it:
"May the most high, the most just and the most holy Will of God be praised, adored and loved."
I also pray that the noble life of Mother Seton may always be a model to mothers.
The prayer so often on her lips will be always mine. With all my heart I repeat it:
"May the most high, the most just and the most holy Will of God be praised, adored and loved."
Prayer for Reconciliation
Gracious God,
ruling the earth and its people
not by terror but in love;
we worship You.
We confess that too often
our words hurt others
and our deeds are selfish;
forgive us.
In this time of uncertainty and fear,
help us to love our enemies
and do good to those who hate us,
in the name of Jesus Our Lord.
Gracious God,
ruling the earth and its people
not by terror but in love;
we worship You.
We confess that too often
our words hurt others
and our deeds are selfish;
forgive us.
In this time of uncertainty and fear,
help us to love our enemies
and do good to those who hate us,
in the name of Jesus Our Lord.
Prayer to Jesus and Mary for the Holy Souls
Most loving Jesus, I humbly beseech Thee that Thou wouldst Thyself offer to Thine Eternal Father, on behalf of the Holy Souls in Purgatory, Thy Most Precious Blood, which poured forth from the Sacred Wounds of Thine adorable Body, together with Thine agony and death.
And do thou likewise, O sorrowful Virgin Mary, present unto the Heavenly Father, together with the dolorous passion of thy dear Son, thine own sighs and tears, and all the sorrows thou didst suffer in His suffering, in order that, through the merits of the same, refreshment may be granted to the souls now suffering in the fiery torments of Purgatory, so that, being delivered from that painful prison, they may be clothed with glory in Heaven, there to sing the mercies of God for ever and ever. Amen.
Absolve, O Lord, the souls of all the faithful departed from every bond of sin, that by Thy gracious assistance they may deserve to escape the judgement of vengeance and enjoy the blessedness of everlasting light.
And do thou likewise, O sorrowful Virgin Mary, present unto the Heavenly Father, together with the dolorous passion of thy dear Son, thine own sighs and tears, and all the sorrows thou didst suffer in His suffering, in order that, through the merits of the same, refreshment may be granted to the souls now suffering in the fiery torments of Purgatory, so that, being delivered from that painful prison, they may be clothed with glory in Heaven, there to sing the mercies of God for ever and ever. Amen.
Absolve, O Lord, the souls of all the faithful departed from every bond of sin, that by Thy gracious assistance they may deserve to escape the judgement of vengeance and enjoy the blessedness of everlasting light.
Prayer Upon Rising or Awakening
O Master and Holy God, Who are beyond our understanding: at Your word, light came forth out of darkness. In Your mercy, You gave us rest through night-long sleep, and raised us up to glorify Your goodness and to offer our supplication to You. Now, in Your own tender love, accept us who adore You and give thanks to You with all our hearts. Grant us all our requests, if they lead to salvation; give us the grace of manifesting that we are children of light and day, and heirs to Your eternal reward. In the abundance of Your mercies, O Lord, remember all Your people; all those present who pray with us; all our brethren on land, at sea, or in the air, in every place of Your domain, who call upon Your love for mankind. Upon all, pour down Your great mercy, that we, saved in body and in soul, may persevere unfailingly; and that, in our confidence, we may extol Your exalted and blessed Name; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, always, now and forever.
Prayer to bring Christ's Peace to the World
God, our Father, Your Word, Jesus Christ, spoke peace to a sinful world and brought mankind the gift of reconciliation by the suffering and death He endured. Teach us, the people who bear His name, to follow the example He gave us: may our faith, hope, and charity turn hatred to love, conflict to peace, and death to eternal life.
Prayer to Jesus in the Tabernacle
O Divine Savior!
I thank Thee for having perpetuated Thy humble,
obedient, self-sacrificing and recollected silence
of Nazareth in the tabernacle.
How Thy example puts me to shame!
Forgive me for my bold, self-seeking,
and superficial talkativeness.
Teach me to understand the words:
"In silence and in hope shall Your strength be."
Prayer of the Chalice
Father, to Thee I raise my whole being,
a vessel emptied of self. Accept Lord,
this my emptiness, and so fill me
with Thyself-- Thy Light, Thy Love,
Thy Life-- that these precious gifts
may radiate through me and over-
flow the chalice of my heart
into the hearts of all with
whom I come in contact this
day, revealing unto them
the beauty of Thy Joy and Wholeness
and the Serenity of Thy Peace
which nothing can destroy.
God, our Father, Your Word, Jesus Christ, spoke peace to a sinful world and brought mankind the gift of reconciliation by the suffering and death He endured. Teach us, the people who bear His name, to follow the example He gave us: may our faith, hope, and charity turn hatred to love, conflict to peace, and death to eternal life.
Prayer to Jesus in the Tabernacle
O Divine Savior!
I thank Thee for having perpetuated Thy humble,
obedient, self-sacrificing and recollected silence
of Nazareth in the tabernacle.
How Thy example puts me to shame!
Forgive me for my bold, self-seeking,
and superficial talkativeness.
Teach me to understand the words:
"In silence and in hope shall Your strength be."
Prayer of the Chalice
Father, to Thee I raise my whole being,
a vessel emptied of self. Accept Lord,
this my emptiness, and so fill me
with Thyself-- Thy Light, Thy Love,
Thy Life-- that these precious gifts
may radiate through me and over-
flow the chalice of my heart
into the hearts of all with
whom I come in contact this
day, revealing unto them
the beauty of Thy Joy and Wholeness
and the Serenity of Thy Peace
which nothing can destroy.
Your Word, My Heart
Dear God,
I'll hide Your Word within my heart
To call upon each day
To calm me when the trials appear,
Or trouble comes my way.
I'll remember how You promised me
That all things work for good
I'll be steadfast in my prayers
And have faith, the way I should.
My very life is in Your hands,
My heart is Yours to mold
Each part of me belongs to You,
(A story to unfold).
Forgive me when I fail to live
The way You want me to
Restore in me, undying faith
And make me more like You.
Dear God,
I'll hide Your Word within my heart
To call upon each day
To calm me when the trials appear,
Or trouble comes my way.
I'll remember how You promised me
That all things work for good
I'll be steadfast in my prayers
And have faith, the way I should.
My very life is in Your hands,
My heart is Yours to mold
Each part of me belongs to You,
(A story to unfold).
Forgive me when I fail to live
The way You want me to
Restore in me, undying faith
And make me more like You.
The Golden Arrow Prayer
May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and ineffable Name of God be forever praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and ineffable Name of God be forever praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Prayer for Freedom from Addiction
Lord Jesus, You said, "I have come to set the captives free." We are captive and need Your healing touch. Free us, Lord, from our addictions, so that we will be:
free from the cares and worries that stifle our happiness; -
free from sins that cling to us, and to which we cling; -
free from all compulsive behavior that prevents us from becoming what you, Lord, have planned for us. Bring us, loving Savior, to the experience of abundant life, which You promised.
Holy Trinity Prayer
Dear Holy Trinity, united in perfect love
You are three conceived in one Being.
Oh, Holy Trinity, come down upon me
for I, Your poor miserable servant call upon You.
Oh Father, You are mighty
and have done great things for me.
I am Your servant.
Use me as You wish.
O, loving, caring, Jesus,
You have saved me from total damnation.
How shall I repay Thee?
Love, Peace and Joy?
Dearest Holy Spirit, without You I would be lost.
You give me the strength I need.
Holy Trinity, I submit myself to You.
Dear Holy Trinity, united in perfect love
You are three conceived in one Being.
Oh, Holy Trinity, come down upon me
for I, Your poor miserable servant call upon You.
Oh Father, You are mighty
and have done great things for me.
I am Your servant.
Use me as You wish.
O, loving, caring, Jesus,
You have saved me from total damnation.
How shall I repay Thee?
Love, Peace and Joy?
Dearest Holy Spirit, without You I would be lost.
You give me the strength I need.
Holy Trinity, I submit myself to You.
Prayer to Overcome Bitterness and Resentment
Father, I acknowledge that I've held resentment and bitterness against _______________. I confess this as sin and ask You to forgive me. I forgive __________________. Remind me, Lord, to not hold any more resentments, but rather to love this person. Father, I ask You to also forgive ______________________.
Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus' name.
Father, I acknowledge that I've held resentment and bitterness against _______________. I confess this as sin and ask You to forgive me. I forgive __________________. Remind me, Lord, to not hold any more resentments, but rather to love this person. Father, I ask You to also forgive ______________________.
Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus' name.
Prayer for Church Unity
O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Savior,
the Prince of Peace: Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the
great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions; take away
all hatred and prejudice, and whatever else may hinder us
from godly union and concord; that, as there is but one Body
and one Spirit, one Hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith,
one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may be all
of one heart and of one soul, united in one holy bond of truth
and peace, of faith and charity, and may with one mind and
one mouth glorify You; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Savior,
the Prince of Peace: Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the
great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions; take away
all hatred and prejudice, and whatever else may hinder us
from godly union and concord; that, as there is but one Body
and one Spirit, one Hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith,
one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may be all
of one heart and of one soul, united in one holy bond of truth
and peace, of faith and charity, and may with one mind and
one mouth glorify You; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Dear Lord Jesus
Dear Lord Jesus,
May we stand before You in our brokenness,
our weakness and our fragile humanity.
We are sorrowful for all the times we've disappointed You.
We pray that the next time we are tempted to gossip, to accuse, to judge or to despise another,
we may instead be strengthened with the Grace of the Holy Spirit to speak words of godliness
and to act with Charity.
May we make Love the motive for every decision we choose in our lives.
May we stand before You in our brokenness,
our weakness and our fragile humanity.
We are sorrowful for all the times we've disappointed You.
We pray that the next time we are tempted to gossip, to accuse, to judge or to despise another,
we may instead be strengthened with the Grace of the Holy Spirit to speak words of godliness
and to act with Charity.
May we make Love the motive for every decision we choose in our lives.
Blood of Christ, Inebriate Me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me! Inebriate me with Your Love, that I may be absorbed in Your interests and Your Will. Absorbed so as to be unmindful of my ills and petty cares. Unmindful of weariness and pain, heartache, and disappointment. Heedless of the lash of cruel words, and patient under wrongs.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me! Inebriate me with Your Love, that I may be absorbed in Your interests and Your Will. Absorbed so as to be unmindful of my ills and petty cares. Unmindful of weariness and pain, heartache, and disappointment. Heedless of the lash of cruel words, and patient under wrongs.
Holy Water Prayer
Oh God, grant that this creature (water) may be endowed with divine grace to drive away devils and to cast out diseases, that whatever, in the houses or posessions of the faithful may be sprinkled by this water, may be freed from everything unclean, and delivered from what is hurtful. Let everything that threatens the peace or safetly of the dwellers therein, be banished by the sprinkling of this water; so that the health that they seek by calling upon Thy Holy Name may be guarded from assault.
Prayer found on a Holy Water bottle.
Oh God, grant that this creature (water) may be endowed with divine grace to drive away devils and to cast out diseases, that whatever, in the houses or posessions of the faithful may be sprinkled by this water, may be freed from everything unclean, and delivered from what is hurtful. Let everything that threatens the peace or safetly of the dwellers therein, be banished by the sprinkling of this water; so that the health that they seek by calling upon Thy Holy Name may be guarded from assault.
Prayer found on a Holy Water bottle.
Prayer in Praise of God's Greatness
Almighty, true and incomparable God, You are present in all things, yet in no way limited by them. You remain unaffected by place, untouched by time, unperturbed by years, and undeceived by words. You are not subject to birth and in no need of protection. You are beyond all corruption, above all change, immutable by nature. You live in unapproachable light and are invisible, yet You are known to all those who seek You with hope and love. You are the God of Israel, and of all who hope in Christ.
Prayer of Gratitude for God's Blessings
O Lord and Vivifier, Your grace has achieved for us all that You had spoken and promised. Grant us access to the place of Your peace. For You are our Vivifier, You are our Consoler, You are our Life Remedy, You are our Standard of Victory.
Blessed are we, O Lord, because we have known You!
Blessed are we, because we have believed in You!
Blessed are we, because we bear Your wounds and the sign of Your blood on our contenances!
Blessed are we, because You are our great hope!
Blessed are we, because You are our God forever!
Blessed are we, O Lord, because we have known You!
Blessed are we, because we have believed in You!
Blessed are we, because we bear Your wounds and the sign of Your blood on our contenances!
Blessed are we, because You are our great hope!
Blessed are we, because You are our God forever!
Prayer to My Lord
My Lord,
I offer You my thoughts: to be fixed on You;
My words: to have You for their theme;
My actions: to reflect my love for You;
My sufferings: to be endured for Your greater glory.
I want to do what You ask of me:
In the way You ask,
For as long as You ask,
Because You ask it.
Lord, enlighten my understanding,
Strengthen my will,
Purify my heart,
and make me holy.
Help me to repent of my past sins
And to resist temptation in the future.
Help me to rise above my human weaknesses
And to grow stronger as a Christian.
My Lord,
I offer You my thoughts: to be fixed on You;
My words: to have You for their theme;
My actions: to reflect my love for You;
My sufferings: to be endured for Your greater glory.
I want to do what You ask of me:
In the way You ask,
For as long as You ask,
Because You ask it.
Lord, enlighten my understanding,
Strengthen my will,
Purify my heart,
and make me holy.
Help me to repent of my past sins
And to resist temptation in the future.
Help me to rise above my human weaknesses
And to grow stronger as a Christian.
Prayer for Australia Day - January 26th
We bless you, God of the universe,
for this land,
for its contrasts of landscape and climate,
for its abundance of wealth and opportunity.
We bless you for our history,
with all its struggle in adversity,
its courage and hope,
Give us in our diversity
tolerance and respect for each other
and a passionate commitment to justice for all.
Bless us so that we might be a blessing to others.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
We bless you, God of the universe,
for this land,
for its contrasts of landscape and climate,
for its abundance of wealth and opportunity.
We bless you for our history,
with all its struggle in adversity,
its courage and hope,
Give us in our diversity
tolerance and respect for each other
and a passionate commitment to justice for all.
Bless us so that we might be a blessing to others.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
Prayer to Appreciate the Mass
O Lord Jesus, in order that the merits of Your sacrifice on the Cross might be applied to every soul of all time, You willed that it should be renewed upon the altar. At the Last Supper, You said: "Do this in remembrance of Me." By these words You gave Your apostles and their successors the power to consecrate and the command to do what You Yourself did. I believe that the Mass is both a sacrifice and a memorial - reenacting Your Passion, Death and Resurrection. Help me to realize that the Mass is the greatest gift of God to us and our greatest gift to God.
O Lord Jesus, in order that the merits of Your sacrifice on the Cross might be applied to every soul of all time, You willed that it should be renewed upon the altar. At the Last Supper, You said: "Do this in remembrance of Me." By these words You gave Your apostles and their successors the power to consecrate and the command to do what You Yourself did. I believe that the Mass is both a sacrifice and a memorial - reenacting Your Passion, Death and Resurrection. Help me to realize that the Mass is the greatest gift of God to us and our greatest gift to God.
Dear Jesus - Prayer for Favors
Dear Heart of Jesus: In the past, I have asked for many favors. This time, I ask You this very special one (mention favor). Take it dear Jesus and place it within Your own broken heart, where Your Father sees it. Then, in Your merciful eyes, it will become Your favor, not mine.
Dear Heart of Jesus: In the past, I have asked for many favors. This time, I ask You this very special one (mention favor). Take it dear Jesus and place it within Your own broken heart, where Your Father sees it. Then, in Your merciful eyes, it will become Your favor, not mine.
Prayer for Consecrated People
God, Father and Source of all that is good, in every age and place. You call forth women and men to consecrate their lives to You. Cognizant of the privilege of this call and its accompanying graces, we praise and thank You for the consecrated lives of priests, sisters and brothers throughout the world and in particular those living and serving within our own Diocese. Your call to holiness extends to every man, woman and child. May the goodness and holiness of those for whom we pray serve as beacons lighting the path for all who seek a closer walk with You. We ask this of You, through Jesus, Your Son, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, One God dwelling in everlasting glory.
God, Father and Source of all that is good, in every age and place. You call forth women and men to consecrate their lives to You. Cognizant of the privilege of this call and its accompanying graces, we praise and thank You for the consecrated lives of priests, sisters and brothers throughout the world and in particular those living and serving within our own Diocese. Your call to holiness extends to every man, woman and child. May the goodness and holiness of those for whom we pray serve as beacons lighting the path for all who seek a closer walk with You. We ask this of You, through Jesus, Your Son, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, One God dwelling in everlasting glory.
Chamber of Prayer
Lord God take me there
Where You and I can share
Our innermost thoughts in prayer
With all my problems bare
For as I seek Your face
You lift me with Your grace
You surround me with Your light
And give me renewed sight
Lord God take me there
Where You and I can share
Your Kingdom yet to come
And the love we have for Your Son
The peace and calm You give
Almost seems unreal
Then I remember the place
You've brought me with Your grace
It is when You take me there
To that secret Chamber of Prayer
And expecting a miracle there
You show how much You care
Lord God gently lead me there
To that secret Chamber of Prayer
Shower me with Your fountain
Miracles in answered prayer
Lord God take me there
Where You and I can share
Our innermost thoughts in prayer
With all my problems bare
For as I seek Your face
You lift me with Your grace
You surround me with Your light
And give me renewed sight
Lord God take me there
Where You and I can share
Your Kingdom yet to come
And the love we have for Your Son
The peace and calm You give
Almost seems unreal
Then I remember the place
You've brought me with Your grace
It is when You take me there
To that secret Chamber of Prayer
And expecting a miracle there
You show how much You care
Lord God gently lead me there
To that secret Chamber of Prayer
Shower me with Your fountain
Miracles in answered prayer
- Author Unknown -
Prayer to be One with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
We long for You, Oh Spirit of Light, we long to know God, we want to be one with Him, our Divine God. We want to be one with the Father, know Him as a Person most intimately. We want to know the beloved One, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and live and dwell in Him at all times, every moment of our lives. We want to be one with You, Oh Spirit of Light, that You move in us in our every breath.
We long for You, Oh Spirit of Light, we long to know God, we want to be one with Him, our Divine God. We want to be one with the Father, know Him as a Person most intimately. We want to know the beloved One, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and live and dwell in Him at all times, every moment of our lives. We want to be one with You, Oh Spirit of Light, that You move in us in our every breath.
Oh God of love, what greater means could You have discovered to make Yourself loved by us? It was not enough for You to become man, and to subject Yourself to many of our miseries. It was not enough for You to pour out all Your blood for us to die on a tree destined for condemned criminals. You were finally reduced to giving Yourself to us as food under the form of bread; so that You could unite Yourself to our inmost being. How unhappy we shall be if, in this life, we do not love You! What remorse it will bring us, when we go into eternity, if we have not loved You!
My Jesus, I do not wish to die without loving You.
Oh, I am deeply grieved because of the pain I have given You so often. I repent, Oh Jesus, and I would like to die with sorrow. Now I love You; I consecrate to You all the affections of my being. My Jesus, now that You have drawn me into Your love, I forsake all else.
Oh Mother of my God, Mary, pray to Jesus for me, and make me holy. Add this one more to the rest of Your miracles - change a sinner into a saint.
(Adapted, St Alphonsus Liguori)
Oh God of love, what greater means could You have discovered to make Yourself loved by us? It was not enough for You to become man, and to subject Yourself to many of our miseries. It was not enough for You to pour out all Your blood for us to die on a tree destined for condemned criminals. You were finally reduced to giving Yourself to us as food under the form of bread; so that You could unite Yourself to our inmost being. How unhappy we shall be if, in this life, we do not love You! What remorse it will bring us, when we go into eternity, if we have not loved You!
My Jesus, I do not wish to die without loving You.
Oh, I am deeply grieved because of the pain I have given You so often. I repent, Oh Jesus, and I would like to die with sorrow. Now I love You; I consecrate to You all the affections of my being. My Jesus, now that You have drawn me into Your love, I forsake all else.
Oh Mother of my God, Mary, pray to Jesus for me, and make me holy. Add this one more to the rest of Your miracles - change a sinner into a saint.
(Adapted, St Alphonsus Liguori)
Prayer for Humble Reliance Upon God
Lord, if You withdraw Your hand, there is no grace. If You cease to guide us, we have no wisdom. If You no longer defend us, we have no courage. If You do not strengthen us, our chastity is vulnerable. If You do not keep a holy watch over us, our watchfulness cannot protect us. By ourselves we sink, we perish; when You are with us, we are uplifted, we live. We are shaky, You make us firm. We are lukewarm, You inflame us.
Thomas a Kempis
Lord, if You withdraw Your hand, there is no grace. If You cease to guide us, we have no wisdom. If You no longer defend us, we have no courage. If You do not strengthen us, our chastity is vulnerable. If You do not keep a holy watch over us, our watchfulness cannot protect us. By ourselves we sink, we perish; when You are with us, we are uplifted, we live. We are shaky, You make us firm. We are lukewarm, You inflame us.
Thomas a Kempis
Prayer for Lent
God of times and seasons, You have brought us again to Lent for the study of Your Word, for the remembrance of the temptation of Your Son, and for the contemplation of His Cross. The birds know their seasons; forbid that we be blind to our times. Grant us a Lenten blessing, and may no one miss this time of growth. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Prayer to Follow Christ
O Lord Jesus, gentle and humble of heart, full of compassion and maker of peace, You lived in poverty and suffered persecution for the cause of justice. You chose the Cross as the path to glory to show us the way of salvation. May we receive the word of the Gospel joyfully and live by Your example as heirs and citizens of Your Kingdom.
O Lord Jesus, gentle and humble of heart, full of compassion and maker of peace, You lived in poverty and suffered persecution for the cause of justice. You chose the Cross as the path to glory to show us the way of salvation. May we receive the word of the Gospel joyfully and live by Your example as heirs and citizens of Your Kingdom.
Prayer of Acclaim to the Suffering Christ
O Lord, You received affronts without number from Your blasphemers, yet each day You free captive souls from the grip of the ancient enemy.
You did not avert Your face from the spittle of perfidy, yet You wash souls in saving waters.
You accepted Your scourging without murmur, yet through Your meditation You deliver us from endless chastisements.
You endured ill-treatment of all kinds, yet You want to give us a share in the choirs of angels in glory everlasting.
You did not refuse to be crowned with thorns, yet You save us from the wounds of sin.
In Your thirst You accepted the bitterness of gall, yet You prepare Yourself to fill us with eternal delights.
You kept silence under the derisive homage rendered You by Your executioners, yet You petition the Father for us although You are His equal in divinity.
You came to taste death, yet You were the Life and had come to bring it to the dead.
- Saint Gregory the Great -
O Lord, You received affronts without number from Your blasphemers, yet each day You free captive souls from the grip of the ancient enemy.
You did not avert Your face from the spittle of perfidy, yet You wash souls in saving waters.
You accepted Your scourging without murmur, yet through Your meditation You deliver us from endless chastisements.
You endured ill-treatment of all kinds, yet You want to give us a share in the choirs of angels in glory everlasting.
You did not refuse to be crowned with thorns, yet You save us from the wounds of sin.
In Your thirst You accepted the bitterness of gall, yet You prepare Yourself to fill us with eternal delights.
You kept silence under the derisive homage rendered You by Your executioners, yet You petition the Father for us although You are His equal in divinity.
You came to taste death, yet You were the Life and had come to bring it to the dead.
- Saint Gregory the Great -
Prayer to Jesus Christ, to Obtain His Holy Love
My crucified Jesus, I confess You to be the true Son of God and my Savior. I adore and thank You for the death You did suffer for me. My dear Redeemer, if I have [until now] done nothing but offend You, I am now sorry for it above all things, and I desire nothing but to love You. You have promised to hear those who pray to You; by the merits of Your Passion, I ask You to give me Your holy love. Ah, draw my heart entirely to Yourself, that from this day forward I may love You with all my strength, and may love none other but You; and so may I one day come to love You for all eternity in paradise.
My crucified Jesus, I confess You to be the true Son of God and my Savior. I adore and thank You for the death You did suffer for me. My dear Redeemer, if I have [until now] done nothing but offend You, I am now sorry for it above all things, and I desire nothing but to love You. You have promised to hear those who pray to You; by the merits of Your Passion, I ask You to give me Your holy love. Ah, draw my heart entirely to Yourself, that from this day forward I may love You with all my strength, and may love none other but You; and so may I one day come to love You for all eternity in paradise.
Please, Lord Hear Our Prayer
Heavenly Father,
I come before You today asking
that You touch, bless, heal and
meet our needs mentioned here
and also any that haven't been mentioned!
I pray the Lord bless us und heal us
and keep us
and meet our every need
according to His riches in glory!
Lord, I pray that You help us in anything
and everything we need help in!
Lord, lead us in the right direction that
You have set out for us!
Lord, if there be anyone we have hurt, forgive us!
Lord, if there is anything in our life we need work on,
Lord, please help us with it, show us!
Lord, we pray that You save those
in need of being saved,
heal those in need of a healing!
Bless those in need of a blessing!
Meet the needs of those needing a
financial need...
those needing a job, home, finances...
whatever it may be, Lord,
please, meet those needs
according to Your riches in Glory!
Lord, move in each life and
bless them beyond compare!
Lord, minister to each in their own understanding!
Lord, bless us all, our families and friends!
Lord, touch , bless, annoint, and heal us all!
Lord, wrap Your arms around those needing comfort!
Lord, keep Your hands of protection upon us all!
Apply the Blood of Jesus upon our lives!
Build a hedge around us
and protect us from satan!
Lord, those broken hearted, depressed,
feeling no one cares...
Lord, wrap Your loving arms around them
and fill their hearts with Your peace, joy,
love and happiness!
Lord, we thank You
and give You all the praise, glory and honor
You so richly deserve.
In Jesus name I pray,
Heavenly Father,
I come before You today asking
that You touch, bless, heal and
meet our needs mentioned here
and also any that haven't been mentioned!
I pray the Lord bless us und heal us
and keep us
and meet our every need
according to His riches in glory!
Lord, I pray that You help us in anything
and everything we need help in!
Lord, lead us in the right direction that
You have set out for us!
Lord, if there be anyone we have hurt, forgive us!
Lord, if there is anything in our life we need work on,
Lord, please help us with it, show us!
Lord, we pray that You save those
in need of being saved,
heal those in need of a healing!
Bless those in need of a blessing!
Meet the needs of those needing a
financial need...
those needing a job, home, finances...
whatever it may be, Lord,
please, meet those needs
according to Your riches in Glory!
Lord, move in each life and
bless them beyond compare!
Lord, minister to each in their own understanding!
Lord, bless us all, our families and friends!
Lord, touch , bless, annoint, and heal us all!
Lord, wrap Your arms around those needing comfort!
Lord, keep Your hands of protection upon us all!
Apply the Blood of Jesus upon our lives!
Build a hedge around us
and protect us from satan!
Lord, those broken hearted, depressed,
feeling no one cares...
Lord, wrap Your loving arms around them
and fill their hearts with Your peace, joy,
love and happiness!
Lord, we thank You
and give You all the praise, glory and honor
You so richly deserve.
In Jesus name I pray,
Passion of Christ, Strengthen Me
Passion of Christ, strengthen me! Strengthen me under the pressure of temptation. Strengthen me when principle is at stake. Strengthen me to do Your Will, My God. Strengthen me in moments of suffering, in times of loneliness, in periods of depression. Strengthen me that I may never swerve from You, dear Christ, nor weaken through human respect, through a desire to be popular, through hope of social distinction. Strengthen me to accept my cross and carry it generously to the end. On the battlefield of life, stand by me that I may never prove a traitor in the ranks. Stand by me that I may not be dazzled by the glitter and glow of the enemy camp.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me! Strengthen me under the pressure of temptation. Strengthen me when principle is at stake. Strengthen me to do Your Will, My God. Strengthen me in moments of suffering, in times of loneliness, in periods of depression. Strengthen me that I may never swerve from You, dear Christ, nor weaken through human respect, through a desire to be popular, through hope of social distinction. Strengthen me to accept my cross and carry it generously to the end. On the battlefield of life, stand by me that I may never prove a traitor in the ranks. Stand by me that I may not be dazzled by the glitter and glow of the enemy camp.
Crown of Thorns Prayer
Dear Lord, I am grieved when I consider Thy sad condition when Thou wore the Crown of Thorns upon Thy Holy Head. I desire to withdraw the thorns by offering to the Eternal Father the merits of Thy Wounds for the salvation of sinners. I wish to unite my actions to the merits of Thy Most Holy Crown, so that they may gain many merits, as Thou hast promised.
Prayer based on a revelation by Our Lord to Sr. Chambon
Dear Lord, I am grieved when I consider Thy sad condition when Thou wore the Crown of Thorns upon Thy Holy Head. I desire to withdraw the thorns by offering to the Eternal Father the merits of Thy Wounds for the salvation of sinners. I wish to unite my actions to the merits of Thy Most Holy Crown, so that they may gain many merits, as Thou hast promised.
Prayer based on a revelation by Our Lord to Sr. Chambon
Daily Prayer for Lent
Today Lord I choose life,
I choose Your love and the challenge to live it and share it,
I choose hope, even in moments of darkness,
I choose faith, accepting You as Lord and God,
I choose to let go of some part of my burdens, day by day handing them over to You,
I choose to take hold of Your strength and power ever more deeply in my life.
May this truly be for me a time of new life, of change, challenge and growth.
May I come to Easter with a heart open to dying with You and rising to Your new life, day by day.
I choose Your love and the challenge to live it and share it,
I choose hope, even in moments of darkness,
I choose faith, accepting You as Lord and God,
I choose to let go of some part of my burdens, day by day handing them over to You,
I choose to take hold of Your strength and power ever more deeply in my life.
May this truly be for me a time of new life, of change, challenge and growth.
May I come to Easter with a heart open to dying with You and rising to Your new life, day by day.
Prayer of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus
O Blessed Face of my kind Savior, by the tender love and piercing sorrow of Our Lady as she beheld Thee in Thy cruel Passion, grant us to share in this intense sorrow and love so as to fulfill the Holy Will of God to the utmost of our ability.
O Blessed Face of my kind Savior, by the tender love and piercing sorrow of Our Lady as she beheld Thee in Thy cruel Passion, grant us to share in this intense sorrow and love so as to fulfill the Holy Will of God to the utmost of our ability.
Prayer in Honor of Christ's Passion
I give You glory, O Christ, because You, the Only-begotten, the Lord of all, underwent the death of the Cross to free my sinful soul from the bonds of sin. What shall I give to You, O Lord, in return for all this kindness?
Glory to You, O Lord, for Your Love, for Your Mercy, for Your Patience.
Glory to You, for forgiving us all our sins, for coming to save our souls, for Your Incarnation in the Virgin's womb.
Glory to You, for Your bonds, for receiving the cut of the lash, for accepting mockery.
Glory to You, for Your Crucifixion, for Your Burial, for Your Resurrection.
Glory to You, for Your Resurrection, for being preached to men, for being taken up to heaven.
Glory to You Who sit at the Father's right hand and will return in glory.
Glory to You for willing that the sinner be saved through Your great Mercy and Compassion.
Glory to You, O Lord, for Your Love, for Your Mercy, for Your Patience.
Glory to You, for forgiving us all our sins, for coming to save our souls, for Your Incarnation in the Virgin's womb.
Glory to You, for Your bonds, for receiving the cut of the lash, for accepting mockery.
Glory to You, for Your Crucifixion, for Your Burial, for Your Resurrection.
Glory to You, for Your Resurrection, for being preached to men, for being taken up to heaven.
Glory to You Who sit at the Father's right hand and will return in glory.
Glory to You for willing that the sinner be saved through Your great Mercy and Compassion.
Salutation of the Wound in the Christ's Shoulder
O Loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I miserable sinner, salute and worship the most Sacred Wound of Thy Shoulder on which Thou didst bear Thy heavy Cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid bare Thy Bones as to inflict on Thee an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy Most Blessed Body. I adore Thee, O Jesus most sorrowful; I praise and glorify Thee, and give Thee thanks for this most sacred and painful Wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me, a sinner, to forgive me all my mortal and venial sins, and to lead me on towards Heaven along the Way of Thy Cross.
O Loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I miserable sinner, salute and worship the most Sacred Wound of Thy Shoulder on which Thou didst bear Thy heavy Cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid bare Thy Bones as to inflict on Thee an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy Most Blessed Body. I adore Thee, O Jesus most sorrowful; I praise and glorify Thee, and give Thee thanks for this most sacred and painful Wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me, a sinner, to forgive me all my mortal and venial sins, and to lead me on towards Heaven along the Way of Thy Cross.
Prayer to Jesus on the Cross
O Jesus, for how many ages have You been on the Cross and yet people pass by in utter disregard of You except to pierce once again Your Sacred Heart. How often have I passed You by, heedless of Your overwhelming sorrow, Your countless wounds, You infinite love. How often have I stood before You, not to comfort and console You, but to offend You by my conduct or neglect of You, to scorn Your love.
You have stretched out Your Hands to comfort me, and I have seized those Hands - that might have consigned me to hell - and have bent them back upon the Cross, nailing them rigid and helpless to it. Yet I have only succeeded in imprinting my name on Your Palms forever. You have loved me with an infinite love and I have taken advantage of that love to sin all the more against You. Yet my ingratitude has only succeeded in piercing Your Sacred Heart and causing Your Precious Blood to flow forth upon me.
O Jesus, let Your Blood be upon me, not for a curse, but for a blessing. Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on me.
O Jesus, for how many ages have You been on the Cross and yet people pass by in utter disregard of You except to pierce once again Your Sacred Heart. How often have I passed You by, heedless of Your overwhelming sorrow, Your countless wounds, You infinite love. How often have I stood before You, not to comfort and console You, but to offend You by my conduct or neglect of You, to scorn Your love.
You have stretched out Your Hands to comfort me, and I have seized those Hands - that might have consigned me to hell - and have bent them back upon the Cross, nailing them rigid and helpless to it. Yet I have only succeeded in imprinting my name on Your Palms forever. You have loved me with an infinite love and I have taken advantage of that love to sin all the more against You. Yet my ingratitude has only succeeded in piercing Your Sacred Heart and causing Your Precious Blood to flow forth upon me.
O Jesus, let Your Blood be upon me, not for a curse, but for a blessing. Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on me.
Prayer of Love for the Crucified Lord
O Jesus, it is not the heavenly reward You have promised which impels me to love You; neither is it the threat of hell that keep me from offending You. It is You, O Lord, it is the sight of You affixed to the Cross and suffering insults; it is the sight of Your broken body, as well as Your pains and Your death. There is nothing You can give me to make me love You. For even if there were no heaven and no hell I would still love You as I do.
O Jesus, it is not the heavenly reward You have promised which impels me to love You; neither is it the threat of hell that keep me from offending You. It is You, O Lord, it is the sight of You affixed to the Cross and suffering insults; it is the sight of Your broken body, as well as Your pains and Your death. There is nothing You can give me to make me love You. For even if there were no heaven and no hell I would still love You as I do.
Prayer to Know Jesus Christ
O Lord Jesus, like Saint Paul, may I count everything as loss in comparison with the supreme advantage of knowing You. I want to know You and what Your Passion and Resurrection can do. I also want to share in Your sufferings in the hope that if I resemble You in death I may somehow attain to the resurrection from the dead. Give me grace to make every effort to supplement faith with moral courage, knowledge with self-control, self-control with patience, patience with piety, piety with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. May these virtues keep me both active and fruitful and bring me to the deep knowledge of You, Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayer for Avoiding Sin
Hear, Lord, the prayers we offer from contrite hearts. Have pity on us as we acknowledge our sins. Lead us back to the way of holiness. Protect us now and always from the wounds of sin. May we ever keep safe in all its fullness the gift Your love once gave us and Your mercy now restores.
Hear, Lord, the prayers we offer from contrite hearts. Have pity on us as we acknowledge our sins. Lead us back to the way of holiness. Protect us now and always from the wounds of sin. May we ever keep safe in all its fullness the gift Your love once gave us and Your mercy now restores.
Prayer for Christ's Mercy
O Lord, show Your Mercy to me and gladden my heart. I am like the man on the way to Jericho who was overtaken by robbers, wounded and left for dead. O Good Samaritan, come to my aid, I am like the sheep that went astray. O Good Shepherd, seek me out and bring me home in accord with Your Will. Let me dwell in Your house all the days of my life and praise You for ever and ever with those who are there.
O Lord, show Your Mercy to me and gladden my heart. I am like the man on the way to Jericho who was overtaken by robbers, wounded and left for dead. O Good Samaritan, come to my aid, I am like the sheep that went astray. O Good Shepherd, seek me out and bring me home in accord with Your Will. Let me dwell in Your house all the days of my life and praise You for ever and ever with those who are there.
Prayer to Imitate the Suffering Christ
O Jesus, You have called me to suffer because You on Your part suffered for me, leaving me an example that I might follow. When You were insulted, You did not return the insult. When You were mistreated, You did not counter with threats but entrusted Yourself to the One who judges justly. By Your Wounds we are healed. Help me to imitate You in suffering. Let me break with sin by means of my sufferings, so that I may no longer live according to the lusts of sinners but according to the Will of the Father. Since You Yourself have suffered and been tempted, I know that You are able to bring aid to all who suffer and are tempted. I entrust myself to You and to the Father, my Creator, knowing that You will never fail me.
O Jesus, You have called me to suffer because You on Your part suffered for me, leaving me an example that I might follow. When You were insulted, You did not return the insult. When You were mistreated, You did not counter with threats but entrusted Yourself to the One who judges justly. By Your Wounds we are healed. Help me to imitate You in suffering. Let me break with sin by means of my sufferings, so that I may no longer live according to the lusts of sinners but according to the Will of the Father. Since You Yourself have suffered and been tempted, I know that You are able to bring aid to all who suffer and are tempted. I entrust myself to You and to the Father, my Creator, knowing that You will never fail me.
Prayer of Sorrow for Sin
Lord Jesus, hanging on the Cross, I raise sorrowful and shameful eyes to You. You have granted me untold blessings and I have repaid You by contributing to Your Passion and Death. My hands took part in Your scourging, my voice was among those who denied You and called for Your death, my thoughts brought about Your crowning with thorns, my sins drove the nails into Your hands and feet, the lance into Your side.
Lord Jesus, hanging on the Cross, I raise sorrowful and shameful eyes to You. You have granted me untold blessings and I have repaid You by contributing to Your Passion and Death. My hands took part in Your scourging, my voice was among those who denied You and called for Your death, my thoughts brought about Your crowning with thorns, my sins drove the nails into Your hands and feet, the lance into Your side.
Dear Lord, forgive me for all these sins. You are great, glorious, and infinitely good; I am insignificant, selfish, and hopelessly sinful. But I am sorry for all my sins, and by the blood shed in Your Passion, I beg for forgiveness and for a share in Your Love and Grace.
Opening Prayer for Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord's Supper
God, Our Father, we are gathered here to share in the supper, which your only Son left to His Church to reveal His Love. He gave it to us when He was about to die and commanded us to celebrate it as the New and Eternal Sacrifice. We pray that in this Eucharist we may find the fullness of love and life. Grant this through Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
God, Our Father, we are gathered here to share in the supper, which your only Son left to His Church to reveal His Love. He gave it to us when He was about to die and commanded us to celebrate it as the New and Eternal Sacrifice. We pray that in this Eucharist we may find the fullness of love and life. Grant this through Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Adoration Prayer 1
My Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You are really here in this Sacrament. Night and day You remain here compassionate and loving. You call, You wait for, You welcome everyone who comes to visit You. I thank You, Jesus my Divine Redeemer for coming upon the earth for our sake and for instituting the Adorable Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist in order to remain with us until the end of the world. I thank You for hiding beneath the Eucharistic Species Your infinite majesty and beauty, which Your Angels delight to behold, so that I might have courage to approach the throne of Your mercy. I thank You dear Jesus, for having become the priceless Victim, to merit for me the fullness of heavenly favors. Awaken in me such confidence in You that their fullness may descend ever more fruitfully upon my soul. I thank You for offering Yourself in thanksgiving to God for all His benefits, spiritual and temporal, which He has bestowed on me. Grant me grace and perseverance in Your faithful service.
Lord Jesus, behold I come. My heart is small, but it is all Yours. You are a prisoner in our Tabernacles, You the Lord of Lords! And love it is, that holds You here as such! You leave the Tabernacle only to come to us, to unite Yourself with the faithful soul and allow Your Divine Love to reign within. O King of Love! Come, live and reign in me. I want no other law but the law of Your Love! No, no, I henceforth desire to know nothing, neither of this world nor of what is in it, nor of myself; Your Love alone shall rule in me eternally.
O Jesus, grant me this grace! Break all my fetters, strip me of all that is not of Yourself, in order that Your Love may be my life here below, and my happiness and delight in eternity,
O Father, in the name of Your Son Jesus,
and in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit,
I ask that You fill (name)
with the knowledge of Your Will
through ALL spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Enlighten this precious child of Yours, dear Lord!
Teach this dear one to live in a manner
that is worthy of You,
so as to be fully pleasing to You,
full of good works bearing good fruits
and ever growing in knowledge of You.
Strengthen this lost lamb, dear Lord,
with every power of Your Holy Spirit,
in accordance with Your might,
for all endurance and patience,
with joy, giving thanks to You O Father!
Make Your child fit to share in the inheritance
of the holy ones in the Light.
Deliver this beloved one from the power of darkness
and transfer (name)
into the kingdom of Your Beloved Son, Jesus,
in whom is redemption and the forgiveness of sins.
My Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You are really here in this Sacrament. Night and day You remain here compassionate and loving. You call, You wait for, You welcome everyone who comes to visit You. I thank You, Jesus my Divine Redeemer for coming upon the earth for our sake and for instituting the Adorable Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist in order to remain with us until the end of the world. I thank You for hiding beneath the Eucharistic Species Your infinite majesty and beauty, which Your Angels delight to behold, so that I might have courage to approach the throne of Your mercy. I thank You dear Jesus, for having become the priceless Victim, to merit for me the fullness of heavenly favors. Awaken in me such confidence in You that their fullness may descend ever more fruitfully upon my soul. I thank You for offering Yourself in thanksgiving to God for all His benefits, spiritual and temporal, which He has bestowed on me. Grant me grace and perseverance in Your faithful service.
Adoration Prayer 2
I adore You, O Jesus, God of Love, truly present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I adore You Who has come to Your Own but were not received by them. I adore You, Whom the majority of mankind rejected and despised. I adore You, Whom the impious incessantly are offend by their sacrileges and blasphemies. I adore You, Who are grieved by the coldness and indifference of a vast number of Christians. I adore You, O Infinite Goodness, Who has wrought so many miracles, in order to reveal Your Love to us. I adore You, with all the angels and saints, and with those chosen souls that are now already the blessed of Your Father and are all aglow with burning love for You. I adore You with all Your friends, O Jesus! With them I prostrate myself at the foot of the Altar, to offer You my most profound homage, to receive Your Divine Inspiration, and to implore Your Grace. Oh, how good it is for me to be here with You! How sweet to hear the Voice of my Beloved! O Victim of Divine Love! A piercing cry breaks forth from Your Heart here on the Altar, as it once did on Calvary; it is the cry of love: "I thirst." You call to Your children, "I thirst for Your Love. Come all, whom I love as My Father has loved Me; come and quench the thirst that consumes Me!Lord Jesus, behold I come. My heart is small, but it is all Yours. You are a prisoner in our Tabernacles, You the Lord of Lords! And love it is, that holds You here as such! You leave the Tabernacle only to come to us, to unite Yourself with the faithful soul and allow Your Divine Love to reign within. O King of Love! Come, live and reign in me. I want no other law but the law of Your Love! No, no, I henceforth desire to know nothing, neither of this world nor of what is in it, nor of myself; Your Love alone shall rule in me eternally.
O Jesus, grant me this grace! Break all my fetters, strip me of all that is not of Yourself, in order that Your Love may be my life here below, and my happiness and delight in eternity,
Easter Prayer 1
Heavenly Father and God of mercy, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead, for he is alive and has become the Lord of life. From the waters of death, You raise us with Him and renew Your gift of life within us. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ, and help us to grow as Your people toward the fullness of eternal life with You. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Heavenly Father and God of mercy, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead, for he is alive and has become the Lord of life. From the waters of death, You raise us with Him and renew Your gift of life within us. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ, and help us to grow as Your people toward the fullness of eternal life with You. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Easter Prayer 2
Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.
The first Christians recognised the signs and wonders of their day. Help me to see Your guiding hand each day.
Reveal Your risen presence to me as You come to me in Holy Communion.
Let my heart burn with love for You as You speak to me in the scriptures.
Keep alive in me the joy of this season that always and everywhere the Easter alleluia may arise as a hymn of glory to Your name.
Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.
The first Christians recognised the signs and wonders of their day. Help me to see Your guiding hand each day.
Reveal Your risen presence to me as You come to me in Holy Communion.
Let my heart burn with love for You as You speak to me in the scriptures.
Keep alive in me the joy of this season that always and everywhere the Easter alleluia may arise as a hymn of glory to Your name.
Prayer in Praise of Christ's Humanity
O risen Lord, Your Body was part of Your power, rather than You a part in its weakness. For this reason You could not but rise again, if You were to die - because Your body, once taken by You, never was or could be separated from You even in the grave. I keep Your most holy Body before me as the pledge of my own resurrection. Though I die, as I certainly shall die, it only means that my life is changed, for I shall rise again. Teach me so to live as one who believes the great dignity and sanctity of the material frame in which I am lodged.
O risen Lord, Your Body was part of Your power, rather than You a part in its weakness. For this reason You could not but rise again, if You were to die - because Your body, once taken by You, never was or could be separated from You even in the grave. I keep Your most holy Body before me as the pledge of my own resurrection. Though I die, as I certainly shall die, it only means that my life is changed, for I shall rise again. Teach me so to live as one who believes the great dignity and sanctity of the material frame in which I am lodged.
Prayer Saint Bernadette of Lourdes
O God, protector and lover of the humble, You bestowed on Your servant, Bernadette, the favor of the vision of Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, and of speech with her. Grant that we may deserve to behold You in heaven.
O God, protector and lover of the humble, You bestowed on Your servant, Bernadette, the favor of the vision of Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, and of speech with her. Grant that we may deserve to behold You in heaven.
Psalm for Students
Recite this prayer in deep faith before and after study. Jesus will bless You abundantly.
The Lord is my teacher. I shall want for nothing. -
He will teach me all subjects. He leads me to his ocean of knowledge. -
He answers all my doubts. He fills me with His wisdom and leads me through the path of His knowledge. -
I shall not fear even the most difficult exams, because the Lord is with me. His words and promises strengthen me always. -
He makes easy for me even the most difficult subjects. He is anointing my head with His wisdom. My answer sheets are filled with the right answers. -
He gives me blessings to study well during my study time. I will be always a faithful student to Jesus, Who is my teacher.
Prayer For A Loved One's Conversion
O Father, in the name of Your Son Jesus,
and in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit,
I ask that You fill (name)
with the knowledge of Your Will
through ALL spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Enlighten this precious child of Yours, dear Lord!
Teach this dear one to live in a manner
that is worthy of You,
so as to be fully pleasing to You,
full of good works bearing good fruits
and ever growing in knowledge of You.
Strengthen this lost lamb, dear Lord,
with every power of Your Holy Spirit,
in accordance with Your might,
for all endurance and patience,
with joy, giving thanks to You O Father!
Make Your child fit to share in the inheritance
of the holy ones in the Light.
Deliver this beloved one from the power of darkness
and transfer (name)
into the kingdom of Your Beloved Son, Jesus,
in whom is redemption and the forgiveness of sins.
In Praise of the Power to Believe
Most Precious Lord Jesus, gentle and wonderful God, truly awesome and Ever-present Holy Spirit, I love You.
I give You praise for giving me the power to believe.
Sometimes my belief is strong, and sometimes I falter and my belief seems to grow weak.
Sometimes doubts come into my mind, but I never doubt You are real and You died for me on the Cross.
Sometimes I have questions about all manner of things and since I have a mind full of questions anyway, I often wonder about what is not even knowable.
Yet even when I have questions, I give You praise, for You give me strength to believe in You every hour.
I give You praise, for You make my faith strong without my knowing how.
I give You praise, for You come to visit me each day, You place Your Healing Hand upon me to strengthen me, and You strengthen my belief in You.
I give You praise, for You strengthen my belief to be Your humble servant in spite of many hardships.
I give You praise, for You help me believe and help me push away the evil one who wants me to be selfish.
I give You praise, for You help me believe and help me place as much as I can into Your hands.
I give You praise, for You are with me today and You shall be with me tomorrow as You have always been with me in the past.
All these things I humbly pray in the name of my most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, my Mighty God, and my Ever-present Holy Spirit upon whom I can rely.
I give You praise for giving me the power to believe.
Sometimes my belief is strong, and sometimes I falter and my belief seems to grow weak.
Sometimes doubts come into my mind, but I never doubt You are real and You died for me on the Cross.
Sometimes I have questions about all manner of things and since I have a mind full of questions anyway, I often wonder about what is not even knowable.
Yet even when I have questions, I give You praise, for You give me strength to believe in You every hour.
I give You praise, for You make my faith strong without my knowing how.
I give You praise, for You come to visit me each day, You place Your Healing Hand upon me to strengthen me, and You strengthen my belief in You.
I give You praise, for You strengthen my belief to be Your humble servant in spite of many hardships.
I give You praise, for You help me believe and help me push away the evil one who wants me to be selfish.
I give You praise, for You help me believe and help me place as much as I can into Your hands.
I give You praise, for You are with me today and You shall be with me tomorrow as You have always been with me in the past.
All these things I humbly pray in the name of my most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, my Mighty God, and my Ever-present Holy Spirit upon whom I can rely.
Prayer for Peace of Mind and Heart
Eternal, Holy God, I come to You burdened
with worries, fears, doubts, and troubles.
Calm and quiet me with peace of mind.
Empty me of the anxiety that disturbs me,
of the concerns that weary my spirit,
and weigh heavy on my heart.
Loosen my grip on the disappointments
and grievances I hold on to so tightly.
Release me from the pain of past hurts,
of present anger and tension, of future fears.
Sometimes it's too much for me Lord -
too many demands and problems -
too much sadness, suffering, and stress.
Renew me spiritually and emotionally.
Give me new strength, hope, and confidence.
Prepare me to meet the constant struggles of
daily life with a deeper faith and trust in You.
Let Your love set me free . . . . for peace,
for joy, for grace, for life, for others . . . .
with worries, fears, doubts, and troubles.
Calm and quiet me with peace of mind.
Empty me of the anxiety that disturbs me,
of the concerns that weary my spirit,
and weigh heavy on my heart.
Loosen my grip on the disappointments
and grievances I hold on to so tightly.
Release me from the pain of past hurts,
of present anger and tension, of future fears.
Sometimes it's too much for me Lord -
too many demands and problems -
too much sadness, suffering, and stress.
Renew me spiritually and emotionally.
Give me new strength, hope, and confidence.
Prepare me to meet the constant struggles of
daily life with a deeper faith and trust in You.
Let Your love set me free . . . . for peace,
for joy, for grace, for life, for others . . . .
The "Our Father" for the Souls in Purgatory
OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN; I beseech You, O Heavenly Father, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not love You sufficiently, nor render to You all the honor, which is Your due, due to You their Lord and Father, Who, by pure grace, have adopted them as Your children. By their sins, rather, have they driven You from their souls, where You nonetheless, wished always to live. In reparation for these faults, I offer You the love and veneration, which Your Incarnate Son showed You all during His earthly life, and I offer all the acts of penance and satisfaction, which He performed and by which He effaced and atoned for the sins of men.
HALLOWED BE THY NAME; I beg You, O Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not honor, always and fittingly, Your Holy Name, but often they took It in vain and proved unworthy of the name,"Christian", by their lives of sin. In reparation for their faults, I offer to You all the honor, which Your Well-Beloved Son rendered to Your Name by His words and deeds.
THY KINGDOM COME; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not always seek or adore Your Kingdom with enough fervor and diligence;This Kingdom, the only place where true rest and peace reign. In reparation for their omissions, through indifference to do what is good, I offer You the Most Holy Desire of Your Son, by which He wished that they also might become heirs of His Kingdom.
THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not always submit their will to Your Will. In reparation for their disobedience, I offer You the perfect conformity of the Heart, full of love, of Your Divine Son with Your Holy Will and the most profound submission which He showed in obeying You unto death on the Cross.
GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not always receive the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist with enough desire, but often without contemplation, or love, or even unworthily, or they neglected to receive It. In reparation for these faults, I offer You the outstanding Holiness and the great contemplation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Divine Son, addressed to You in favor of His enemies when He was on the Cross.
FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, all the faults of which they have been guilty through succumbing to the Seven Capital Sins and also in not having wished either to love or pardon their enemies. In reparation for these faults, I offer You the outstanding Holiness and the great contemplation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Divine Son, addressed to You in favor of His enemies when He was on the Cross.
AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, because too often they did not resist temptations and the passions, but they followed the Enemy of all goodness. In reparation for all these sins, in thought, word, and deed. I offer You the glorius victory which Our Lord won against the world, as well as His Most Holy Life, His Work and Sorrows, His Suffering and His Most Cruel Death.
BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL; and from all punishments through the Infinite Merits of Your Well-Beloved Son and lead us, as well as the Souls in Purgatory, into Your Kingdom of eternal glory.
OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN; I beseech You, O Heavenly Father, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not love You sufficiently, nor render to You all the honor, which is Your due, due to You their Lord and Father, Who, by pure grace, have adopted them as Your children. By their sins, rather, have they driven You from their souls, where You nonetheless, wished always to live. In reparation for these faults, I offer You the love and veneration, which Your Incarnate Son showed You all during His earthly life, and I offer all the acts of penance and satisfaction, which He performed and by which He effaced and atoned for the sins of men.
HALLOWED BE THY NAME; I beg You, O Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not honor, always and fittingly, Your Holy Name, but often they took It in vain and proved unworthy of the name,"Christian", by their lives of sin. In reparation for their faults, I offer to You all the honor, which Your Well-Beloved Son rendered to Your Name by His words and deeds.
THY KINGDOM COME; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not always seek or adore Your Kingdom with enough fervor and diligence;This Kingdom, the only place where true rest and peace reign. In reparation for their omissions, through indifference to do what is good, I offer You the Most Holy Desire of Your Son, by which He wished that they also might become heirs of His Kingdom.
THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not always submit their will to Your Will. In reparation for their disobedience, I offer You the perfect conformity of the Heart, full of love, of Your Divine Son with Your Holy Will and the most profound submission which He showed in obeying You unto death on the Cross.
GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not always receive the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist with enough desire, but often without contemplation, or love, or even unworthily, or they neglected to receive It. In reparation for these faults, I offer You the outstanding Holiness and the great contemplation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Divine Son, addressed to You in favor of His enemies when He was on the Cross.
FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, all the faults of which they have been guilty through succumbing to the Seven Capital Sins and also in not having wished either to love or pardon their enemies. In reparation for these faults, I offer You the outstanding Holiness and the great contemplation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Divine Son, addressed to You in favor of His enemies when He was on the Cross.
AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, because too often they did not resist temptations and the passions, but they followed the Enemy of all goodness. In reparation for all these sins, in thought, word, and deed. I offer You the glorius victory which Our Lord won against the world, as well as His Most Holy Life, His Work and Sorrows, His Suffering and His Most Cruel Death.
BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL; and from all punishments through the Infinite Merits of Your Well-Beloved Son and lead us, as well as the Souls in Purgatory, into Your Kingdom of eternal glory.
Prayer for Life, Peace and Protection
Almighty God we turn from evil towards You and humbly implore You to grant us mercy, pardon, life, peace, protection, love, joy and all good things so that we may live in harmony with You and one another. We turn to You in the great expectation of receiving from You all of these things.
Forgive us our sins against You, heal our brokenness, and renew our hearts so that we may be one in You. Grant wisdom to our leaders to make decisions in accordance with Your Will for life, peace and protection.
Protect the lives of all human beings, our families, state and country. Guard us. Help us to love our enemies, protect us from our enemies, from terrorism, from war and from Your just judgment. Almighty God, we trust in Your great mercy. May Your reign be recognized on earth.
Forgive us our sins against You, heal our brokenness, and renew our hearts so that we may be one in You. Grant wisdom to our leaders to make decisions in accordance with Your Will for life, peace and protection.
Protect the lives of all human beings, our families, state and country. Guard us. Help us to love our enemies, protect us from our enemies, from terrorism, from war and from Your just judgment. Almighty God, we trust in Your great mercy. May Your reign be recognized on earth.
Evening Visit
Be with us Lord tonight. Stay to adore and praise, and give thanks for us while we sleep; to draw down mercy and grace upon the world; to give strength to the suffering souls in purgatory in their night of waiting.
Stay with us, to ward off the anger of God from our crowded cities with their dens of vice, their crimes that call to Heaven for vengeance.
Stay with us, to guard the innocent, to sustain the tempted, to raise the fallen, to curb the power of the evil one, to prevent sin.
Stay with us, to comfort the sorrowing, to bless the death-beds, to grant contrition to the dying, to receive into the arms of Your mercy the thousands that this night must come before You for judgment.
Be with us Lord tonight. Stay to adore and praise, and give thanks for us while we sleep; to draw down mercy and grace upon the world; to give strength to the suffering souls in purgatory in their night of waiting.
Stay with us, to ward off the anger of God from our crowded cities with their dens of vice, their crimes that call to Heaven for vengeance.
Stay with us, to guard the innocent, to sustain the tempted, to raise the fallen, to curb the power of the evil one, to prevent sin.
Stay with us, to comfort the sorrowing, to bless the death-beds, to grant contrition to the dying, to receive into the arms of Your mercy the thousands that this night must come before You for judgment.
Secure them against the perils that beset them. Stay, above all, with the suffering and dying. Grant us a quite night and a perfect end. Be our merciful Shepherd to the last, that without fear we may appear before You as our Judge.
Short Prayers for Priests
O Jesus, Savior of the world, sanctify Your priests and seminarians.
Lord Our God, in order to govern Your people You willed to unite Yourself to the ministry of priests. Grant them the grace of accepting Your Holy Will so that, in their ministry and in their life, they may seek only Your glory. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
O God, give us holy priests to celebrate the Sacrifice of Salvation, to give sinners the consolation of pardon and thirsting souls the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Lord, grant us many and holy priests.
Grant us holy priests to console those who suffer, to remind all that we are brothers, to bless our homes, our work, our fields so that Your kingdom may extend to all souls.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant Your Church many and holy priests. Queen of the Apostles, pray for us.
Lord Our God, in order to govern Your people You willed to unite Yourself to the ministry of priests. Grant them the grace of accepting Your Holy Will so that, in their ministry and in their life, they may seek only Your glory. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
O God, give us holy priests to celebrate the Sacrifice of Salvation, to give sinners the consolation of pardon and thirsting souls the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Lord, grant us many and holy priests.
Grant us holy priests to console those who suffer, to remind all that we are brothers, to bless our homes, our work, our fields so that Your kingdom may extend to all souls.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant Your Church many and holy priests. Queen of the Apostles, pray for us.
Prayer for the Lonely
"I will never forget you my people... I have carved you on the palm of my hand..." (Is. 49:16)
Lord, the worst feeling in the world is the feeling of loneliness. Through loneliness we experience, loss, hurt, self-pity, rejection and the lack of love in our lives.
Lord, we offer our prayers for those people that are feeling lonely. We pray that they may see that they are not alone and that You oh, Lord, are with them.
Lord, we pray for those with big hearts, we pray that they may see the loneliness in the eyes of those suffering and may be inspired by the Holy Spirit to come to those lonely people and bring hope into their lives, through Christ Our Lord.
"I will never forget you my people... I have carved you on the palm of my hand..." (Is. 49:16)
Lord, the worst feeling in the world is the feeling of loneliness. Through loneliness we experience, loss, hurt, self-pity, rejection and the lack of love in our lives.
Lord, we offer our prayers for those people that are feeling lonely. We pray that they may see that they are not alone and that You oh, Lord, are with them.
Lord, we pray for those with big hearts, we pray that they may see the loneliness in the eyes of those suffering and may be inspired by the Holy Spirit to come to those lonely people and bring hope into their lives, through Christ Our Lord.
Prayer for Religious Priests, Brothers and Sisters
Heavenly Father,
in Your wisdom you have called
certain women and men
to a life of special consecration
so that in prayerful observance
of a lifestyle of poverty,
chaste celibacy and obedience,
they might be witnesses to us
that as St. Paul says,
"our true citizenship is in heaven."
Give them, Lord,
the grace of joy and perseverance
in their holy vocation.
We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.
Heavenly Father,
in Your wisdom you have called
certain women and men
to a life of special consecration
so that in prayerful observance
of a lifestyle of poverty,
chaste celibacy and obedience,
they might be witnesses to us
that as St. Paul says,
"our true citizenship is in heaven."
Give them, Lord,
the grace of joy and perseverance
in their holy vocation.
We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.
Healing Prayer
Heavenly Father, I call on You right now in a special way. It is through Your power that I was created. Every breath I take, every morning I wake, and every moment of every hour, I live under Your power.
Father, I ask You now to touch me with the same power. For if You created me from nothing, You can certainly recreate me. Fill me with the healing power of Your Spirit. Cast out anything that should not be in me. Mend what is broken. Root out any unproductive cells. Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild any damaged areas. Remove all inflamation and cleanse any infection.
Let the warmth of Your Healing Love pass through my body to make new any unhealthy areas so that my body function the way You created it to function.
And Father, restore me to full health in mind and body so that I may serve You the rest of my life.
I ask this through Christ Our Lord.
Father, I ask You now to touch me with the same power. For if You created me from nothing, You can certainly recreate me. Fill me with the healing power of Your Spirit. Cast out anything that should not be in me. Mend what is broken. Root out any unproductive cells. Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild any damaged areas. Remove all inflamation and cleanse any infection.
Let the warmth of Your Healing Love pass through my body to make new any unhealthy areas so that my body function the way You created it to function.
And Father, restore me to full health in mind and body so that I may serve You the rest of my life.
I ask this through Christ Our Lord.
Prayer to Get Closer to God
Dear Heavenly Father, it is my heart’s desire to hear from You.
I hunger and thirst to hear Your Voice
I have a deep longing to know what You are about to do.
For I know that You sometimes speaks in low whispers
So please help me to get closer to You
The world is full of voices of fear, doubt and cynicism
But I thank You that You will continue to help me to silence all these faithless voices.
Please continue to speak to me afresh everyday.
I feel better about things when I tune my spiritual ears into heaven’s wavelength
For I know that I can always receive an accurate communication from You.
So I will face this day with confidence knowing that You are very close to me.
You are my hope, my peace, my joy and inspiration.
I thank You Lord that I can do all things because You are the source of my strength.
I hunger and thirst to hear Your Voice
I have a deep longing to know what You are about to do.
For I know that You sometimes speaks in low whispers
So please help me to get closer to You
The world is full of voices of fear, doubt and cynicism
But I thank You that You will continue to help me to silence all these faithless voices.
Please continue to speak to me afresh everyday.
I feel better about things when I tune my spiritual ears into heaven’s wavelength
For I know that I can always receive an accurate communication from You.
So I will face this day with confidence knowing that You are very close to me.
You are my hope, my peace, my joy and inspiration.
I thank You Lord that I can do all things because You are the source of my strength.
Prayer To The Blessed Trinity
The Father is my hope.
The Son is my refuge.
The Holy Spirit is my protector.
Glory to the holy and undivided Trinity, now and forever.
Let us Praise the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit;
let us bless and exalt God above all forever!
Almighty and everlasting God,
to whom we owe the grace of professing the true faith,
grant that while acknowledging the glory of the eternal Trinity
and adoring its unity,
we may through Your majestic power
be confirmed in this faith and defended against all adversities;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with You
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,
forever and ever.
The Father is my hope.
The Son is my refuge.
The Holy Spirit is my protector.
Glory to the holy and undivided Trinity, now and forever.
Let us Praise the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit;
let us bless and exalt God above all forever!
Almighty and everlasting God,
to whom we owe the grace of professing the true faith,
grant that while acknowledging the glory of the eternal Trinity
and adoring its unity,
we may through Your majestic power
be confirmed in this faith and defended against all adversities;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with You
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,
forever and ever.
Prayer to be Said at the Priest's Communion
O Lord, may Thou find shelter and rest gently within the heart of Thy priest . . . [say his name]
Make him, O Lord, a priest according to Thy Heart: meek, humble, zealous,
so that all he does will be for Thine honor and glory.
Mold him into a man of prayer and labor, insensible to earthly things,
and sensible only to Thy love and to the graces of the Holy Ghost.
O Lord, may Thou find shelter and rest gently within the heart of Thy priest . . . [say his name]
Make him, O Lord, a priest according to Thy Heart: meek, humble, zealous,
so that all he does will be for Thine honor and glory.
Mold him into a man of prayer and labor, insensible to earthly things,
and sensible only to Thy love and to the graces of the Holy Ghost.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus I place my Trust in Thee
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee,
Whatever may befall me, Lord, though dark the hour may be;
In all my woes, in all my joys, though naught but grief I see,
Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee.
When those I loved have passed away and I am sore distressed
Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, I fly to Thee for rest.
In all my trials, great or small, my confidence shall be
Unshaken as I cry, dear Lord, I place my trust in Thee.
This is my one sweet prayer, dear Lord, my faith, my trust, my love,
But most of all in that last hour, when death points up above,
Ah then, sweet Saviour, may Thy Face smile on my soul set free.
Oh may I cry with rapturous love, I've placed my trust in Thee.
Sweetest Heart of Jesus, we implore that we may ever love Thee more and more!
Sweet Heart of Jesus, be Thou my Love.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee,
Whatever may befall me, Lord, though dark the hour may be;
In all my woes, in all my joys, though naught but grief I see,
Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee.
When those I loved have passed away and I am sore distressed
Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, I fly to Thee for rest.
In all my trials, great or small, my confidence shall be
Unshaken as I cry, dear Lord, I place my trust in Thee.
This is my one sweet prayer, dear Lord, my faith, my trust, my love,
But most of all in that last hour, when death points up above,
Ah then, sweet Saviour, may Thy Face smile on my soul set free.
Oh may I cry with rapturous love, I've placed my trust in Thee.
Sweetest Heart of Jesus, we implore that we may ever love Thee more and more!
Sweet Heart of Jesus, be Thou my Love.
Prayer to the Most Holy Heart of Jesus
Most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I love You. With a lively sorrow for my sins I offer You this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, and pure, and perfectly obedient to Your Will.
Good Jesus, grant that I may live in You and for You. Protect me in the midst of danger and comfort me in my afflictions. Bestow on me health of body, assistance in temporal needs, Your blessing on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death.
Most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I love You. With a lively sorrow for my sins I offer You this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, and pure, and perfectly obedient to Your Will.
Good Jesus, grant that I may live in You and for You. Protect me in the midst of danger and comfort me in my afflictions. Bestow on me health of body, assistance in temporal needs, Your blessing on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death.
Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
O most Sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the Human race; behold us prostrate most humbly before Your altar (in your presence). To You we belong; Yours we wish to be; and that we may be united to You more closely, we dedicate ourselves each one of us to-day to Your most Sacred Heart.
Many have never known You; many, despising Your commands, have rejected You. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Your sacred Heart. Be You King, O Lord, not only over the faithful who never have gone away from You, but also over the prodigal children who have forsaken You; and make them return quickly to their Father's house, lest they perish of misery and hunger. Be You King of those who have been misled by error, or separated by schism; and call them back to the haven of truth and the unity of faith, so that there may soon be one fold and one Shepherd. Grant to Your Church, O Lord, assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all nations, and grant that, over the whole earth, from pole to pole, may resound the words:
Praise to the Divine Heart, through which was brought to us salvation; glory and honor be to It for ever. Amen.
O Heart of love. I put all my trust in You; for I fear all things from my own weakness, but I hope for all things from Your goodness.
Most sweet Heart of Jesus, grant that peace, the fruit of justice and charity, may reign throughout the world.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, protect our families.
O most Sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the Human race; behold us prostrate most humbly before Your altar (in your presence). To You we belong; Yours we wish to be; and that we may be united to You more closely, we dedicate ourselves each one of us to-day to Your most Sacred Heart.
Many have never known You; many, despising Your commands, have rejected You. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Your sacred Heart. Be You King, O Lord, not only over the faithful who never have gone away from You, but also over the prodigal children who have forsaken You; and make them return quickly to their Father's house, lest they perish of misery and hunger. Be You King of those who have been misled by error, or separated by schism; and call them back to the haven of truth and the unity of faith, so that there may soon be one fold and one Shepherd. Grant to Your Church, O Lord, assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all nations, and grant that, over the whole earth, from pole to pole, may resound the words:
Praise to the Divine Heart, through which was brought to us salvation; glory and honor be to It for ever. Amen.
O Heart of love. I put all my trust in You; for I fear all things from my own weakness, but I hope for all things from Your goodness.
Most sweet Heart of Jesus, grant that peace, the fruit of justice and charity, may reign throughout the world.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, protect our families.
Prayer to the Father in Thanks
Eternal Father, we thank You for Your great love. You give the world the best of Yourself, the mirror of Your perfect transparency, the splendor of Your very being -- Your Son Jesus.
We thank you for giving Jesus as our Savior, not as tyrant but as friend, not as superior but as brother.
Help us open our Hearts to His light without fear of being overwhelmed but exultant with the joy that comes from this light upon all who accept it with gladness.
Eternal Father, we thank You for Your great love. You give the world the best of Yourself, the mirror of Your perfect transparency, the splendor of Your very being -- Your Son Jesus.
We thank you for giving Jesus as our Savior, not as tyrant but as friend, not as superior but as brother.
Help us open our Hearts to His light without fear of being overwhelmed but exultant with the joy that comes from this light upon all who accept it with gladness.
Prayer of Self Surrender
Lord, what do You want me to do?
What decision do You want me to make?
Where do You want my life to go?
The only way I can decide, Lord, is to put myself in Your hands.
Like a potter takes clay and makes something of it,
Like You took a rib and made a woman,
Take me and give me whatever shape You want.
Or if You want, break the clay to pieces and start over again.
Do with me whatever You want.
It doesn't matter if I am loved or hated,
praised or calumniated, consoled or friendless.
What matters is that Your will be done in me.
Help me to follow the example of Your Mother
and say "Let it be done to me according to Your Word."
I'm not looking for any big sacrifice, Lord,
or any heavy cross. Something like that would
only make me proud. Help me to do Your will in little things.
To put up with misunderstandings, rash judgments,
confusion and frustration. To be patient and peaceful
with the jerks who drive me crazy.
Let me love You by doing the little things that will
not bring me any satisfaction.
What decision do You want me to make?
Where do You want my life to go?
The only way I can decide, Lord, is to put myself in Your hands.
Like a potter takes clay and makes something of it,
Like You took a rib and made a woman,
Take me and give me whatever shape You want.
Or if You want, break the clay to pieces and start over again.
Do with me whatever You want.
It doesn't matter if I am loved or hated,
praised or calumniated, consoled or friendless.
What matters is that Your will be done in me.
Help me to follow the example of Your Mother
and say "Let it be done to me according to Your Word."
I'm not looking for any big sacrifice, Lord,
or any heavy cross. Something like that would
only make me proud. Help me to do Your will in little things.
To put up with misunderstandings, rash judgments,
confusion and frustration. To be patient and peaceful
with the jerks who drive me crazy.
Let me love You by doing the little things that will
not bring me any satisfaction.
Prayer to Jesus, True God
O Jesus, You are the Son of God. You resolve our problems and respond to our aspirations with unexpected fullness. As the Son sent to us by the Father, You are the God Who comes to meet us and manifests for us the God Whom we seek. You are the revelation of God for us -- the full, perfect, and definitive revelation -- God in person.
In You, the God Who is far off becomes the God Who is near, the God with us, and the God Who is one of us, our companion of life’s journey. You alone, O Lord, are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the Messiah, and the Son of the Living God.
O Jesus, You are the Son of God. You resolve our problems and respond to our aspirations with unexpected fullness. As the Son sent to us by the Father, You are the God Who comes to meet us and manifests for us the God Whom we seek. You are the revelation of God for us -- the full, perfect, and definitive revelation -- God in person.
In You, the God Who is far off becomes the God Who is near, the God with us, and the God Who is one of us, our companion of life’s journey. You alone, O Lord, are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the Messiah, and the Son of the Living God.
Learning Christ
Teach me, my Lord, to be sweet and gentle in all the events of life, in disappointments, in the thoughtlessness of those I trusted, in the unfaithfulness of those on whom I relied. Let me put myself aside, to think of the happiness of others, to hide my little pains and heartaches, so that I may be the only one to suffer from them. Teach me to profit by the suffering that comes across my path. Let me so use it that it may make me patient, not irritable. That it may make me broad in my forgiveness, not narrow, haughty and overbearing. May no one be less good for having come within my influence. No one less pure, less true, less kind, less noble for having been a fellow traveler in our journey toward Eternal Life. As I go my rounds from one distraction to another, let me whisper from time to time, a word of love to Thee. May my life be lived in the supernatural, full of power for good, and strong in its purpose of sanctity.
Teach me, my Lord, to be sweet and gentle in all the events of life, in disappointments, in the thoughtlessness of those I trusted, in the unfaithfulness of those on whom I relied. Let me put myself aside, to think of the happiness of others, to hide my little pains and heartaches, so that I may be the only one to suffer from them. Teach me to profit by the suffering that comes across my path. Let me so use it that it may make me patient, not irritable. That it may make me broad in my forgiveness, not narrow, haughty and overbearing. May no one be less good for having come within my influence. No one less pure, less true, less kind, less noble for having been a fellow traveler in our journey toward Eternal Life. As I go my rounds from one distraction to another, let me whisper from time to time, a word of love to Thee. May my life be lived in the supernatural, full of power for good, and strong in its purpose of sanctity.
May I always remember
that all the parts of my body are good because You made them,
that my body does not belong to me but to You,
Who bought it at my Baptism
at the price of Christ's Cross
and that my body is the living temple of the Holy Spirit.
Give me self-control over my passions, appetites and imaginations;
give me respect for the opposite sex
and esteem for my own;
create in me that wholeness and integrity
that all my powers may be consecrated to Your service
according to my state in life.
May Mary, the Blessed Virgin Mother,
watch over me through Christ our Lord.
Matthew 5:8 - "Happy are the pure in Heart; they will see God!"
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - Don't you know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God; he has bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God's glory.
May I always remember
that all the parts of my body are good because You made them,
that my body does not belong to me but to You,
Who bought it at my Baptism
at the price of Christ's Cross
and that my body is the living temple of the Holy Spirit.
Give me self-control over my passions, appetites and imaginations;
give me respect for the opposite sex
and esteem for my own;
create in me that wholeness and integrity
that all my powers may be consecrated to Your service
according to my state in life.
May Mary, the Blessed Virgin Mother,
watch over me through Christ our Lord.
Matthew 5:8 - "Happy are the pure in Heart; they will see God!"
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - Don't you know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God; he has bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God's glory.
Prayer to the Sacred Heart for Priests
Remember, O most loving Heart of Jesus, that they for whom I pray are those for whom You prayed so earnestly the night before Your death. These are they to whom You look to continue with You in Your sorrows when others forsake You, who share Your griefs and have inherited your persecutions, according to Your word: That the servant is not greater than his Lord.
Remember, O Heart of Jesus, that they are the objects of the world's hatred and Satan's deadliest snares. Keep them then, O Jesus, in the safe citadel of Your Sacred Heart and there let them be sanctified in truth. May they be one with You and one among themselves, and grant that multitudes may be brought through their word to believe in You and love You.
Remember, O most loving Heart of Jesus, that they for whom I pray are those for whom You prayed so earnestly the night before Your death. These are they to whom You look to continue with You in Your sorrows when others forsake You, who share Your griefs and have inherited your persecutions, according to Your word: That the servant is not greater than his Lord.
Remember, O Heart of Jesus, that they are the objects of the world's hatred and Satan's deadliest snares. Keep them then, O Jesus, in the safe citadel of Your Sacred Heart and there let them be sanctified in truth. May they be one with You and one among themselves, and grant that multitudes may be brought through their word to believe in You and love You.
Prayer for Peace and strength
Lord, I come to You for help
Life is full of trials and turmoil
Sometimes it gets the best of even the strongest of Your people
You, Lord, are the one to turn to.
I am in need of Your guidance through this time
Lord, show me the way to obtain strength to combat the trials of life
I know Your love is infinite
Because of Your infinite love, peace can be obtained.
With strength and peace I can face turmoil
With all that life has to offer
Allow me to see Your Will in all that I do
Help me with Your peace to help others.
Help me to see the good in everything around.
Help me to find and keep the peace that can be obtained from Your love
With Jesus, I know I will gain strength.
His life had trials and turmoil.
Help me to learn from his sufferings.
Thank You for sending Jesus to show us that unconditional love is possible
With Jesus as our guide, our greatest goals can be achieved.
Life is full of trials and turmoil
Sometimes it gets the best of even the strongest of Your people
You, Lord, are the one to turn to.
I am in need of Your guidance through this time
Lord, show me the way to obtain strength to combat the trials of life
I know Your love is infinite
Because of Your infinite love, peace can be obtained.
With strength and peace I can face turmoil
With all that life has to offer
Allow me to see Your Will in all that I do
Help me with Your peace to help others.
Help me to see the good in everything around.
Help me to find and keep the peace that can be obtained from Your love
With Jesus, I know I will gain strength.
His life had trials and turmoil.
Help me to learn from his sufferings.
Thank You for sending Jesus to show us that unconditional love is possible
With Jesus as our guide, our greatest goals can be achieved.
Prayer for the Salvation of the World
Father, hear our prayers for the salvation of the world. Grant mercy, to all souls that turned away from You. Open their hearts and minds with Your light.
Gather Your children from the east and the west, from the north and the south. Have mercy O God on those who do not know You. Bring them out of darkness into Your light. You are our saving God Who leads us in our salvation. Protect us from evil.
Bless and praise You O Lord, hear our prayers and answer us. You, our Savior, are the hope of all the ends of the Earth and the distant seas. May Your way be known upon Earth; among all nations Your salvation.
We put the world in Your Hands; fill us with Your love. Grant us peace through Christ, our Lord.
Gather Your children from the east and the west, from the north and the south. Have mercy O God on those who do not know You. Bring them out of darkness into Your light. You are our saving God Who leads us in our salvation. Protect us from evil.
Bless and praise You O Lord, hear our prayers and answer us. You, our Savior, are the hope of all the ends of the Earth and the distant seas. May Your way be known upon Earth; among all nations Your salvation.
We put the world in Your Hands; fill us with Your love. Grant us peace through Christ, our Lord.
Prayer to Jesus in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar
Dear Jesus, present in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, be forever thanked and praised. Love, worthy of all celestial and terrestrial love, Who, out of infinite love for me, ungrateful sinner, did assume our human nature, did shed Thy most precious blood in the cruel scourging, and did expire on a shameful cross for our eternal welfare! Now, illumined with lively faith, with the outpouring of my whole soul and the fervor of my heart, I humbly beseech Thee, through the infinite merits of Thy painful sufferings, give me strength and courage to destroy every evil passion which sways my heart, to bless Thee in my greatest affliction, to glorify Thee by the exact fulfillment of all my duties, supremely to hate all sin, and thus to become a saint.
Dear Jesus, present in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, be forever thanked and praised. Love, worthy of all celestial and terrestrial love, Who, out of infinite love for me, ungrateful sinner, did assume our human nature, did shed Thy most precious blood in the cruel scourging, and did expire on a shameful cross for our eternal welfare! Now, illumined with lively faith, with the outpouring of my whole soul and the fervor of my heart, I humbly beseech Thee, through the infinite merits of Thy painful sufferings, give me strength and courage to destroy every evil passion which sways my heart, to bless Thee in my greatest affliction, to glorify Thee by the exact fulfillment of all my duties, supremely to hate all sin, and thus to become a saint.
Prayer to the Sacred Heart
O, Sacred Heart of Jesus,
filled with Infinite Love, broken by our ingratitude,
and pierced by our sins, yet loving us still,
accept the consecration we make to Thee of all that we are and all that we have.
Take every faculty of our souls and bodies,
only day by day draw us nearer and nearer to Thy Sacred Heart,
and there, as we shall hear the lesson, teach us Thy Holy Way.
O, Sacred Heart of Jesus,
filled with Infinite Love, broken by our ingratitude,
and pierced by our sins, yet loving us still,
accept the consecration we make to Thee of all that we are and all that we have.
Take every faculty of our souls and bodies,
only day by day draw us nearer and nearer to Thy Sacred Heart,
and there, as we shall hear the lesson, teach us Thy Holy Way.
Special Act of Sorrow
Forgive my sins, O Lord, forgive me all my sins,
the sins of my age, the sins of my spirit,
the sins of my body, my sins of omission,
my serious sins, the sins I remember,
the sins I have concealed so long that
they are now hidden from my memory.
Forgive me all my sins, O Lord.
I am sincerely sorry for them all.
I know my sins have wounded your
loving Heart, my Savior.
Through Your bitter suffering and death,
free me from the power of sin and
give me a new heart. O my Jesus,
forget what I have been. O my Lord,
Jesus, remember me in Your Kingdom.
Forgive my sins, O Lord, forgive me all my sins,
the sins of my age, the sins of my spirit,
the sins of my body, my sins of omission,
my serious sins, the sins I remember,
the sins I have concealed so long that
they are now hidden from my memory.
Forgive me all my sins, O Lord.
I am sincerely sorry for them all.
I know my sins have wounded your
loving Heart, my Savior.
Through Your bitter suffering and death,
free me from the power of sin and
give me a new heart. O my Jesus,
forget what I have been. O my Lord,
Jesus, remember me in Your Kingdom.
Prayer for the Gifts to Seek God and Live in Him
Father, in Your goodness grant me the intellect to comprehend You, the perception to discern You, and the reason to appreciate You. In Your Kindness endow me with the diligence to look for You, the wisdom to discover You, and the spirit to apprehend You. In Your Graciousness bestow on me a heart to contemplate You, ears to hear You, eyes to see You, and a tongue to speak of You. In Your Mercy confer on me a conversation pleasing to You, the patience to wait for You, and the perseverance to long for You. Grant me a perfect end - Your Holy Presence.
Prayer for the Souls of the Religious
Incline Thine ear, O Lord, unto our prayers, wherein we humbly pray Thee to show Thy
mercy upon the soul of Thy servant N., whom Thou hast commanded to pass out of this world,
that Thou wouldst place him in the region of peace and light, and bid him a partaker with
Thy Saints. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
We beseech Thee, O Lord, according to Thy loving-kindness, have mercy upon the soul of
Thy handmaiden N., and, now that she is set free from the defilements of this mortal flesh,
restore her to her heritage of everlasting salvation. Through Christ our Lord.
Incline Thine ear, O Lord, unto our prayers, wherein we humbly pray Thee to show Thy
mercy upon the soul of Thy servant N., whom Thou hast commanded to pass out of this world,
that Thou wouldst place him in the region of peace and light, and bid him a partaker with
Thy Saints. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
We beseech Thee, O Lord, according to Thy loving-kindness, have mercy upon the soul of
Thy handmaiden N., and, now that she is set free from the defilements of this mortal flesh,
restore her to her heritage of everlasting salvation. Through Christ our Lord.
Good Morning, My Lord
Good morning, my Lord,
I can't believe it's Monday morning again!
It seems that I'm always busy and rushing around.....
but no matter how rushed life may be,
help me to think of You always.
Thank You for another glorious day,
may Your Word be always on my lips
in my heart and on my mind.
I love You my Lord, Saviour and friend.
Good morning, my Lord,
I can't believe it's Monday morning again!
It seems that I'm always busy and rushing around.....
but no matter how rushed life may be,
help me to think of You always.
Thank You for another glorious day,
may Your Word be always on my lips
in my heart and on my mind.
I love You my Lord, Saviour and friend.
Prayer for Wisdom
Almighty God, You know the perils that surround me, and how easy it would be for me to slip and fall. Give me the wisdom that I need to do Your bidding, and avoid the snares that are set before me.
My path is dark before me. Send Your Holy Spirit to fill me with Your light, and to guide me.
Help me do Your Will, and to do what is best for me and those who depend on me.
Grant me the grace of wisdom. Make me wise enough to choose truth over falsehood, that I may not be deceived to my own undoing, and to the harm of others.
In Jesus' name.
My path is dark before me. Send Your Holy Spirit to fill me with Your light, and to guide me.
Help me do Your Will, and to do what is best for me and those who depend on me.
Grant me the grace of wisdom. Make me wise enough to choose truth over falsehood, that I may not be deceived to my own undoing, and to the harm of others.
In Jesus' name.
Prayer for True Spiritual Vision
May the Lord Jesus place His Hands on our eyes that we may begin to catch sight of the things that are not seen more than the things that are seen.
May He open our eyes that they will alight on the things to come more than on the things of this age.
May He unveil the vision of our heart that it may contemplate God in spirit.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ to Whom belong glory and power for ever.
May the Lord Jesus place His Hands on our eyes that we may begin to catch sight of the things that are not seen more than the things that are seen.
May He open our eyes that they will alight on the things to come more than on the things of this age.
May He unveil the vision of our heart that it may contemplate God in spirit.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ to Whom belong glory and power for ever.
Prayer for the Helpless Unborn
Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life. Touch with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not thinking of motherhood.
Help them to see that the child they carry is made in Your image - as well as theirs - made for eternnal life. Dispel their fear and selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother alone can give.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever,
Prayer for All Classes of People
O Lord, we bring before you the distress and dangers of peoples and nations, the pleas of the imprisoned and the captive, the sorrows of the grief-stricken, the needs of the refugee, the impotence of the weak, the weariness of the despondent, and the diminishments of the aging. O Lord, stay close to all of them.
Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life. Touch with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not thinking of motherhood.
Help them to see that the child they carry is made in Your image - as well as theirs - made for eternnal life. Dispel their fear and selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother alone can give.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever,
Prayer for All Classes of People
O Lord, we bring before you the distress and dangers of peoples and nations, the pleas of the imprisoned and the captive, the sorrows of the grief-stricken, the needs of the refugee, the impotence of the weak, the weariness of the despondent, and the diminishments of the aging. O Lord, stay close to all of them.
Bless Me, Heavenly Father
Bless me, Heavenly Father,
forgive my erring ways.
Grant me strength to serve Thee,
put purpose in my days.
Give me understanding,
enough to make me kind,
so I may judge all people
with my heart not my mind.
Teach me to be patient
in everything I do,
Content to trust Your wisdom
and to follow after You.
Help me when I falter
and hear me when I pray,
And receive me in Thy kingdom
to dwell with Thee someday.
Bless me, Heavenly Father,
forgive my erring ways.
Grant me strength to serve Thee,
put purpose in my days.
Give me understanding,
enough to make me kind,
so I may judge all people
with my heart not my mind.
Teach me to be patient
in everything I do,
Content to trust Your wisdom
and to follow after You.
Help me when I falter
and hear me when I pray,
And receive me in Thy kingdom
to dwell with Thee someday.
Prayer to Jesus for the Grace to Receive Him Frequently
O Jesus, Savior of my soul, I beseech Thee to grant me an ever-increasing desire to receive Thee in Holy Communion. Let each reception of Thee fill my heart with a fervent desire to receive Thee again. Let me so desire Thee that I may never forget Thee.
From one Communion to another, I ask that Thou nourish my soul with an ardent long to receive Thee. This desire will help my soul to cooperate with Thee, thus preparing it to receive Thee more worthily.
Grant, O most loving Jesus, that I may learn to appreciate the benefits of frequent Holy Communion for time and eternity.
O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine,
All praise and all thanksgiving
Be every moment Thine!
O Jesus, Savior of my soul, I beseech Thee to grant me an ever-increasing desire to receive Thee in Holy Communion. Let each reception of Thee fill my heart with a fervent desire to receive Thee again. Let me so desire Thee that I may never forget Thee.
From one Communion to another, I ask that Thou nourish my soul with an ardent long to receive Thee. This desire will help my soul to cooperate with Thee, thus preparing it to receive Thee more worthily.
Grant, O most loving Jesus, that I may learn to appreciate the benefits of frequent Holy Communion for time and eternity.
O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine,
All praise and all thanksgiving
Be every moment Thine!
Little White Guest
Thou hast come to my heart,
dearest Jesus,
I am holding Thee close to my breast;
I'm telling Thee over and over,
Thou art welcome, O Little White Guest.
I love Thee, I love Thee, my Jesus,
O please do not think I am bold;
Of course, Thou must knowest that I love Thee,
But I'm sure that Thou likest to be told.
I'll whisper, "I love Thee, my Jesus,"
And ask that we never may part;
I love Thee, O kind, Loving Jesus
And press Thee still nearer my heart.
And when I shall meet Thee in Heaven,
My soul then will lean on Thy Breast.
And Thou will recallest our fond meetings,
When Thou wert my little White Guest.
Prayer of Abandonment
Thou hast come to my heart,
dearest Jesus,
I am holding Thee close to my breast;
I'm telling Thee over and over,
Thou art welcome, O Little White Guest.
I love Thee, I love Thee, my Jesus,
O please do not think I am bold;
Of course, Thou must knowest that I love Thee,
But I'm sure that Thou likest to be told.
I'll whisper, "I love Thee, my Jesus,"
And ask that we never may part;
I love Thee, O kind, Loving Jesus
And press Thee still nearer my heart.
And when I shall meet Thee in Heaven,
My soul then will lean on Thy Breast.
And Thou will recallest our fond meetings,
When Thou wert my little White Guest.
Prayer of Abandonment
I abandon myself into Your Hands; do with me what You will.
Whatever You may do, I thank You:
I am ready for all, I accept all.
Let only Your Will be done in me, and in all Your creatures.
I wish no more than this, O Lord.
Into Your Hands I commend my soul;
I offer it to You
with all the love of my heart,
for I love You, Lord,
and so need to give myself,
to surrender myself into Your Hands,
without reserve,
and with boundless confidence,
for You are my Father.
I abandon myself into Your Hands; do with me what You will.
Whatever You may do, I thank You:
I am ready for all, I accept all.
Let only Your Will be done in me, and in all Your creatures.
I wish no more than this, O Lord.
Into Your Hands I commend my soul;
I offer it to You
with all the love of my heart,
for I love You, Lord,
and so need to give myself,
to surrender myself into Your Hands,
without reserve,
and with boundless confidence,
for You are my Father.
Prayer for a Particular Soul
Almighty Eternal God, in Your Fatherly Goodness, be kind to the soul of Your servant, (Name). Cleanse him/her whom You have called from this world of all his/her faults, take him/her into the Realm of Light and Peace and into the Community of Your Saints, and give him/her his/her share of Eternal Delight in Your Kingdom. God, Creator and Saviour of all the faithful, forgive all the sins of all Your servants' souls. Let them receive forgiveness through our pious prayer, for which they have always been yearning. For this we pray through Jesus, Our Lord.
Almighty Eternal God, in Your Fatherly Goodness, be kind to the soul of Your servant, (Name). Cleanse him/her whom You have called from this world of all his/her faults, take him/her into the Realm of Light and Peace and into the Community of Your Saints, and give him/her his/her share of Eternal Delight in Your Kingdom. God, Creator and Saviour of all the faithful, forgive all the sins of all Your servants' souls. Let them receive forgiveness through our pious prayer, for which they have always been yearning. For this we pray through Jesus, Our Lord.
Each New Day
Let me pause as I begin this new day to give it to You, Lord.
Before the tumult of activities breaks in;before breakfast plates crash through my still sleepy mind;
for this last moment in my bed, thank you, Lord.Let me hold Your promise of new life.
Keep me from slipping back for I know that what is forgiven is as if it never were.
Each new day,Your grace gives me a fresh start to walk in Your
light again.May the Lord support us all the day long, till the shades lengthen
and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever
of life is over, and our work is done.
Then in His Mercy may He give us a safe lodging, and a holy rest,
and peace at the last.
Let me pause as I begin this new day to give it to You, Lord.
Before the tumult of activities breaks in;before breakfast plates crash through my still sleepy mind;
for this last moment in my bed, thank you, Lord.Let me hold Your promise of new life.
Keep me from slipping back for I know that what is forgiven is as if it never were.
Each new day,Your grace gives me a fresh start to walk in Your
light again.May the Lord support us all the day long, till the shades lengthen
and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever
of life is over, and our work is done.
Then in His Mercy may He give us a safe lodging, and a holy rest,
and peace at the last.
Prayers for Teachers
[1] O Glorious Saint Joseph, foster father of Our Lord, guardian and teacher of the Young Jesus, help us as we teach our children to grow in the love and truth of Jesus. Guide us so that we will lead them in the right path to acknowledge the truth that Jesus teaches.
[2] O Blessed Saint Joseph, guardian of the Child Jesus, we pray that You will help us in our daily troubles and tribulations as we try to pass on to our students all the teachings that they need, to be able to succeed in their chosen professions. Help us to teach, and help them to learn. Guide us all as thou didst guide Your most Holy foster son, Jesus. Obtain for us the graces we need, not only to teach and to learn, but to stay on the path shown by the Light of Christ.
[3] O Blessed Saint Joseph guide me every minute of today as I teach my students. Intercede for me so that I may provide them with all the knowledge they require.
[4] O Blessed St. Joseph, please be with me this day. Guide me through my lessons. Make every act and word I present to my students blessed through Your intercession. Obtain for me patience, love, and understanding when dealing with problems in the classroom. O St. Joseph, help me to become the best possible teacher that I can be. For this reason, I take thee as my patron. You who taught Your son, Our Savior, while on this earth. St. Joseph, foster father of the Sacred Heart, pray for us.
[2] O Blessed Saint Joseph, guardian of the Child Jesus, we pray that You will help us in our daily troubles and tribulations as we try to pass on to our students all the teachings that they need, to be able to succeed in their chosen professions. Help us to teach, and help them to learn. Guide us all as thou didst guide Your most Holy foster son, Jesus. Obtain for us the graces we need, not only to teach and to learn, but to stay on the path shown by the Light of Christ.
[3] O Blessed Saint Joseph guide me every minute of today as I teach my students. Intercede for me so that I may provide them with all the knowledge they require.
[4] O Blessed St. Joseph, please be with me this day. Guide me through my lessons. Make every act and word I present to my students blessed through Your intercession. Obtain for me patience, love, and understanding when dealing with problems in the classroom. O St. Joseph, help me to become the best possible teacher that I can be. For this reason, I take thee as my patron. You who taught Your son, Our Savior, while on this earth. St. Joseph, foster father of the Sacred Heart, pray for us.
Lord Jesus, Give Me Your Peace
Give me confidence in the depths of danger.
Give me hope when I am surrounded by fear.
Still my worries, calm the anxieties pressing in on me from the world I live in.
Reassure me that You are with me when I seem alone.
Ease my doubting, as You did Thomas.
Guide my searching for peace,
so that I may not seek it where it is not to be found,
but I may seek it in You.
Lord Jesus, live in me and give me Your peace.
Give me hope when I am surrounded by fear.
Still my worries, calm the anxieties pressing in on me from the world I live in.
Reassure me that You are with me when I seem alone.
Ease my doubting, as You did Thomas.
Guide my searching for peace,
so that I may not seek it where it is not to be found,
but I may seek it in You.
Lord Jesus, live in me and give me Your peace.
Prayer to Defeat Satan
O Divine Eternal Father, in union with Thy Divine Son and the Holy Spirit and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beseech Thee to destroy the power thy greatest enemy, the evil spirits.
Cast them into the deepest recesses of Hell and chain them there forever!
Take possession of Thy kingdom which Thou hast created and which is rightfully Thine.
O Heavenly Father, grant us the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I repeat this prayer out of pure love for Thee, with every beat of my heart, and with every breath I take.
O Divine Eternal Father, in union with Thy Divine Son and the Holy Spirit and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beseech Thee to destroy the power thy greatest enemy, the evil spirits.
Cast them into the deepest recesses of Hell and chain them there forever!
Take possession of Thy kingdom which Thou hast created and which is rightfully Thine.
O Heavenly Father, grant us the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I repeat this prayer out of pure love for Thee, with every beat of my heart, and with every breath I take.
Lord Jesus, Redeemer of All, Hear My Prayer
For the love You bear
to those who ask forgiveness,
look mercifully on me,
as once You looked on Mary Magdalene
and on Peter who denied You.
Look on me, Lord Jesus Christ,
as You looked on the thief on his cross
and on every sinner
whom You have ever forgiven.
Look on me, merciful Lord,
as You looked on Your mother, Mary,
standing in sorrow beneath Your cross.
Let me feel in my heart her compassion for You,
and let my eyes weep for the sorrows
my sins have caused.
Call me from darkness
to my Father's house,
give me a new heart
and a place at Your side
at the banquet of Your kingdom. Amen.
I am sorry, dear Lord...
Don't let me hurt You everyday...
Hear my prayers...
Give me wisdom...
and save me.
to those who ask forgiveness,
look mercifully on me,
as once You looked on Mary Magdalene
and on Peter who denied You.
Look on me, Lord Jesus Christ,
as You looked on the thief on his cross
and on every sinner
whom You have ever forgiven.
Look on me, merciful Lord,
as You looked on Your mother, Mary,
standing in sorrow beneath Your cross.
Let me feel in my heart her compassion for You,
and let my eyes weep for the sorrows
my sins have caused.
Call me from darkness
to my Father's house,
give me a new heart
and a place at Your side
at the banquet of Your kingdom. Amen.
I am sorry, dear Lord...
Don't let me hurt You everyday...
Hear my prayers...
Give me wisdom...
and save me.
Prayer When You Need to Feel Special
Eternal God, You have made me special. Help me to work
and develop my unique personality. You intended for me to be an
original, not a carbon copy of someone else. Thank You for making me
different. Grant that I will always put my individuality to its best use
for Your work.
Eternal God, You have made me special. Help me to work
and develop my unique personality. You intended for me to be an
original, not a carbon copy of someone else. Thank You for making me
different. Grant that I will always put my individuality to its best use
for Your work.
Prayer for Deliverance
My Lord, You are all powerful, You are God, You are Father. We beg You through the intercession and help of the archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, for the deliverance of our brothers and sisters who are enslaved by the evil one. All saints of heaven, come to our aid.
From anxiety, sadness, and obsessions, we beg You: Free us, O Lord. From hatred, fornication, and envy, we beg You: Free us, O Lord. From thoughts of jealousy, rage, and death, we beg You: Free us, O Lord. From every thought of suicide and abortion, we beg You: Free us, O Lord. From every form of sinful sexuality, we beg You: Free us, O Lord. From every division in our family, and every harmful friendship, we beg You: Free us, O Lord. From every sort of spell, malefice, witchcraft, and every form of the occult, we beg You: Free us, O Lord.
Lord, You Who said: "I leave You peace, My Peace I give You," grant that, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, we may be liberated from every evil spell and enjoy Your peace always. In the Name of Christ, our Lord.
My Lord, You are all powerful, You are God, You are Father. We beg You through the intercession and help of the archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, for the deliverance of our brothers and sisters who are enslaved by the evil one. All saints of heaven, come to our aid.
From anxiety, sadness, and obsessions, we beg You: Free us, O Lord. From hatred, fornication, and envy, we beg You: Free us, O Lord. From thoughts of jealousy, rage, and death, we beg You: Free us, O Lord. From every thought of suicide and abortion, we beg You: Free us, O Lord. From every form of sinful sexuality, we beg You: Free us, O Lord. From every division in our family, and every harmful friendship, we beg You: Free us, O Lord. From every sort of spell, malefice, witchcraft, and every form of the occult, we beg You: Free us, O Lord.
Lord, You Who said: "I leave You peace, My Peace I give You," grant that, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, we may be liberated from every evil spell and enjoy Your peace always. In the Name of Christ, our Lord.
Prayer for Strength in Weakness
Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, You have power over life and death. You know even things that are uncertain and obscure, and our very thoughts and feelings are not hidden from You. Cleanse me from my secret faults, and I have done wrong and You saw it. You know how weak I am, both in soul and in body. Give me strength, O Lord, in my frailty and sustain me in my sufferings. Grant me a prudent judgement, dear Lord, and let me always be mindful of Your blessings. Let me retain until the end Your Grace that has protected me till now.
Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, You have power over life and death. You know even things that are uncertain and obscure, and our very thoughts and feelings are not hidden from You. Cleanse me from my secret faults, and I have done wrong and You saw it. You know how weak I am, both in soul and in body. Give me strength, O Lord, in my frailty and sustain me in my sufferings. Grant me a prudent judgement, dear Lord, and let me always be mindful of Your blessings. Let me retain until the end Your Grace that has protected me till now.
Prayer for Myself
O Most Holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore You, I love You, and with a lively sorrow for my sins, I offer You this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure, and wholly obedient to Your Will. Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in You and for You. Protect me in the midst of danger, comfort me in all my afflictions, give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs, Your blessing on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death.
O Most Holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore You, I love You, and with a lively sorrow for my sins, I offer You this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure, and wholly obedient to Your Will. Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in You and for You. Protect me in the midst of danger, comfort me in all my afflictions, give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs, Your blessing on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death.
Prayer When You Want to Walk With God
Dear God, help me to walk with You all through today.
Give me today
something of the wisdom that was in Your words.
something of the love that was in Your Heart.
something of the help that was in Your Hands.
Give me today
something of Your patience with people,
something of Your ability to bear slights and insults and bitterness
without resentment,
something of Your ability to forgive.
Help me to live in such a way today that others may know that I began
the day with You, and that I am walking with You, however dimly, others
may see You in me.
Dear God, help me to walk with You all through today.
Give me today
something of the wisdom that was in Your words.
something of the love that was in Your Heart.
something of the help that was in Your Hands.
Give me today
something of Your patience with people,
something of Your ability to bear slights and insults and bitterness
without resentment,
something of Your ability to forgive.
Help me to live in such a way today that others may know that I began
the day with You, and that I am walking with You, however dimly, others
may see You in me.
Prayer for One and All
Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
We recommend to You all persons dear to us.
We pray for the sick, the suffering, the hungry, the homeless.
We pray for peoples of all faiths and those with no faith at all.
Hear our confident plea for our Holy Father the Pope,
for bishops and clergy, for all who are engaged in religious or secular callings.
Bless Your missionaries spreading the good news of salvation in lands afar.
Strengthen the heavily burdened, revive hope in the despairing,
grant liberty to victims of injustice and persecution.
Impart wisdom to judges, civil servants,
and all who hold positions of leadership in the secular realm.
Into Your Hands, Lord Jesus Christ,
I entrust these prayers for one and all.
I implore Your Compassion and Mercy for every known and unknown human need,
since all power is Yours on earth as in heaven.
We recommend to You all persons dear to us.
We pray for the sick, the suffering, the hungry, the homeless.
We pray for peoples of all faiths and those with no faith at all.
Hear our confident plea for our Holy Father the Pope,
for bishops and clergy, for all who are engaged in religious or secular callings.
Bless Your missionaries spreading the good news of salvation in lands afar.
Strengthen the heavily burdened, revive hope in the despairing,
grant liberty to victims of injustice and persecution.
Impart wisdom to judges, civil servants,
and all who hold positions of leadership in the secular realm.
Into Your Hands, Lord Jesus Christ,
I entrust these prayers for one and all.
I implore Your Compassion and Mercy for every known and unknown human need,
since all power is Yours on earth as in heaven.
Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angels
Heavenly Father, Your infinite love for us has chosen a blessed angel in heaven and appointed him our guide during this earthly pilgrimage. Accept our thanks for so great a blessing. Grant that we may experience the assistance of our holy protector in all our necessities. And you, holy, loving angel and guide, watch over us with all the tenderness of your angelic heart. Keep us always on the way that leads to heaven, and cease not to pray for us until we have attained our final destiny, eternal salvation. Then we shall love you for all eternity. We shall praise and glorify you unceasingly for all the good you have done for us while here on earth. Especially be a faithful and watchful protector of our children. Take our place, and supply what may be wanting to us through human frailty, short-sightedness, or sinful neglect. Lighten, O you perfect servants of God, our heavy task. Guide our children, that they may become like unto Jesus, may imitate Him faithfully, and persevere till they attain eternal life.
Heavenly Father, Your infinite love for us has chosen a blessed angel in heaven and appointed him our guide during this earthly pilgrimage. Accept our thanks for so great a blessing. Grant that we may experience the assistance of our holy protector in all our necessities. And you, holy, loving angel and guide, watch over us with all the tenderness of your angelic heart. Keep us always on the way that leads to heaven, and cease not to pray for us until we have attained our final destiny, eternal salvation. Then we shall love you for all eternity. We shall praise and glorify you unceasingly for all the good you have done for us while here on earth. Especially be a faithful and watchful protector of our children. Take our place, and supply what may be wanting to us through human frailty, short-sightedness, or sinful neglect. Lighten, O you perfect servants of God, our heavy task. Guide our children, that they may become like unto Jesus, may imitate Him faithfully, and persevere till they attain eternal life.
Prayer for Spouses
Lord Jesus,
Grant that my spouse and I may have a true and understanding love for each other.
Grant that we may both be filled with faith and trust.
Give us the grace to live with each other in peace and harmony.
May we always bear with one another’s weaknesses
and grow from each other’s strengths.
Help us to forgive one another’s failings
and grant us patience, kindness, cheerfulness,
and the spirit of placing the well being of one another ahead of one’s self.
May the love that brought us together grow and mature with each passing year.
Bring us both ever closer to You through our love for each other.
Let our love grow to perfection.
Lord Jesus,
Grant that my spouse and I may have a true and understanding love for each other.
Grant that we may both be filled with faith and trust.
Give us the grace to live with each other in peace and harmony.
May we always bear with one another’s weaknesses
and grow from each other’s strengths.
Help us to forgive one another’s failings
and grant us patience, kindness, cheerfulness,
and the spirit of placing the well being of one another ahead of one’s self.
May the love that brought us together grow and mature with each passing year.
Bring us both ever closer to You through our love for each other.
Let our love grow to perfection.
Prayer for Healing of Mind
O Jesus, come into my sorrows, anxieties, mental troubles and to every stages of my growth and formation. Deliver me from the painful memories of the past. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I forgive all those who hurt me and fill all of them with Your Holy Spirit. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Jesus.
O Jesus, come into my sorrows, anxieties, mental troubles and to every stages of my growth and formation. Deliver me from the painful memories of the past. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I forgive all those who hurt me and fill all of them with Your Holy Spirit. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Jesus.
(When you repeat this prayer will get you inner healing)
Prayer for Missionaries
O Almighty God, Lord of the harvest of souls, we ask You to guide and bless all who have gone forth to preach the gospel. Endow them with the gifts of generosity and concern. Send Your Holy Spirit on them, that He may strengthen them in weakness, comfort them in trials and direct their efforts. May He open the hearts of their hearers to receive Your Message. Let Your revelation enlighten all minds for the salvation of souls, and let Your Love heal every heart and body for the happiness of each person. May all people consciously acknowledge You and serve You by living the teachings of Your Son. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
O Almighty God, Lord of the harvest of souls, we ask You to guide and bless all who have gone forth to preach the gospel. Endow them with the gifts of generosity and concern. Send Your Holy Spirit on them, that He may strengthen them in weakness, comfort them in trials and direct their efforts. May He open the hearts of their hearers to receive Your Message. Let Your revelation enlighten all minds for the salvation of souls, and let Your Love heal every heart and body for the happiness of each person. May all people consciously acknowledge You and serve You by living the teachings of Your Son. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Jesus Help Me
Jesus Help me. In every need let me come to You with a humble trust saying, Jesus help me. In all my doubts, perplexities and temptations, Jesus help me. In hours of loneliness, weariness and trials, Jesus help me. In failure of my plans and hopes, in disappointments, troubles and sorrows, Jesus help me.
When others fail me and Your Grace alone can assist me, Jesus help me. When I throw myself on Your tender love, as my Lord and Savior, Jesus help me. When my heart is cast down by failure at seeing no good coming from my efforts, Jesus help me.
When I am ill and my head and hands cannot work and I am lonely, Jesus help me. Always, always, in spite of weariness, falls and shortcomings of every kind, Jesus help me and never forsake me.
Almighty Lord, before You I come with all my faith, begging You for comfort in my difficulties. Do not forsake me, My Lord. Open Your doors, that Your Almighty Arms will open and close as You design to give that tranquility that I so desire.
Oh my God! Receive my supplication from a wounded heart that is always fighting for me with Your Divine Power. Never let me scramble for want of help.
Almighty Lord, assist me to find shelter in Your Celestial Bounty forever.
Jesus Help me. In every need let me come to You with a humble trust saying, Jesus help me. In all my doubts, perplexities and temptations, Jesus help me. In hours of loneliness, weariness and trials, Jesus help me. In failure of my plans and hopes, in disappointments, troubles and sorrows, Jesus help me.
When others fail me and Your Grace alone can assist me, Jesus help me. When I throw myself on Your tender love, as my Lord and Savior, Jesus help me. When my heart is cast down by failure at seeing no good coming from my efforts, Jesus help me.
When I am ill and my head and hands cannot work and I am lonely, Jesus help me. Always, always, in spite of weariness, falls and shortcomings of every kind, Jesus help me and never forsake me.
Almighty Lord, before You I come with all my faith, begging You for comfort in my difficulties. Do not forsake me, My Lord. Open Your doors, that Your Almighty Arms will open and close as You design to give that tranquility that I so desire.
Oh my God! Receive my supplication from a wounded heart that is always fighting for me with Your Divine Power. Never let me scramble for want of help.
Almighty Lord, assist me to find shelter in Your Celestial Bounty forever.
Prayer In Time of Need
Jesus, do not leave me alone in suffering.
You know, Lord, how weak I am.
I am an abyss of wretchedness,
I am nothingness itself;
So what will be so strange
If You leave me alone and I fall?
I am an infant, Lord,
So I cannot get along by myself.
However, beyond all abandonment I trust,
And in spite of my own feeling I trust,
And I am being completely transformed into trust,
Often in spite of what I feel.
Do not lessen any of my sufferings,
Only give me strength to bear them.
Do with me as You please, Lord,
Only give me the grace to be able to love You,
In every event and circumstances.
Lord, do not lessen my cup of bitterness,
Only give me strength
That I may be able to drink it all. Amen.
(from St. Faustina´s Diary, 1489)
Jesus, do not leave me alone in suffering.
You know, Lord, how weak I am.
I am an abyss of wretchedness,
I am nothingness itself;
So what will be so strange
If You leave me alone and I fall?
I am an infant, Lord,
So I cannot get along by myself.
However, beyond all abandonment I trust,
And in spite of my own feeling I trust,
And I am being completely transformed into trust,
Often in spite of what I feel.
Do not lessen any of my sufferings,
Only give me strength to bear them.
Do with me as You please, Lord,
Only give me the grace to be able to love You,
In every event and circumstances.
Lord, do not lessen my cup of bitterness,
Only give me strength
That I may be able to drink it all. Amen.
(from St. Faustina´s Diary, 1489)
Prayer for a Mature Faith
Lord, I wish to believe in You.
Let my faith be full and unreserved, and let it penetrate my thoughts, my way of judging Divine things and human things.
Let my faith be free. Let my faith be strong; let it not fear the difficulties or the problems of which the experience of our life, eager for light, is full; let it not fear the hostility of those who question it, attack it, reject it, deny it, but let it be strengthened in the intimate proof of Your Truth; let it resist the attack of criticism.
Let my faith be joyful and give peace and gladness to my spirit, and dispose it for prayer with God and conversation with all.
Let my faith be full and unreserved, and let it penetrate my thoughts, my way of judging Divine things and human things.
Let my faith be free. Let my faith be strong; let it not fear the difficulties or the problems of which the experience of our life, eager for light, is full; let it not fear the hostility of those who question it, attack it, reject it, deny it, but let it be strengthened in the intimate proof of Your Truth; let it resist the attack of criticism.
Let my faith be joyful and give peace and gladness to my spirit, and dispose it for prayer with God and conversation with all.
Blessing for a Meal
Dear God:
Thank You for preparing this table before us.
Thank You for the bounty of the earth, which nourishes our bodies.
Thank You for the abundance of Your Goodness, which sustains our lives, strengthening us to serve You more effectively.
Thank You for the hands that prepared this meal and for the joy of being able to share it.
For all we have received and all that is yet to come, God, we are thankful! We are grateful! We are fulfilled! In Jesus Name!
Morning Prayer
O God, come to my aid.
O Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Evening Prayer
Thank You, Jesus, for another day
I hope I’ve pretty much kept on Your way.
But if somehow I’ve caused You sorrow,
I’ll try to do much better tomorrow.
Dear God:
Thank You for preparing this table before us.
Thank You for the bounty of the earth, which nourishes our bodies.
Thank You for the abundance of Your Goodness, which sustains our lives, strengthening us to serve You more effectively.
Thank You for the hands that prepared this meal and for the joy of being able to share it.
For all we have received and all that is yet to come, God, we are thankful! We are grateful! We are fulfilled! In Jesus Name!
Morning Prayer
O God, come to my aid.
O Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Evening Prayer
Thank You, Jesus, for another day
I hope I’ve pretty much kept on Your way.
But if somehow I’ve caused You sorrow,
I’ll try to do much better tomorrow.
Prayer for December
Jesus, Light of the World.
When I am afraid and unsure,
comfort me with the light of Your Presence.
When loneliness chills me,
warm me with the light of Your Love.
When the road ahead seems dark,
guide me with the light of Your Way.
When I don't understand and my
thoughts are unclear,
fill me with the light of Your Wisdom.
When I seem spent like a candle consumed,
replenish me with the light of Your Life.
Then, so filled with Your Light, use me,
So that I, with You, may be light for the world!
Jesus, Light of the World.
When I am afraid and unsure,
comfort me with the light of Your Presence.
When loneliness chills me,
warm me with the light of Your Love.
When the road ahead seems dark,
guide me with the light of Your Way.
When I don't understand and my
thoughts are unclear,
fill me with the light of Your Wisdom.
When I seem spent like a candle consumed,
replenish me with the light of Your Life.
Then, so filled with Your Light, use me,
So that I, with You, may be light for the world!
Advent Prayer 1
Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in me a wonder at the wisdom and power of Your Father and ours. Receive my prayer as part of my service of the Lord who enlists me in God's own work for justice.
Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in me a hunger for peace: peace in the world, peace in my home, peace in myself.
Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in me a joy responsive to the Father's joy. I seek His will so I can serve with gladness, singing and love.
Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in me the joy and love and peace it is right to bring to the manger of my Lord. Raise in me, too, sober reverence for the God Who acted there, hearty gratitude for the life begun there, and spirited resolution to serve the Father and Son.
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Whose advent I hail.
Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in me a wonder at the wisdom and power of Your Father and ours. Receive my prayer as part of my service of the Lord who enlists me in God's own work for justice.
Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in me a hunger for peace: peace in the world, peace in my home, peace in myself.
Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in me a joy responsive to the Father's joy. I seek His will so I can serve with gladness, singing and love.
Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in me the joy and love and peace it is right to bring to the manger of my Lord. Raise in me, too, sober reverence for the God Who acted there, hearty gratitude for the life begun there, and spirited resolution to serve the Father and Son.
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Whose advent I hail.
Advent Prayer 2
All-powerful God, increase our strength of will for doing good
that Christ may find an eager welcome at his coming
and call us to his side in the kingdom of heaven,
where he lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
All-powerful God, increase our strength of will for doing good
that Christ may find an eager welcome at his coming
and call us to his side in the kingdom of heaven,
where he lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Prayer While Shopping During Advent
Dear God, as I look through my gift shopping list, I hold up to You each person listed on it. Slowly, one by one, I ask that the fire of Your abundant love burn within each of them. I pray that the gift I find for each person will bring joy into that life.
But, help me to keep a balance this season, Lord. Let me keep my buying in perspective, not to spend more than I need to or can afford. Let me not give in to the pressures of this world and not equate love with money spent. Let me always remember the many, many people who have so much less in material things. Help me to buy wisely, so that my choices will not burden those in other countries who are so deeply affected by this country's economy.
And finally, loving God, help me to find time in the frantic moments of each day to become centered on You. Walking through a store, riding on the bus, hurrying down a street: let each of these times be moments when I can remember Your incredible love for me and rejoice in it.
Dear God, as I look through my gift shopping list, I hold up to You each person listed on it. Slowly, one by one, I ask that the fire of Your abundant love burn within each of them. I pray that the gift I find for each person will bring joy into that life.
But, help me to keep a balance this season, Lord. Let me keep my buying in perspective, not to spend more than I need to or can afford. Let me not give in to the pressures of this world and not equate love with money spent. Let me always remember the many, many people who have so much less in material things. Help me to buy wisely, so that my choices will not burden those in other countries who are so deeply affected by this country's economy.
And finally, loving God, help me to find time in the frantic moments of each day to become centered on You. Walking through a store, riding on the bus, hurrying down a street: let each of these times be moments when I can remember Your incredible love for me and rejoice in it.
Be With Me Today, O Lord
May all I do today begin with You, O Lord.
Plant dreams and hopes within my soul,
revive my tired spirit:
be with me today.
May all I do today
continue with Your help, O Lord.
Be at my side
and walk with me:
Be my support today.
May all I do today
reach far and wide, O Lord.
My thoughts, my work, my life:
make them blessings
for Your Kingdom;
let them go beyond today,
O God
Today is new unlike any other day,
for God makes each day different.
Today God's everyday grace
falls on my soul like abundant seed,
though I may hardly see it.
Today is one of those days
Jesus promised to be with me,
a companion on my journey,
And my life today, if I trust him,
has consequences unseen.
My life has a purpose.
"I have a mission...
"I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. God has not created me for naught... Therefore I will trust him. Whatever, wherever I am, I can never be thrown away. God does nothing in vain.
"He knows what he is about."
J. H. Newman
Plant dreams and hopes within my soul,
revive my tired spirit:
be with me today.
May all I do today
continue with Your help, O Lord.
Be at my side
and walk with me:
Be my support today.
May all I do today
reach far and wide, O Lord.
My thoughts, my work, my life:
make them blessings
for Your Kingdom;
let them go beyond today,
O God
Today is new unlike any other day,
for God makes each day different.
Today God's everyday grace
falls on my soul like abundant seed,
though I may hardly see it.
Today is one of those days
Jesus promised to be with me,
a companion on my journey,
And my life today, if I trust him,
has consequences unseen.
My life has a purpose.
"I have a mission...
"I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. God has not created me for naught... Therefore I will trust him. Whatever, wherever I am, I can never be thrown away. God does nothing in vain.
"He knows what he is about."
J. H. Newman
Prayer in Time of Suffering
Behold me, my beloved Jesus, weighed down under the burden of my trials and sufferings. I cast myself at Your feet that You may renew my strength and my courage while I rest here in Your Presence. Permit me to lay down my cross in Your Sacred Heart, for only Your Infinite Goodness can sustain me, only Your Love can help me bear my cross, only Your Powerful Hand can lighten its weight. O Divine King, Jesus, Whose Heart is so compassionate to the afflicted, I wish to live in You, suffer and die in You. During my life, be to me my model and my support. At the hour of my death, be my hope and my refuge.
Behold me, my beloved Jesus, weighed down under the burden of my trials and sufferings. I cast myself at Your feet that You may renew my strength and my courage while I rest here in Your Presence. Permit me to lay down my cross in Your Sacred Heart, for only Your Infinite Goodness can sustain me, only Your Love can help me bear my cross, only Your Powerful Hand can lighten its weight. O Divine King, Jesus, Whose Heart is so compassionate to the afflicted, I wish to live in You, suffer and die in You. During my life, be to me my model and my support. At the hour of my death, be my hope and my refuge.
Christmas Prayer 1
Praise to You, Lord God!
You have become one of us -- You have become a human being, while still retaining all Your power and holiness as God!
You, O Lord, made the journey of the unborn child. By being an embryo, a fetus, and a newborn, You joined all unborn and newborn children to You!
From the beginning of history, O Lord, You were the Creator of every human life. Now, with Christmas, You join Yourself in an unthinkable way with the life You created.
Let this Christmas, O God, fill all of us with awe and wonder at how close human life is to You. Cleanse the world of all that tarnishes and rejects this gift. Purify our hearts of all that fears this gift.
Let our Christmas joy be the joy of welcoming every human life!
Praise to You, Lord God!
You have become one of us -- You have become a human being, while still retaining all Your power and holiness as God!
You, O Lord, made the journey of the unborn child. By being an embryo, a fetus, and a newborn, You joined all unborn and newborn children to You!
From the beginning of history, O Lord, You were the Creator of every human life. Now, with Christmas, You join Yourself in an unthinkable way with the life You created.
Let this Christmas, O God, fill all of us with awe and wonder at how close human life is to You. Cleanse the world of all that tarnishes and rejects this gift. Purify our hearts of all that fears this gift.
Let our Christmas joy be the joy of welcoming every human life!
Christmas Prayer 2
Lord Our God,
the heavens are the work of Your Hands,
the moon and the stars You made;
the earth and the sea, and every living creature came into being
by Your Word. And all of us, too.
May this tree bring cheer to this house
though Jesus Christ Your Good and Holy Son,
Who brings life and beauty to us and to our world.
Lighting this tree, we hope in his promise.
the heavens are the work of Your Hands,
the moon and the stars You made;
the earth and the sea, and every living creature came into being
by Your Word. And all of us, too.
May this tree bring cheer to this house
though Jesus Christ Your Good and Holy Son,
Who brings life and beauty to us and to our world.
Lighting this tree, we hope in his promise.
Christmas Prayer 3
Lord, in this holy season of prayer and song and laughter, we praise You for the great wonders You have sent us: for shining star and angel's song, for infant's cry in lowly manger. We praise You for the Word made flesh in a little child. We behold his glory, and are bathed in its radiance.
Be with us as we sing the ironies of Christmas, the incomprehensible comprehended, the poetry made hard fact, the helpless Babe who cracks the world asunder. We kneel before You shepherds, innkeepers, wisemen. Help us to rise bigger than we are.
Prayer For those who work on Christmas Day
Lord. As I spend today going about my work, help me to put aside any bitterness that I'm not celebrating at home with loved ones. I ask You, Loving Father, to give me a special sense of Your Presence as I meet people, that I may shed on them the light of the Bethlehem Star, the Spirit of Christmas.
Lord, in this holy season of prayer and song and laughter, we praise You for the great wonders You have sent us: for shining star and angel's song, for infant's cry in lowly manger. We praise You for the Word made flesh in a little child. We behold his glory, and are bathed in its radiance.
Be with us as we sing the ironies of Christmas, the incomprehensible comprehended, the poetry made hard fact, the helpless Babe who cracks the world asunder. We kneel before You shepherds, innkeepers, wisemen. Help us to rise bigger than we are.
Prayer For those who work on Christmas Day
Lord. As I spend today going about my work, help me to put aside any bitterness that I'm not celebrating at home with loved ones. I ask You, Loving Father, to give me a special sense of Your Presence as I meet people, that I may shed on them the light of the Bethlehem Star, the Spirit of Christmas.
The Divine Praises
Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy.
Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her Glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.
May the Heart of Jesus, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, be praised, adored, and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time.
Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy.
Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her Glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.
May the Heart of Jesus, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, be praised, adored, and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time.
Prayer for the Departed
(By Saint Alphonsus Mary de Liguori)
My God! I recommend to Thee the souls of my relations, my benefactors, my friends and my enemies, and of those who are in Purgatory on my account.
I recommend to Thee the souls of evangelical labourers, of religious and priests, and especially of those who had charge of my soul.
I recommend to Thee the souls of those who were most devout to the Passion of Our Lord, to the Blessed Sacrament, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the souls who are most abandoned, those who suffer most, and those who are nearest to the entrance into paradise.
(By Saint Alphonsus Mary de Liguori)
My God! I recommend to Thee the souls of my relations, my benefactors, my friends and my enemies, and of those who are in Purgatory on my account.
I recommend to Thee the souls of evangelical labourers, of religious and priests, and especially of those who had charge of my soul.
I recommend to Thee the souls of those who were most devout to the Passion of Our Lord, to the Blessed Sacrament, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the souls who are most abandoned, those who suffer most, and those who are nearest to the entrance into paradise.
Prayer in Time of Change
Eternal and Ever living God, I am involved in a major change in my life,
and it is quite unsettling. I know that for us creatures, change is
an indication of life, but I still find it hard to accept.
Enable me to see Your hand in it, subtly bringing about Your plan for me
and enabling me to come closer to You.
Make me appreciate the many good aspects of change
and learn to live with the bad aspects.
Teach me to be pliable and adaptable to any change,
fully aware that once change stops for me,
I will no longer be alive on this earth.
Eternal and Ever living God, I am involved in a major change in my life,
and it is quite unsettling. I know that for us creatures, change is
an indication of life, but I still find it hard to accept.
Enable me to see Your hand in it, subtly bringing about Your plan for me
and enabling me to come closer to You.
Make me appreciate the many good aspects of change
and learn to live with the bad aspects.
Teach me to be pliable and adaptable to any change,
fully aware that once change stops for me,
I will no longer be alive on this earth.
Prayer Before a Crucifix
My Divine Savior, what didst Thou become, when for love of souls Thou didst suffer Thyself to be bound to the pillar? Ah! how truly then was fulfilled the word of the Prophet, saying of Thee that from head to foot Thou shouldst be all one wound, so as to be no longer recognizable! What shame Thou didst endure when they stripped Thee of Thy garments! What torments Thou didst undergo in that tempest of countless blows! In what torrents did Thy Most Precious Blood gush forth from Thy bursting veins!
I know well it was not so much the injustice of the Roman governor and the cruelty of the soldiers that scourged Thee as my sins. O accursed sins, that have cost Thee so many pains! Alas, what hardness of heart, when notwithstanding Thy manifold sufferings for me I have continued to offend Thee! But from this day forth it shall be so no longer. United to Thee by bonds of loyalty for ever, as long as I shall live, I shall seek to satisfy Thine offended justice. By the pains Thou didst suffer when bound to the pillar, by the scourges which tore Thine innocent Flesh, by the Blood which Thou didst shed in such abundance, have mercy on this unhappy soul of mine; deliver me today and always from the snares of the tempter; and when I have come to the end of my exile, bring me safely home to Heaven with Thee.
My Divine Savior, what didst Thou become, when for love of souls Thou didst suffer Thyself to be bound to the pillar? Ah! how truly then was fulfilled the word of the Prophet, saying of Thee that from head to foot Thou shouldst be all one wound, so as to be no longer recognizable! What shame Thou didst endure when they stripped Thee of Thy garments! What torments Thou didst undergo in that tempest of countless blows! In what torrents did Thy Most Precious Blood gush forth from Thy bursting veins!
I know well it was not so much the injustice of the Roman governor and the cruelty of the soldiers that scourged Thee as my sins. O accursed sins, that have cost Thee so many pains! Alas, what hardness of heart, when notwithstanding Thy manifold sufferings for me I have continued to offend Thee! But from this day forth it shall be so no longer. United to Thee by bonds of loyalty for ever, as long as I shall live, I shall seek to satisfy Thine offended justice. By the pains Thou didst suffer when bound to the pillar, by the scourges which tore Thine innocent Flesh, by the Blood which Thou didst shed in such abundance, have mercy on this unhappy soul of mine; deliver me today and always from the snares of the tempter; and when I have come to the end of my exile, bring me safely home to Heaven with Thee.
Prayer to be Joined with Christ in Death
O Lord, Your sorrowing Mother stood by Your Cross; help us in our sorrows to share Your sufferings. Like the seed buried in the ground, You have produced the harvest of eternal life for us; make us always dead to sin and alive to God. Shepherd of all, in death You remained hidden from the world; teach us to love our hidden spiritual life with You and the Father. In Your role as the new Adam, You went down among the dead to release all the just there since the beginning; grant that all who are dead in sin may hear Your Voice and rise to new life. Son of the living God, You have allowed us through baptism to be buried with You; grant that we may also rise with You in baptism and walk in newness of life.
O Lord, Your sorrowing Mother stood by Your Cross; help us in our sorrows to share Your sufferings. Like the seed buried in the ground, You have produced the harvest of eternal life for us; make us always dead to sin and alive to God. Shepherd of all, in death You remained hidden from the world; teach us to love our hidden spiritual life with You and the Father. In Your role as the new Adam, You went down among the dead to release all the just there since the beginning; grant that all who are dead in sin may hear Your Voice and rise to new life. Son of the living God, You have allowed us through baptism to be buried with You; grant that we may also rise with You in baptism and walk in newness of life.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit
Replace the tension within us with a holy relaxation.
Replace the turbulence within us with a sacred calm.
Replace the anxiety within us with a quiet confidence.
Replace the fear within us with a strong faith.
Replace the bitterness within us with the sweetness of grace.
Replace the darkness within us with a gentle light.
Replace the coldness within us with a loving warmth.
Replace the night within us with your light.
Replace the winter within us with your spring.
Straighten our crookedness.
Fill our emptiness.
Dull the edge of our pride.
Sharpen the edge of our humility.
Light the fires of our love.
Quench the flames of our lust.
Let us see ourselves as you see us
That we may see You.
Come, Holy Spirit
Replace the tension within us with a holy relaxation.
Replace the turbulence within us with a sacred calm.
Replace the anxiety within us with a quiet confidence.
Replace the fear within us with a strong faith.
Replace the bitterness within us with the sweetness of grace.
Replace the darkness within us with a gentle light.
Replace the coldness within us with a loving warmth.
Replace the night within us with your light.
Replace the winter within us with your spring.
Straighten our crookedness.
Fill our emptiness.
Dull the edge of our pride.
Sharpen the edge of our humility.
Light the fires of our love.
Quench the flames of our lust.
Let us see ourselves as you see us
That we may see You.
Prayer for My Vocation
Dear Heavenly Father, I believe that You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. You alone love me for who I truly am and for what I am able to become. Though I make repeated mistakes, You continually offer me new opportunities to grow every moment of the day.
Your Son lived the Way that I must choose if I am to be transformed and to fully develop my potential. His Way is the only path that leads to true personhood.
Attuned to Your Truth, Father, I am capable of leading a wholesome and worthwhile life. The depth of my service to others is dependent on my grasp of Your Truth.
May Your Spirit overflow into my life that I may have Your Life to the full. Give me the strength and the courage to be all that I can be and not to settle for less.
Realizing that my life is a precious gift from You, may I integrate Your Way, Your Truth and Your Life, and make it my own.
Dear Heavenly Father, I believe that You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. You alone love me for who I truly am and for what I am able to become. Though I make repeated mistakes, You continually offer me new opportunities to grow every moment of the day.
Your Son lived the Way that I must choose if I am to be transformed and to fully develop my potential. His Way is the only path that leads to true personhood.
Attuned to Your Truth, Father, I am capable of leading a wholesome and worthwhile life. The depth of my service to others is dependent on my grasp of Your Truth.
May Your Spirit overflow into my life that I may have Your Life to the full. Give me the strength and the courage to be all that I can be and not to settle for less.
Realizing that my life is a precious gift from You, may I integrate Your Way, Your Truth and Your Life, and make it my own.
Prayer for a Generous Heart
Father in Heaven, You have blessed us with many gifts.
You chose us before the world began,
To be Your adopted sons and daughters,
And to live through love in Your Presence.
Give us wisdom and insight to know Your purpose;
Give us courage to follow where Your Spirit leads us,
Give us generosity to serve You in our brothers and sisters.
We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord.
You chose us before the world began,
To be Your adopted sons and daughters,
And to live through love in Your Presence.
Give us wisdom and insight to know Your purpose;
Give us courage to follow where Your Spirit leads us,
Give us generosity to serve You in our brothers and sisters.
We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Blessed Sacrament. I
love You above all things and I desire You in my soul. Since I can not
now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my
heart. As though You were already there, I embrace You and unite
myself wholly to You; permit not that I should ever be separated from
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Blessed Sacrament. I
love You above all things and I desire You in my soul. Since I can not
now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my
heart. As though You were already there, I embrace You and unite
myself wholly to You; permit not that I should ever be separated from
Ascension Prayer
Lord Jesus, in this Easter season we celebrate today Your Ascension to God´s Right hand as the goal of Your resurrection from the dead.
We thank You that You have not left us orphans, because You remain with us to the end of time.
May we always be glad when we think of the many ways You are with us to the end of time.
May we always be glad when we think of the many ways You are with us : in the Eucharist, in Your Word, in one another, in Your ministers.
May we respond to Your Presence by keeping Your commandments, above all, to love one another as You have loved us.
Lord Jesus, in this Easter season we celebrate today Your Ascension to God´s Right hand as the goal of Your resurrection from the dead.
We thank You that You have not left us orphans, because You remain with us to the end of time.
May we always be glad when we think of the many ways You are with us to the end of time.
May we always be glad when we think of the many ways You are with us : in the Eucharist, in Your Word, in one another, in Your ministers.
May we respond to Your Presence by keeping Your commandments, above all, to love one another as You have loved us.
Prayer for Getting Old
Lord. Thou knowest I am growing older.
Keep me from becoming talkative and
possessed from the idea that I must
express myself on every subject.
Release me from the craving to straighten
out everyone's affairs.
Keep me from the recital of endless detail.
Give me wings to get to the point.
Seal my lips when I am inclined
to tell of my aches and pains.
They are increasing with the years and
my love to speak of them grows sweeter
as time goes by.
Teach me the glorious lesson that
occasionally I may be wrong.
Make me thoughtful but not nosey,
helpful but not bossy.
With my vast store of wisdom and experience
it does seem a pity not to use it all.
But Thou knowest, Lord, that I
want a few friends at the end.
How to pray for Your child
1. Pray NOTHING hinders your child from accepting Christ as his personal
Savior early in life. (Matthew 19:14)
2. Pray your child learns to know God and will have a deep desire to do
God's Will for his life. (Psalms 119:27,30,34,35).
3. Pray your child hears stories from the Bible that will be a basis for his
decisions throughout life. (Ecclesiastes 12:1, Psalms 71:17).
4. Pray your child will develop a keen sense of right and wrong and that he will
truly abhor evil and cling to that which is good. (Psalms 139:23-4).
5. Pray your child will increase in wisdom (mentally) and in stature (physically)
and in favor with God (spiritually) and man (socially). (Luke 2:52). This
prayer covers his total development to his full potential.
6. Pray your child will develop a thankful heart and a positive mental
attitude. (Psalm 126:2-3, Romans 8:31)
7. Pray that God will protect your child from Satan and his wiles in every area of his
life. (John 17:55, Psalm 121)
8. Pray that God would destroy the enemies in his life whether they be
weaknesses, lying, selfishness etc. (Psalms 120:2; 140).
9. Pray that God would make him successful in the work God has for him to
do. (Psalm 118:25, 139:9-10)
10. Pray that he have a strong sense of belonging to a family that is loving and
dwells together in unity (Psalms 133, Colossians 3:12-14).
11. Pray that he will respect authority. (Romans 13:1, Ephesians 6:1-4).
12. Pray that his entire life will be a testimony of the greatness and love
of Christ. (Phillippians 2:15-16 Thess 5:2-3)
If you pray one of these a month, you will have your child covered for a
Lord. Thou knowest I am growing older.
Keep me from becoming talkative and
possessed from the idea that I must
express myself on every subject.
Release me from the craving to straighten
out everyone's affairs.
Keep me from the recital of endless detail.
Give me wings to get to the point.
Seal my lips when I am inclined
to tell of my aches and pains.
They are increasing with the years and
my love to speak of them grows sweeter
as time goes by.
Teach me the glorious lesson that
occasionally I may be wrong.
Make me thoughtful but not nosey,
helpful but not bossy.
With my vast store of wisdom and experience
it does seem a pity not to use it all.
But Thou knowest, Lord, that I
want a few friends at the end.
How to pray for Your child
1. Pray NOTHING hinders your child from accepting Christ as his personal
Savior early in life. (Matthew 19:14)
2. Pray your child learns to know God and will have a deep desire to do
God's Will for his life. (Psalms 119:27,30,34,35).
3. Pray your child hears stories from the Bible that will be a basis for his
decisions throughout life. (Ecclesiastes 12:1, Psalms 71:17).
4. Pray your child will develop a keen sense of right and wrong and that he will
truly abhor evil and cling to that which is good. (Psalms 139:23-4).
5. Pray your child will increase in wisdom (mentally) and in stature (physically)
and in favor with God (spiritually) and man (socially). (Luke 2:52). This
prayer covers his total development to his full potential.
6. Pray your child will develop a thankful heart and a positive mental
attitude. (Psalm 126:2-3, Romans 8:31)
7. Pray that God will protect your child from Satan and his wiles in every area of his
life. (John 17:55, Psalm 121)
8. Pray that God would destroy the enemies in his life whether they be
weaknesses, lying, selfishness etc. (Psalms 120:2; 140).
9. Pray that God would make him successful in the work God has for him to
do. (Psalm 118:25, 139:9-10)
10. Pray that he have a strong sense of belonging to a family that is loving and
dwells together in unity (Psalms 133, Colossians 3:12-14).
11. Pray that he will respect authority. (Romans 13:1, Ephesians 6:1-4).
12. Pray that his entire life will be a testimony of the greatness and love
of Christ. (Phillippians 2:15-16 Thess 5:2-3)
If you pray one of these a month, you will have your child covered for a
Prayer to the Passion and Wounds of Christ
(A Very Powerful Prayer to Obtain a Favor)
(A Very Powerful Prayer to Obtain a Favor)
O great Passion! O deep Wounds! O Blood shed in abundance! O Meekness! O God of Meekness, O cruel Death, have mercy on me and grant my request if it be for my salvation.
Promises Of Our Lord:
"I will grant all that shall be asked of Me through the invocation of My Holy Wounds."
"With My Wounds and My Divine Heart you can obtain all."
(State your prayer request)
"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ
to heal those of our souls."
"My Jesus, pardon and mercy, by the merits of Thy Holy Wounds." <
(With ecclesiastical approval)
Prayer is from the Monastery of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 745 St. John's Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11216
Promises Of Our Lord:
"I will grant all that shall be asked of Me through the invocation of My Holy Wounds."
"With My Wounds and My Divine Heart you can obtain all."
(State your prayer request)
"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ
to heal those of our souls."
"My Jesus, pardon and mercy, by the merits of Thy Holy Wounds." <
(With ecclesiastical approval)
Prayer is from the Monastery of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 745 St. John's Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11216
Prayers for Our Children
1) SALVATION. "Lord, let salvation spring up within my children, that they may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory" (Isaiah 45:8, Timothy 2:10).
2) GROWTH IN GRACE. "I pray that my children may grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18).
3) LOVE. "Grant, Lord, that my children may learn to live a life of love, through the Spirit who dwells in them" (Galations 5:25, Ephesians 5:2).
4) HONESTY AND INTEGRITY. "May integrity and honesty be their virtue and their protection" (Psalm 25:21).
5) SELF-CONTROL. "Father, help my children not to be like many others around them, but let them be alert and self-controlled in all they do" (1 Thessalonians 5:6).
6) LOVE FOR GOD'S WORD. "May my children grow to find Your Word more precious than much pure gold and sweeter than honey from the comb" (Psalm 19:10)
7) JUSTICE. "God, help my children to love justice as You do and act justly in all they do" (Psalm 11:7, Micah 6:8).
8) MERCY. "May my children always be merciful, just as their Father is merciful" (Luke 6:36).
9) RESPECT. (for self, others, authority). "Father, grant that my children may show proper respect to everyone, as Your Word commands" (1 Peter 2:17).
10) BIBLICAL SELF-ESTEEM. "Help my children develop a strong self-esteem that is rooted in the realisation that they are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus" (Ephesians 2:10).
11) FAITHFULNESS. "Let love and faithfulness never leave my children, but bind these twin virtues around their necks and write them on the tablet of their hearts" (Proverbs 3:3).
12) COURAGE. "May my children always be strong and courageous in their character and actions" (Deuteronomy 31:6).
13) PURITY. "Create in them a a pure heart, O God, and let that purity of heart be shown in their actions" (Psalm 51:10).
14) KINDNESS. "Lord, may my children always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else" (1 Thessalonians 5:15).
15) GENEROSITY. "Grant that my children may be generous and willing to share, and so lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age" (1 Timothy 6:18-19).
16) PEACE-LOVING. "Father, let my children make every effort to do what leads to peace" (Romans 14:19).
17) JOY. "May my children be filled with the joy given by the Holy Spirit" (1 Thessalonians 1:6).
18) PERSEVERANCE. "Lord, teach my children perseverance in all they do, and help them especially to run with perseverance the race marked out for them" (Hebrews 12:1).
19) HUMILITY. "God, please cultivate in my children the ability to show true humility toward all" (Titus 3:2).
20) COMPASSION. "Lord, please clothe my children with the virtue of compassion" (Colossians 3:12).
21) RESPONSIBILITY. "Grant that my children may learn responsibility, for each one should carry his own load" (Galations 6:5).
22) CONTENTMENT. "Father, teach my children the secret of being content in any and every situation, through Him who gives them strength" (Philippians 4:12-13).
23) FAITH. "I pray that faith will find root and grow in my children's hearts, that by faith they may gain what has been promised to them" (Luke 17:5-6, Hebrews 11:1-40).
24) A SERVANT'S HEART. "God, please help my children develop servants' hearts, that they may serve wholeheartedly, as if they were serving the Lord, not men" (Ephesians 6:7)
25) HOPE. "May the hope of God grant that my children may overflow with hope and hopefulness by the power of the Holy Spirit" (Romans 15:13).
26) WILLINGNESS AND ABILITY TO WORK. "Teach my children, Lord, to v